

Apr 27, 2014
MAY03LT said:

So far so good for me. I'm still cig free, will be 3 weeks on Tuesday which is boss. The shop had a special on juice so I got 3 30s of camel lights even though everyone in the shop was ordering cinnamon roll (and it smelled damn good lol). Still rocking the KT unit and I guess like most peeps I'm thinking about upgrading to something that can hold more juice and have a longer batt life. With my entry level setup I start the day with a full tank of juice and a charged batt and during the day I'll add juice and swap batts once.

There's been two times where I really wanted to smoke a cig - all I had to do was smell a marlboro light and I was like f*** this.
I was going to PM you the other day and ask how it was going. Rock on Drew!!!

Resist the urge :thumbsup:


Apr 3, 2013
I have not smoked in over two years, but it would be nice to quit chewing tobacco. Think vaping would help? Anyone used vaping to stop chewing?


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
dmanns67 said:
I have not smoked in over two years, but it would be nice to quit chewing tobacco. Think vaping would help? Anyone used vaping to stop chewing?
We have a few guys who stopped dipping using a vaporizer. One of them chews gum like crazy, his wife is happy about it though. Mine says my breath smells like candy, lol.

A little something I threw together with some yoga mats and a half price pencil box.



Nov 18, 2011
blazinlow89 said:
Did not know the vaping thread was an issue, It is in the hobby section after all. On that note, I can provide proof and evidence that the media is putting vaping as a whole in a bad light, it's sick how much influence tobacco money has on the media and politicians.
Dude, throw that info up! I'm getting tired of medical professionals* telling me how much worse vaping is then smoking cigs.

*people who read a facebook post and now think that they are medical professionals


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
MAY03LT said:
Dude, throw that info up! I'm getting tired of medical professionals* telling me how much worse vaping is then smoking cigs.*people who read a facebook post and now think that they are medical professionals
When I get home, might even be morning, but I have some links to post.


Apr 27, 2014
MAY03LT said:
Dude, throw that info up! I'm getting tired of medical professionals* telling me how much worse vaping is then smoking cigs.

*people who read a facebook post and now think that they are medical professionals
I never had fkrs telling me I needed to quit smoking, until I picked up a vape. Now everybody is concerned for my health. Mthr fkrs stfu


Sep 6, 2014
Quality e juice is made of Propylene Glycol (PG) & vegtable glycerine. PG is simply a form of mineral oil. Industrial grade PG is used to produce antifreeze, polyurethane, solvents for paints and varnish, de-icing material etc. Pharmaceutical grade PG is a much less concentrated form and is what is used to make e juice. Allergic reactions have been found but very seldom. (if you break out in hives, go smoke tobacco!). It has been proven that PG does not cause cancer in labratory animals. The FDA has deemed it safe and is widely used in the manufacturing of many skin products like shampoos, soaps, laundry detergents cosmetics, as well as pharmaceutical products (prescription, over the counter drugs and IV's). It's also used in food production so we not only put it on our skin everyday, we also eat it! When the juice is burned, it does produce carcinogens. But e cigarettes don't burn the ejuice; it is heated by the battery to produce a vapor. The amount of carcinogens produced in the combustion process (burning) of tobacco is far far greater; as a bonus, tobacco smoke also delivers "tar" to your lungs (that is the solid waste of the combustion process like soot, ash and a whole bunch of carcinogenic chemicals!). So if you have a choice (and you do), which is worse? If you must "smoke" something, do you want to use something that is proven to cause cancer, phlem up your lungs and make you cough a lot, make you stink all day (every day), damage your clothing and car interior and ultimately cost you a fortune? I decided that if I'm gonna gamble with my life because I can't stop the habit of inhaling something, I'm choosing the method of nicotine delivery that helps me and everyone around me more; Vaping. BTW, the only reason vaping is still struggling to make a positive impression on the masses is because of the tobacco lobby. What would Uncle Sam do without the tax revenues from Phillip Morris!!!!


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Nice post, a few things I will add and also post links to in the AM. PG is used in asthma and medical inhalers as a base to carry the medicine. Researchers have shown that at higher voltages there are traces of several carcinogens, funny they seemed to forget the control for the experiment. There was study done on particulates in human exhale, many of the traces found were also found in this experiment. Completely unrelated to ecigs as well.

