What did you do to your GMT today?

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Jul 6, 2014
Intake is out.
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Feb 25, 2017
New Jersey
Fixing the intake on the escalade. Started at 8 on the nose.
Hey remember when I suggested that the rough cold idle was the intake gaskets and you said it wasn’t?


Jul 6, 2014
Hey remember when I suggested that the rough cold idle was the intake gaskets and you said it wasn’t?
Remember when I told you not to buy a plow truck?
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Jul 6, 2014
And done


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
So did it fix the problem?


Jul 6, 2014
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Got up this morning to go get the EXT washed, since a couple of birds tagged me on Friday, and my wheels still had finger prints in the grime and brake dust from all the recent activity there.

Planning a little get together during the week, and since I'm in a good mood, offered to drive everyone. So grabbed my 3rd row seats, and got those installed again. Forgot how awkward that bench was to carry and handle. Might have been fine except for having to fit it through a pair of doorways. :no:


After that, decided to check the brakes, since they have gotten noisy in the past week. Opened up the Napa pads to check them out. I like that they have a designated inner and outer pad, with the outer one supposing to cause less dust.


Got the old pads out and there's a ton of meat left on their bones. That was kinda expected, since I just changed them 10,000 miles ago, and most of that is just daily commuting. They were pretty grimey and caked up with dust, so broke out the can of brake parts cleaner, sprayed and brushed them up. Not shiny as new, but way better shape than they were. Gonna hold off on the pad change for a while. If I had any brake quiet, I would have applied some, that will go on the list of things to add to the garage stash.


Feb 25, 2017
New Jersey
Over the course of the past week i have been in the process of replacing the upper control arms, tie rods, shocks and as well as painting the frame of the duramax. Id say its coming along pretty well.

Thank you again @littleblazer for the help on getting the severely rusted UCA bolts out.

More updates to come as I finish everything.


Jul 6, 2014
View attachment 86139
Over the course of the past week i have been in the process of replacing the upper control arms, tie rods, shocks and as well as painting the frame of the duramax. Id say its coming along pretty well.

Thank you again @littleblazer for the help on getting the severely rusted UCA bolts out.

More updates to come as I finish everything.
Don't break my impact. :raspberry:


Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Here’s my latest mod, to match the little one on my antenna. :laugh:69FDD4CF-11B2-4DB7-991D-B60D965FE88C.jpeg


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON


Nov 18, 2011
Today it sits at home, but yesterday it got to play workhorse dragging a trailer around to get stuff in storage for winter and weaving through the woods to get firewood. Glad i used the smaller truckbed trailer in some of those spot.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Repacked the truck box for another Kentucky trip this weekend. (aka put tools back in my tool box and put it and the jack back in the truck box)

Doesn't look like much but that little carry tool box is packed to the gills and could rebuild the engine if I needed to. I don't take tools on a trip because I think I'm gonna break down, I'd drive my truck cross country tomorrow, but in case I do break down I'm ready for anything.

Well, I was going to post a pic but it's too large, bleh. Basically I've got a tool box, jack, and almost every fluid that the truck takes in my tool box.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Since I had the extra rear sway bar for my rear diff swap and wifey wants to go with a different color scheme for the under side of the truck we went pink for tink.20181005_214013.jpgThis is the pink dedicated to breast cancer awareness and now the Envoy. I have a spare set of front and rear calipers & brackets that will also get coated.


Dec 4, 2011
Using it to tow a Uhaul car transport to move my Camaro from my brother's garage to a storage unit. Well, that is once I get the stuff i need to do that. I left the keys at home :duh: and I need my tools to switch the ball out on my hitch as the one I have is rated too low, I wasn't paying attention to that part :dunce:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Jul 22, 2015
Finally finished the Sierra's front suspension (still have to torque everything up on the last side, but it's all assembled.)

New (both sides):
Lower Control Arms (w/ ball joints)
Inner & outer tie rods
Sway bushings (main / front (whatever they're called)

Special guest stars: Left (driver) side axle preload adjuster seal (leaking like a b!tch - no longer!), outer axle seal (preventative / 'since I was in there')

Combine that with the upper arm / UBJs/ idler arm I previously put in, along with new shocks, and I pretty much have a complete new front suspension (only things left not replaced are the pitman / center link, and the sway bar itself)

Then you look at the new brakes / hardware / hub under there, and you say... 'Damn...there's a helluva lotta new *parts* down there (& effort). Oh - and 4 new tires.

I keep a running log of what goes into the Envoy. I'm afraid to add up everything the Sierra now has.

All of this so that I can pull a trailer and 'go camping' wherever I want... :duh:

You know what I'm gonna say...lol... "Shoulda bought the Silverado!"

Let's see them refuse me an alignment NOW. I DARE them...grrrrr.
AND... I just got an e-mail for an addn'l 10% off of one. Karma is good today... :wooot:

Oh, and if anyone wants a writeup of the LCAs / tie rods / bushings - I've got one just about done (no pics, as usual, but *plenty* of words...lol). It'll go in the full-size / GMT800 section once I proof it. Patience, please (you'll see 'why', below.)

Covers the torsion bar-based front suspension, not the R&P.

Still have some things I want to replace (lower trans cooler line, which looks really corroded) brake lines (about the same), trans / rear diff service, coolant & hoses, drive belts. Plugs / wires. And I need to reattach my tuned PCM. But for now...I'm taking a break from this truck (& my brother is coming in on Thursday, so I'm getting out of 'mechanic mode' for a couple of days).

Aircon is going to wait until spring (or if it gets really hot out west this winter).

