YouTube Demands a "You Are NOT A BOT" Sign On B4 allowing Video Access


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
On Friday, June 7th, 2024, I was attempting to Browse YouTube regarding issues with LS Motors experiencing the P0011 Code when THIS Screen popped up:

Now while I DO use a Downloader along with several kinds of AD Blockers on my Linux Mint "WaterFox" Web Browser, I also use a VPN and NEVER Sign On to YouTube nor onto anything else owned or used by Google ...for Privacy Reasons... (Think...Kyle Reese... Hiding from The Terminator Algorithms)

Neither do I use any Social APPs such as Twitter (X), FB, nor anything else "socially similar". The ONLY information currently active online describing what this issue might be about comes from this Fresh Thread from a GitHub Poster (around 10 Hours Old):

So if anyone else is also regularly grabbing "Play Lists Full of Videos" off of YouTube and you are experiencing a similar problem or got tagged by this development, let's try and figure out what is going on here ...and perhaps come up with a "Fix" for what looks like a "New YT Feature". :>)


I suspect that this is yet another effort by Google to stave off the loss of advertising stemming from the burgeoning success of Microsoft's ChatGPT4 LLM vs. the Google Search Engine (I NEVER Google at Google... I Only Use DuckDuckGo for online searching.)


  • Problem Sign in to confirm you’re not a bot youtube · Issue #10128 · yt-dlp_yt-dlp · GitHub.pdf
    86.6 KB · Views: 2
  • GitHub - yt-dlp_yt-dlp A feature-rich command-line audio_video downloader.pdf
    657.9 KB · Views: 2
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
This might be an interesting example to remember for those of us intent on having our own Off-Line AI LLM to "Consult With..." on just about any topic. I just remembered that I can always use my "New, Resident AI" called 'Dolphin-llama3' and run certain problems by this unexpurgated, uncensored, "Thinking Man's LLM" to try and "Pick its Brain" either for The Novel and The New (...or The Old and The Reliable) Ideas... Like I just did in THIS case:


Hmmm... I might have to try out "ITs" HTML approach to solving this problem... What a Really "Clever Cetacean-Camelidae" You ARE! ...:>)
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
As a follow up Test.... I visited a YT video created by @MAY03LT ...just to see if I could make it work from within that Thread...:

... and it DOES Play Through via links carried by GMT Nation... Hmmm... Now THAT was Very Interesting. I DID follow the suggestions made by the "Dolpin-llama3" AI LLM back in Post #2 to modify the about:config in the Waterfox perhaps "IT" really does knows a thing or two about a LOT of *Stuff*. I can now visit YT ...and everything has returned back to normal...and WITHOUT having to "Sign On To YouTube" as a Member in order to do so. Ergo... I think that THIS problem... is now:


But.....AHHhhhh... NO...Nope... Scratch THAT...


It seems their Algorithm was just "Teasing" with me earlier today... You know... Kind of like that Kid who "Teases" the Ants on his Sidewalk... using his Magnifying High Noon.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Okay... This may only be a temporary result, but I THINK that I might have discovered a "Work-A-Round". By NOT going directly to THE YT Main Page NOR by searching within THEIR Site and rather using the DuckDuckGo Search Entry Feature, I was met with TOTAL SUCCESS.

Since then, I've just been reprising the wildly successful launch and landing of the Spacex IFT-4 Giant Rocket Booster 20 Miles off shore into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and following on with observing "The Cherry On Top " of that Giant Booster as the Latest, Greatest Starship Rocket successfully returned to Planet Earth by Dunking itself into the waters of the Indian Ocean!... via THIS Link:

If you have NOT seen THIS Video yet, then you are in for an Absolute Roller-Coaster of a Rocket Ride that began as an Outbound Launch from the Spacex "STAR-BASE" in Boca Chica, Texas and then, after performing an In-Flight Hot-Stage Separation... the Big Booster successfully flew back towards Texas, while the Starship continued hurtling along at around 27,000 KMPH to an altitude of around 160 KM.

Then it pointed its Nose DOWN and started CHURNING AND BURNING its way back down through the Earth's Atmosphere at around Mach 22.6... and SURVIVING by converting the Energy of Motion imparted by the 15,000,000 Pounds of Rocket Booster Thrust (via 32 of the available 33 Raptor Engines) that easily got it into a Near Orbit... then dissipating it all away as the Energy of HEAT!

During this fiery descent, there were amazing views of Pink, Purple and Blue Plasma Fields ( The Fourth State of Matter) stripped of all of its Electrons and Flowing liquid like all around the aerodynamic heat shielded surface areas of this Space Craft. And all the while, very scary flaming, incandescence bloomed showing the gradual collapse of the Heat Shield portions around the Hinged Upper Flaps.

Yet, this plucky, Giant Starship finally DID manage to slow down from moving at around 5 Miles Per Second to a speed of Nearly "O" MPH then after gently tipping its Nose to the Vertical ignited its Three Center Raptor 2 Rocket Engines and powered slowly towards the Earth just below, splashing down into the Indian Ocean off of the Coast of Australia.

Just know that while I was observing all of this action... my PIA (Private Internet Access) VPN was Turned ON... and that I made NO attempts whatsoever to try to download Tim Dodd's HUGE 30+ Gig Broadcast via his YT Channel that had lasted nearly 11 Hours while covering this Epic Spacex event.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area


Original poster
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Here is another alternative to visiting the Main YT Search Page and suffering from the ignominy of being denied access without having to “Sell Your Privacy Soul” and be forced to have to either use your existing Sign On information… or providing them with New Private Information they have no business collecting about you in the first place… just so they can sell your viewing behaviors to anyone willing to pay them enough to get inside of your head:

(1) Open the “DuckDuckGo” Browser (NOT Google !!!) and select the VIDEOS Tab.
(2) Then within the Search Rectangular Box...enter your Video Search Criteria.


(3) Next… For Linux Mint Users… Open Up a Terminal and Type in: yt-dlp


(4) Then... Go Back to the Open Browser and Right Click on the Video Title and Copy it.


(5) Then Return to the Open Terminal and Paste in the URL you just Copied.


(6) Press <E> the Enter Key and wait for the ’Magic’ to happen…


(7) Look in your Download Directory or DL Folder for the Finished-Saved Video.


(8) "Bob's Your Uncle..." :>)
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