Another research paper studied the effects of nicotine on the humans, nicotine us a natural anti depressant, anti psychotic and has been shown to increase blood vessel size and strength. It is sad that people cannot disassociate nicotine from tobacco. Even better guess where a good majority of the nicotine used in entice is sourced from? Basic garden vegetables, tomatoes, squash and eggplant have good amounts of nicotine naturally.

It's not about vaping being dangerous, politicians are at risk of loosing billions in campaign funding, and big tobacco I'd at risk of losing even more to lost sales. Wonder why they haven't just outright banned cigarettes yet.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Going to post a few articles, some that show the benefits and healthier side of vaping, as well as stuff that shows how the media and politicians are working for the tobacco industry.

Humans naturally exhale some of the carcionogens found in e-cigs, the levels are on par or slightly above what was found in many studies. WIthout a basic control other than comparing to traditional analog's the numbers are skewed. This one even shows that the natural levels are much higher than those that the CDC says are carcnogenic.

Major increases in poison control center calls due to e-juice consumption by children. Yes liquid nicotine is very toxic, in undilutted form. When you are dilutting it to 36mg/ml, or even less it is less toxic than dish soap.

European health officals reclass eliquid hazard levels.

Keep in mind that the cigalike ecigs (Blue, Njoy etc type) have been around for about 12-15 years, originated in China, and contain a lot more chemicals than your e-juice of today. The class 2 type have been around since about 2004, invented also by the Chinese (they are really just flashlights without the heads) and have been in use in Europe since about the same time frame. They have already regulated and have made public laws about them. Regulation includes no sales to people under a certain age, child resitant caps, proper labeling techniques and laws about whereyou can use them in public (just about anywhere including resaraunts and bars).

I will post more as I find it, my old PC took a dump so I no longer have stuff bookmarked. I will leave off with this article right here.

While the science makes sense, this is some gov propaganda, a with a lovely fear mongering title.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Well I've been away from the forums for a while, I still lurk daily just to see what's going on. It's going on 6 months since my last analog. I also vape strictly 3 or 0 mg, juice now. I have been working on several of my own concoctions with some ferrible failures and some amazing wins. I have also picked up quite a few RDAs, and mods. My newest toy being a 100w box.
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Nov 18, 2011
TL;DR version: I cheated

Things were going great until recently. I remember it like it was two weeks ago. It was a crisp October afternoon out in my driveway. I pulled the front cover off a pt 2.4 and discovered the idler pulley bolt (for the timing belt) was boogered up. It looked like someone had hammered a hex into the torx hole of the bolt and tightened it until the hex rounded out the hole. I have every torx/hex size but this biotch must have been celsius or something. Those cars don't have much working room so my options were limited but I did know that NFW was I pulling out the motor to drill it out. I took a dremel with a cut off wheel and made a notch in the bolt that was big enough to fit a prybar tip. On the second hit with a BFH, I saw the bolt move. Another tap and I was able to spin it by hand. Success!

And then it hit me. Hard. I had to have one. I had to celebrate what just happened. I just saved myself a major headache by doing something that I honestly didn't know would work. It had been weeks since I had one so just one would be ok. Right? Yeah, I smelled the opened pack from time to time as a reminder of how nasty they are but forget all that I JUST GOT A BOLT OUT YO! I fired that mappy tappy up and got all tingly just like old times. Then felt like shit physically and mentally. I felt that I let myself down. I didn't smoke another for a week or so, guessed it....I had to celebrate another mechanics triumph (defied shop manuals instructions for front wheel bearing removal). One and done, none since.

I guess I just have to accept that some mechanics triumphs will cause a 7 minute relapse. I signed my lease yesterday and despite being the happiest mofo on the planet I didn't burn one.

Also the guy who turned me on to vaping got off of it. I almost bought his piece (looks like something blazin has, don't know specifics) but my kanger is still doing its job. :cool:


Dec 2, 2011
Mate, it's all good. I had a relapse a couple of weeks ago, but I was was drinking and playing golf...still realised how nasty it really tastes.

Vaping like a fiend and still on cappuccino flavour cause I haven't found anything other that I like.
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Dec 2, 2011
How're you farkers going with the non-smoking/vaping?

