What are you doing today?

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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
What is it with people and toilet paper? Keep a normal supply and if you run out during a zombie apocalypse, use a washcloth as backup since you're at home anyway!?!

I stopped at the store on the way home, and sure enough, the TP aisle was completely bare. Tissues, paper towels, and napkins as well. I've got enough to last me a couple more weeks, but I think I'll be mindful of grabbing the disposable stuff for a while, and start using cloths for cleanup and just wash em.

I can just imagine how much of a mess Florida will be if we find out a hurricane is coming at some point this summer. People are gonna lose their damn minds (more than they already have :hopeless: )


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
This madness has crept into our small towns as well. It just takes a couple of crazies to get that ball rolling. We have to head into town tomorrow for 4H and will stop by the store for groceries. At least we need the basics like milk and cheese, not the pop and chip aisle, which is cleaned right out.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Heading to the family's wood lot to join the BIL and others for boiling maple sap for the day. Just a
few people will be going. We'll be mostly outside. Will be good to get out of the house and away from the news for a while.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
After a week, I finally have my house back. Friends got back from their cruise early this morning and swung by to pick up the pups. His wife is sick, so she thankfully waited out front. He said he got a text from his boss, that they'd like him to self quarantine for 2 weeks, so he'll be at home for a while. I'll be spending the day cleaning and vacuuming. Love dogs, just not how their fur gets all over everything.


Dec 4, 2011
Hanging at home. Church went to livestream only for a few weeks. Part of me thinks it is nuts but part of me gets it also.

I wouldn't mind a "self quarantine" for a couple weeks if I still got paid lol.


Jan 6, 2013
Hanging at home. Church went to livestream only for a few weeks. Part of me thinks it is nuts but part of me gets it also.

I wouldn't mind a "self quarantine" for a couple weeks if I still got paid lol.

I completely get what your saying. More than anything, I just want to lay low for a bit and stay a few weeks ahead of the madness. Blink and you might miss an opportunity to get TP or beer. Am I right?
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Jul 16, 2019
Today I will finish the plug and wire replacement on the Suburban. Cleaned the throttle body last night and will pull the EGR today. Never had done the throttle body in 308k so it was a chore.

Then this afternoon I will set up my work from home area and break down the parts from pick and pull for the wrecked Trailblazer. Decided to wait on the front end work until after the highway patrol inspection tomorrow morning. The truck was totaled and I need to get a salvage/rebuild title.

Aiming for sending in for an alignment on Thursday.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Really dull and boring day in the office for a Monday. So many closures has certainly affected us. Lots of employees are pushing to work from home, but management wants to keep the office open. They said if you have extenuating circumstances, to talk to your boss and they'll go from there. New CEO was introduced this morning, so yay for that, I guess... :rolleyes: I'll have some system training to do next month to get them up to speed.

Did a little shopping after work, stopped by harbor freight for some nitrile gloves. Those are starting to get scarce too. They had signs posted everywhere, no more than 4 boxes per person. Only sizes they had were medium and extra large. Got a few left in large currently, and they are a tight fit, so maybe the XLs will be better. Happened to see some rolls of shop towels in stock, so grabbed some just in case these paper goods shortages outlast my current supply.

Started looking up NAS and RAID setups again cuz I know I should be storing stuff that way, especially after 2 hard drive failures recently. That turned into looking at those refurb servers again. Paid closer attention to specs and details, and the ability to have a RAID setup to allow the drive's I've got, and enough slots for adding on. The plan I had to put a rack in my coat closet won't work after further research. Damn opening is only 18" wide. :duh: And even if I could somehow manage to get the rack inside the closet, it's not deep enough anyway. So everything would have to go in the office somewhere. Time to erase a large section of the drawing board to start over. :compu-punch:


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Jul 22, 2015
Went to my local grocery today. It had been holding up pretty well, but today, I saw even it had been pretty well cleaned out of the TP, cleaning products, certain canned goods, select meats, bread, bottled water, etc.

I didn't really hoard anything; a couple of items I picked up 2x of, instead of my usual 'week's supply'. I keep a good supply of canned / dry goods in my pantry, so I was already fine, there. Same for TP... lol. When it goes on sale, I stock up (and since I live alone now, it lasts awhile!)

We hadn't had a reported case of coronavirus in my county until a couple of days ago; now there are 5. When I went to early vote on Saturday, there was a woman there in a surgical mask. Today, I brought a pair of nitrile gloves with me and wore them in the grocery. Expected a sideways glance or a snarky comment, but got none. When I was at HF the other day, I figured I'd pick up a spare box of gloves, and just like Blckshdw discovered, I found semi-empty shelves and posted limits. On a lark, I looked at the respiration masks - gone. Every. Last. One.