HALLELUJAH! :woohoo:
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Dec 4, 2011
Yesterday I did tow the Camaro after getting it all squared away. Pulled 5000 pounds total behind it, got around 13mpg on the trip. Not bad. Trans never got above 185 degrees with only the factory tow package coolers and such.

Today I found out that the driver side rear wheel well is pretty well shot. I knocked on the inner metal panel of the arch to see how solid it still is and, well... it has a big hole now instead. Oops. Nothing visible from the outside yet aside from the ugly rust bubbles on the bedside, but, yeah, that inner panel is gone. Passenger side is still solid-ish yet, though obviously rusting. And of course the rockers are going. But what 11 year old pickup truck driven in Ohio winters doesn't have rust on the bedsides and rockers? The frame is still rock solid and so is the power train.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Drove her 400 miles home with no issue.

I pity you salt belt guys, it's a shame. My uncle (in KY) was drooling over my truck and its zero rust. Worst spot I have is on the roof where the paint is coming off. Couple pebble sized spots and one a little bigger than a quarter.


Oct 28, 2013
My son and I replaced the leaking pressure power steering hose on the Saab with the 5.3. It's a little tricky to access the end of the hoses that attach to the rack. We spent almost an hour trying to pull the cup seals out of the rack. You gotta have a 90 degree pick tool to get those out because you have to work blind.

It took us 4 hours to do the job. It would take less than an hour the second time around now that we know how.


Mar 23, 2014
Hewitt, WI
This past weekend I replaced the spark plugs with new 41-103 AC plugs and cleaned the throttle body and replaced the fuel and air filter. Last week I changed the engine oil and filter and changed the transfer case oil using Auto trak 2 oil. Earlier this year I put on a new fan clutch when it finally locked up after nearly 150000 miles and did the water pump while I was there as I could feel a tiny bit of play in it.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Swapped out the rear sway bar and brackets. 20181012_112747.jpg
Out with "new" and in with the "old".... Yes I removed all my spohn rear suspension parts to have them powder coated to match. 20181012_181515.jpg
In its place I put all the stuff I have from the 4.10 rear end that's hanging around in my brothers shop ready for me to swap in.20181012_182041.jpg
A bit crusty and dusty but its temporary.20181012_182341.jpg
Still to come are the brake parts I'm having coated to match.
Side note I'm looking for a valve cover for a 06-09 4.2 so I can have powder coated aswell If any one has a spare let me know. Thanks for watching... lol:2thumbsup:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I fixed the front bumper cover on the 9-7x where it's held at the fender on both sides. Was being held by duct tape. Pictures taken and writeup coming. Still has sag and pulling the whole cover down and pulling it out of the holders I just fabricatedIMG_20181012_131357_resized1680750733-2.jpg.


Dec 2, 2011
Replaced the LED lows and highs with incandescent bulbs. Went with Osram Night Breakers for the lows and PIAA Xtreme White Plus for the highs. The Night Breakers, compared to the LEDs, are quite yellow looking but the light is not scattered at all. It'll take a bit of getting used to but I think I'll like the change. Also looking at getting these for driving/fog lights.
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Nov 18, 2011
Replaced the LED lows and highs with incandescent bulbs. Went with Osram Night Breakers for the lows and PIAA Xtreme White Plus for the highs. The Night Breakers, compared to the LEDs, are quite yellow looking but the light is not scattered at all. It'll take a bit of getting used to but I think I'll like the change. Also looking at getting these for driving/fog lights.
I loved those lights



Nov 18, 2011
Pretty sure mine are the Ion Yellow Fog pattern which still reach out plenty far and are great for winter or inclement weather use.
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Dec 4, 2011
Got mad at the TPMS. On my way to work I checked the tire pressure readout since it was cold this morning and all tires were still in acceptable spec. A few miles later the tire light started flashing and "Service Tire Pressure Monitor System" came up on the DIC. Checked it and the front right sensor had dropped out. Thankfully no dinging alert, but that darn tire light flashed for 2 solid minutes before going solid which was irritating. Stayed on for most of the trip, but I noticed a couple miles from my exit that the light had gone back out and it was reporting pressure again.

Reason? Who knows. Sensors are only 2 years old. If it goes wonky again I'll replace it when I get new tires here in a few weeks.


Feb 25, 2017
New Jersey
Just waiting on control arms that are backordered..


Jan 6, 2013
Replaced rear wiper motor assembly (original seized solid at the shaft), new wiper arm and blade. Motor still wouldn't work. Turned out the plug is temperamental because of loose fitting contacts. Also discovered the rear washer pump was electrically dead as well and replaced. I think that was just about every item I could replace. All working fine again.


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Jul 22, 2015
Just waiting on control arms that are backordered..

If you need advice on how to do these, let me know (PM is OK) - I just did these on my 1500HD - but as I look at your 3500 in your sig, you probably won't have any issue at all.

As for 'what I did'... besides getting it back from the alignment shop, I changed out the rear diff fluid. Probably the easiest thing I've done with the Sierra, besides checking the air filter. Thankfully, my '03 has a drain plug. And both it and the fill plug came out w/o trouble.

Took about 2.6-2.7 quarts (about 500ml left in bottle #3), and checking the level pre-drain, it was within spec (so no leaks, also 'thankfully').
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Replaced the left wheel hub TWICE (first one gave the ABS activation at low speed problem). Take it for a drive, it's still humming the exact same so I'm calling the front diff toast. It did run low on lube and seems to have a leak (there's oil everywhere under this thing). First round took me 29 minutes, second took longer because of the ABS connector not seating correctly.

I'll be pulling the front axles and driveshaft as I have no interest in fixing the "slip/bang" system. Winter driving is gonna be fun (not!)
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