Where are you buying your juice? I'm waiting on a new caramel cappuccino to come in from backwoods brew.
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Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
It will be 1 year since my last analog in May, something I am truly proud of. Otherwise I am in a dark place from which there is no escape. I help admin 5 groups on FB including the Juice Junkies group which is about to top 50k members, I am also helping a few guys moderate some forum groups. It has become a hobby for me, I am also working on some DIY juice stuff to save even more money. I also have a temp control device coming from China, should be here in the next few days.

Juice I have several vendors I order from, I go for the budget juice as it seems to be the same quliaty as the stuff in the fancy bottles. My top few are Dr. Crimmy, Pope Juice, and CD (hes working on keeping it on the DL right now due to pending regulations).

I am working on trying to push more advocacy to help fight the pending regulations and laws that are being pushed. Also CA just launched a $75m anti vaping campaign, they are mad at the lost revenue from people converting. Its been the same around the country. The propaganda has also reached some bad levels, its bad when a researcher has to clarify that his results were not what the media was touting..
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Sep 6, 2014
I'm still on the bandwagon, almost 8 month without a cigarette. It's interesting that most smokers don't regard vaping as an absolute alternative to smoking tobacco. I don't think the tobacco industry has much to worry about. (I suppose, however, any percentage of market share loss is an issue for them!). If the day ever came that ejuice tasted like real tobacco cigarettes, Phillip Morris would really have a problem. The Canadian government is also dragging their feet with respect to regulating the vaping industry. They are only threatening regulations at this time. The only regulation so far is from tobacco companies that won't let specialty tobacco retailers sell vaping products (so real smoke shops that sell cigars etc. can't sell any e cigs or ejuice).
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Nov 26, 2013
These are my rigs

The Box mod is a iTaste MVP 3.0 30 watt with a kangertech subtank mini and its what I started with, if you dont count the cheap disposable ecigs(which I dont).

The mechanical mod is a Hades clone with a dark horse RDA clone on top of it. It has the big 26650 battery and I like dripping at .3 ohms, Nice cold throat hit with really dense vape and tons of flavor

I also make my own liquid. I like 3MG nic and a 70% VG to 30% PG mix with 15% flavor. mixing my own vape ends up being about 30-75 cents per 30ML as opposed to a 30ML bottle at Wild Bills Tobacco costing anywhere from 15-30 dollars...

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Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
I have several mech mods. Proper batteries and a good ohm meter are a must if you want to do your own builds. I don't use them as much, as I prefer regulated mods.


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Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
If you are on Facebook join the group Juice Junkies Vapor Group. I can add you immediately.


Nov 18, 2011

I'm giving vaping another try. There were a couple things that I wanted to change if I ever upgraded from the kanger tech starter thing I have. I can't really knock the kanger setup since it did its job and the price was right when I got it.

More capacity - so I don't have to take a bottle with me. I'd fill it in the morning and then I would refill it once a day and very rarely twice (which also means bringing qtips and paper towels)
Longer battery life - so I don't have to bring second battery and charger with me
Resistance - I wanted to feel like I was pulling on a cig not hitting a pipe

Really I just want to wake up, pull it off of the charger, fill it, and roll for the day without bringing a ton of crap with me. So I told the guy at the vape shop what I wanted to improve on and this is what I ended up with.

Tank - aspire nautilus - holds over 3x as much as the kanger so all good there. The tank has an adjustable air flow thing to get more of a taking a drag feeling.
Battery - dovpo forever 30 - 2 1/2 times the amp hours of kanger battery

Also, there's a wacky adapter with the nautilus that will let me use the kanger batteries if I'm in a jam.

I also tried out some other flavors and found one that rocks :yes:
[SIZE=12pt]Candy Land[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] - [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Inspired by a Delmar Vapor Lounge customer, this mixture of Hawaiian Punch, Watermelon, and Blueberry is easily an all day, fruity vape.[/SIZE]​
I got the tank, battery, pack o'coils, and 60ml of juice for a little over $90. At close to $6 a pack of smokes this piece will be paid for in a couple weeks.​
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Apr 27, 2014
BlazingTrails said:
The first week of Feb was a year for me. Still vaping, but not one cigarette or cigar. :smile:

MAY03LT said:

I'm giving vaping another try. There were a couple things that I wanted to change if I ever upgraded from the kanger tech starter thing I have. I can't really knock the kanger setup since it did its job and the price was right when I got it.