Got home from the grocery, turned on the cable news, and poured myself the first of a few stiff ones while I watched the onset of societal collapse. So many apocalyptic books, stories, movies, etc. -- and you never think it would really happen (and certainly not this quick). Surreal.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yesterday, picked up a sweet deal on a 50,000btu gas garage heater for the yet to be built garage. Basically half the price and was unused although missing a couple of directional slats. It's this one:

Today, my wife was told to work from home but she has to go in and pick up some files. I'll go in with her to help her carry some. Expecting to see a ghost town at HQ. Then might go to the store to get some supplies. Hopefully the hoarding idiots have had their fill by now. Costco remains a no-go as it's still hoarding central.

Ontario has just declared a state of emergency. All bars and restaurants closed unless they can provide take-out only, no assemblies of greater than 50 people, theatres and halls closed, all schools to be closed another 2 weeks after March break, all day care and private schools closed, extra health care funding.

This is truly unprecedented. The world's economy will be damaged for a long time to come. Some industries, like cruise ships, may never recover. Trying times for sure.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
The plan I had to put a rack in my coat closet won't work after further research. Damn opening is only 18" wide. :duh: And even if I could somehow manage to get the rack inside the closet, it's not deep enough anyway. So everything would have to go in the office somewhere. Time to erase a large section of the drawing board to start over. :compu-punch:

Could always turn the server on end, and hang from U-Brackets inside on the wall. I think your biggest concern would be ventilation, and power access. But it could work, and take very little room depending on how many -U- you get. Still loving my Dell R710 with Perk/Perch. Server prices are really starting to bottom out. The same R710 I bought a few years ago is now worth 1/3 of the price. I need to see about adding a 2nd array. HD prices have come down so far, would really like to have a bit more storage.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Back in January... I was waiting in the Beauty Parlor for the 'Lil Woman' to get her beauty work done and wound up reading about Financial AI being used very successfully in the Stock Market. It was either in a Barron's or a Fortune Magazine and it described that the Quants over at Blackstone were using their Fancy Computers and Proprietary Algorithms looking at Global Financial matters with a wide gaze... and it somehow managed to dope THIS out:

"The Predictive Model shows that there will be a World-Wide Pandemic within Two Years..." .

After that caught my eye... I thought, "WTF?" and so just for the hell of it, I started making online orders of Dry & Canned Goods from Walmart and Amazon on a regular basis. This included obtaining medical supplies along with a Parcil Full Face Gas Mask and a few Black N95 Masks for us JIK we needed to head out on a Road Trip.

So now we have enough food and supporting materials that if push comes to shove, living in an area with over 1,000,000 people... we won't have to worry about fighting with the "Hoarders" about Grub, Paper Towels, TP, Nitrile and Blue Medical Grade Gloves along with Cleaning and Sanitation Materials and TP for around 3-4 Months of "House Arrest".

We (me in particular approaching 71 and having Diabetes as a health risk factor) have to be seriously concerned with avoiding anyone that is toting around the COVID-19 Coronavirus Infection. So It won't break my heart If I don't have to regularly leave the house and then wade through the crowds of "The Great Unwashed" and get brought down by this Damned Bug.

For now at least, we can hunker down here for quite a while with no stress about where our meals will be coming from. I'll miss visiting my son, his wife and my Grand Kids up in North Florida... but right now is not the time for being even the least bit sentimental.

Hmm ... It looks like the "Boys at Blackstone" knew a thing or two after all...


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Today is crawling by (again) One of my coworkers said her sister is in the hospital waiting on test results. She happened to be spending time with her sister last week. I'm tempted to tell my boss, I'm working from home regardless of policy, cuz things are getting too close to home (err work, but you get the idea). I don't quite have the stash that Bob does, but I think I could get by for a month on the food that I've got right now if I didn't want to leave the house. Don't put it past me to come into work tomorrow with gloves on, and shut my office door then entire day :hahano:

Could always turn the server on end, and hang from U-Brackets inside on the wall. I think your biggest concern would be ventilation, and power access. But it could work, and take very little room depending on how many -U- you get. Still loving my Dell R710 with Perk/Perch. Server prices are really starting to bottom out. The same R710 I bought a few years ago is now worth 1/3 of the price. I need to see about adding a 2nd array. HD prices have come down so far, would really like to have a bit more storage.

My current setup is in there, sitting on top of a short filing cabinet. I cut a hole in the bottom of the wall, since there was an outlet on the other side in the bedroom that never gets used. Just moved the outlet over. UPS, router and POE switch are all on the top shelf. Heat hasn't been an issue in there (yet) but ventilation has always been a concern, so I removed the door completely.