More capacity - so I don't have to take a bottle with me. I'd fill it in the morning and then I would refill it once a day and very rarely twice (which also means bringing qtips and paper towels)
Longer battery life - so I don't have to bring second battery and charger with me
Resistance - I wanted to feel like I was pulling on a cig not hitting a pipe

Really I just want to wake up, pull it off of the charger, fill it, and roll for the day without bringing a ton of crap with me. So I told the guy at the vape shop what I wanted to improve on and this is what I ended up with.

Tank - aspire nautilus - holds over 3x as much as the kanger so all good there. The tank has an adjustable air flow thing to get more of a taking a drag feeling.
Battery - dovpo forever 30 - 2 1/2 times the amp hours of kanger battery

Also, there's a wacky adapter with the nautilus that will let me use the kanger batteries if I'm in a jam.

I also tried out some other flavors and found one that rocks :yes:
[SIZE=12pt]Candy Land[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] - [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Inspired by a Delmar Vapor Lounge customer, this mixture of Hawaiian Punch, Watermelon, and Blueberry is easily an all day, fruity vape.[/SIZE]​
I got the tank, battery, pack o'coils, and 60ml of juice for a little over $90. At close to $6 a pack of smokes this piece will be paid for in a couple weeks.​
I stopped vaping 3 months ago, and haven't really wanted to smoke at all. There have been a couple of times I got pissed off at work and wanted a cigarette but I didn't consider bumming one. Feb will be 2 years with no cigarettes or cigars. I even gave all my vaping stuff to my mother so she would quit smoking :yes:

So I have officially stopped smoking all together :2thumbsup:


Sep 6, 2014
Any time spent vaping instead of smoking is a bonus. I never say I have quit smoking; I just say I now vape and haven't had a tobacco product in 14 months.

I bought an adjustable KangerTech because I broke one that came in my starter kit. It is better than the entry level one but not by a whole lot. I'll probably buy the entry level starter kit next time I break one because it has 2 units for the same price.

Vaping has finally been regulated in Canada, which simply means it falls under the same rules as cigarettes. No vaping in "No Smoking" areas. On a recent flight to Boston, one of the flight attendants saw me holding my ecig as I came out of the washroom. He reminded me that vaping was not permitted. So I went back to my seat and vaped the rest of the flight!!! I haven't had a cigarette in over one year.


Nov 18, 2011
BlazingTrails said:
So I have officially stopped smoking all together :2thumbsup:
Congrats man! :wooot:

alan2112drums said:
I never say I have quit smoking; I just say I now vape and haven't had a tobacco product in 14 months.
Nice! I've come to realize that as long as I'm working on cars, I'll be burning cigs to some degree. There's just too many times where there is a 5-10 minute break while waiting for something (rtv to set up, cooling system to bleed, etc). I'm stashing a pack in my toolbox today which will be for those times.


Sep 6, 2014
I've never really worked on cars myself (I'm the "helper") but that never stopped me from having an excuse to smoke a cigarette! I would smoke when driving, when I'm happy, when I'm sad, BEFORE and after a meal (actually, before and after EVERYTHING!). There was never a time that I was not interested in smoking (and now vaping). Oh, there was a few days back in 2000 when my 6 year old and I were pretty sick with the flu and I was too busy spittin' chunks to smoke. Other than that, nothing could stop me. Thankfully my wife, who for 20 years never said anything about my smoking, eventually got tired (sickened) by the smell and was the main reason I tried vaping and stuck with it. Of course, as I mentioned in an earlier post, it was just my good fortune that it worked for me as a tobacco replacement. I do, however, understand how for most people vaping cannot replace tobacco.
I'm not a religoius person (actually, far from it) but I do hope "the foul spirits of tobacco will come out"!!
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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Threads been died a while but I enjoy my setup so much I got a 2nd 1. Lol. I've been a non-smoker since my b-day last yr and so far I've never looked back.20170121_074558.jpg


Sep 6, 2014
Looks like those units are standing guard; I hope they're not discriminating against table lamps!
I haven't had the need to buy that style of e cig but my friend swears they are much better than the old pen style.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I have a pen style as a back up. My main piece is a Eleaf istick 50 watt with a smok cloud beast. Love it so far. Have only had it a few weeks. Been smoke free since Christmas. Sleeping better.
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