I have my eye on a particular R720, 16 cores, 64GB RAM and 8 x 3.5" bays. Pick up a pair of 6TB drives, to go with the pair I already have, would be a good start for storage. My POE switch for the cameras has rack brackets, and I planned to replace my shoe box sized UPS (to be re-purposed elsewhere) with a rack mounted one. What OS are you running? I'm hoping I'd be able to get by with my same W10, cuz I certainly can't afford the server versions. Plus there's no server level driver for my graphics card.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
My current setup is in there, sitting on top of a short filing cabinet. I cut a hole in the bottom of the wall, since there was an outlet on the other side in the bedroom that never gets used. Just moved the outlet over. UPS, router and POE switch are all on the top shelf. Heat hasn't been an issue in there (yet) but ventilation has always been a concern, so I removed the door completely.

I have my eye on a particular R720, 16 cores, 64GB RAM and 8 x 3.5" bays. Pick up a pair of 6TB drives, to go with the pair I already have, would be a good start for storage. My POE switch for the cameras has rack brackets, and I planned to replace my shoe box sized UPS (to be re-purposed elsewhere) with a rack mounted one. What OS are you running? I'm hoping I'd be able to get by with my same W10, cuz I certainly can't afford the server versions. Plus there's no server level driver for my graphics card.

We got a free copy of Server2010 from my brothers work when they decomissioned some servers. He is building another server currently, tower based, but did the same thing for the Server2010 copy. I have 6x 2TB HD's and I am running at about 80% capacity. Wanting to get some new drives, or add another HD array, but havent found any that are stand alones (without motherboard).

Keep looking, as higher end models are selling for a lot cheaper as of late. There is a guy selling 2 R710's local to me, one is a 4 core HT x2, and the other is a 6 core HT x2, for 100 bucks each. Its tempting. But I really dont want another server, just a hard drive array. I have a rack in my basement, so I have PLENTY of -U- space.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Decided to also get grounded in understanding how the LAST Pandemic (1918 Spanish Flu) unfolded in an informative AND entertaining way via watching this (6) Part YT Series:

If you've heard the expression, "R-Naught Factor" in regards to the infectious nature of the COVID-19 Coronavirus... This is a Black Board explanation ...knowing that right now... the COVID-19 Pandemic has an Ro = 2.5:

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
That was an interesting series of videos. A lot that was done wrong then we're doing right today and heeding medical experts' advice.

So the trip to the grocery store was uneventful. Lots of stock on everything except TP, cleaning/disinfecting wipes and sprays, hand sanitizer and running low on pasta and rice. Other than those, :thumbsup:. Once in the TB, used hand sanitizer. ☣


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Today is crawling by (again) One of my coworkers said her sister is in the hospital waiting on test results. She happened to be spending time with her sister last week. I'm tempted to tell my boss, I'm working from home regardless of policy, cuz things are getting too close to home (err work, but you get the idea). I don't quite have the stash that Bob does, but I think I could get by for a month on the food that I've got right now if I didn't want to leave the house. Don't put it past me to come into work tomorrow with gloves on, and shut my office door then entire day :hahano:

My current setup is in there, sitting on top of a short filing cabinet. I cut a hole in the bottom of the wall, since there was an outlet on the other side in the bedroom that never gets used. Just moved the outlet over. UPS, router and POE switch are all on the top shelf. Heat hasn't been an issue in there (yet) but ventilation has always been a concern, so I removed the door completely.

I have my eye on a particular R720, 16 cores, 64GB RAM and 8 x 3.5" bays. Pick up a pair of 6TB drives, to go with the pair I already have, would be a good start for storage. My POE switch for the cameras has rack brackets, and I planned to replace my shoe box sized UPS (to be re-purposed elsewhere) with a rack mounted one. What OS are you running? I'm hoping I'd be able to get by with my same W10, cuz I certainly can't afford the server versions. Plus there's no server level driver for my graphics card.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Had a meeting with HR and the COO this morning with our team. They are finally giving us the option to work remotely from home, burn PTO, or continue to come into the office. Couple of people want to still come in, but the bulk of us are ready and willing to stay home and work. So that starts tomorrow, through 4/3, then they'll re-evaluate where things stand. :thumbsup:

One person said they got a letter from their town stating curfews will go into effect next week, and violators will be arrested. That's the first I heard of that type of tactic, not sure how that handles people that have late/graveyard work shifts who can't stay home. :undecided:


Dec 4, 2011
Working from home for the remainder of the week, tho I might have to go in for a short time to get some stuff done there. Work is trying to limit how many people come in. Also got notice that they are suspending factory production next week and will reevaluate at that point, but even tho they are suspending production they are still giving those production workers full pay. Pretty cool really, props to them. That's going to be a big hit on the company bottom line but that isn't their biggest concern right now apparently.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Well I am part of the critical support team so I get to go into work for now. For every 40 hours of work I will earn an additional 10 hours of vacation time.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Back to work after a much needed and enjoyed vacation. Good news: my promotion finally happened. Bad news: due to this virus our business is reduced and the whole crew is being cut 8 hours. Thankful I'm not going to lose my job as others have and thankful this has happened after the promo/raise so maybe it'll compensate for the lost overtime some.


Nov 18, 2011
Sitting on the bed doing my telework crap-o-la. 8 kids downstairs acting like animals. Wife's grandma on her final days. Thinking I need a good steak and some good bourbon
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
FWIW... If you decide that you want to avoid having go to the Local Supermarket to make Fresh Foods and Produce Purchases, Amazon Prime Customers with established accounts can make their Food Orders On-Line with an additional $10.00 Tip for the Delivery Driver and the Fulfillment is done by the "Whole Foods" Stores if any such outlets are nearby to your locales.

We tried a wide range of Food Types on this List and the Fulfillment went smoothly with regular Cell Phone Messages for alternative choices when some of those items on our list were unavailable. The Insulated Food Packing & Sealed Brown Bag Delivery was FAST and Efficient....with Silent Door Step Delivery and NO NEED TO OPEN THE DOOR until the air was clear around the front entrance way to our Home.

I wanted to refresh my Frig & Freezer with something Fresher than the Canned and Dry Goods that we have been subsisting on since "The COVID-19 Crisis". I hope our Members can benefit from this Service, Too:

Amazon Prime Assortment of this" Whole Foods" Order Thursday, March 19th, 2020:


Eggs (White & Brown Eggs) NONE Broken
Margarine, Butter
Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes
Celery, Carrots, Onions, Green Peppers
Fresh Ground Beef (90/10)
Max Blend Shredded Cheeses, Italian Shredded, Mild Cheddar, Mozzarella
Broccoli Florets (Frozen) Brussels Sprouts
Frozen Hamburger Patties
Fresh Whole Vitamin D Milk
Ham & Egg & Cheese Sandwiches
Colby Sliced Cheese
Frozen Chicken Wings
Coleslaw Mix, Broccoli Slaw Mix
Italian Salad Mix
Fresh Baked Whole Wheat Bread
Frozen Peas
Frozen Swedish and Italian Meat Balls

Stay Safe, Gentlemen... And may God and His Angels Guard You and Your Families...
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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Back to work. While our operations have changed, I still have plenty of work and a pay cheque rolling in. Feel bad for lots of self employed small businesses owners. Our small town is now feeling the pinch, lots of businesses are closing as it's cheaper to just shutter than stay open with no customers.

My wife's business had to close this morning. Just no foot traffic. Will see how this all pans out... Not to make this too political but our federal government is saying they have an 82 billion aid package coming. Most of it is tax and bill deferrals, which may be far too little and far to late for these self employed. We estimate that it may take a year or more after life returns to "normal" for our business to come back to where it was. Deferring bills does not fix the economic damage that has been done, it does not put disposable income in people's pockets.

Anyway, the weather is finally starting to warm up here. Sunny with a high of -8c today. Still dropping to -20c at night with some colder windchills. The kids are not in school so they get to help out with chores on the acreage. For this they got to get some riding in. Tomorrow we may go for a family snowmobile ride.


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Nov 18, 2011
Going to the grocery store and see what there. Having 7 -9 kids to feed multiple meals a day just goes through quite a bit of food and basic supplies.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Having 7 -9 kids to feed multiple meals a day just goes through quite a bit of food and basic supplies.

Man, you sure are prolific to the point you're not even sure how many kids you have! :biggrin:


Aug 23, 2019
In Upstate NY. Grocery store was a circus today. There was a little bit of panic in the air. People with gloves and paper masks. Also lots of obvious social distancing. Church is on-line for a couple weeks. Looking forward to nice Spring weather.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Same here. Brought my own wipes to clean the cart handle. Kinda awkward trying to stay away from each other, especially when one idiot is blocking the aisle taking forever to choose one type of pasta or another :nono:. Then go to pay and one of the cashiers is coughing up a lung and not into her sleeveless elbow. Well I ain't going to her! Picked up some McDick's for lunch for me and Mrs. Moose. One good thing is drive through is super fast since the dining room is closed. :2thumbsup:


Dec 4, 2011
Worked from home again. Ended up working extra trying to get some stuff done so got some OT in and earned comp time. 11 hr day.
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