What are you doing today?

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Jul 6, 2014
It's a cozy 70 degrees while running around learning how plant PM is done. High of 73 and 15 hours today. Going to be great.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Sitting at work. Planning my weekend

1) Wait for contractor to show up at house to start work on fence and sprinkler system
2) Take Mercury to my work and get windshield fixed (for free)
3) Drink a beer, or 2 (or ten)


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
After sleeping following a night shift, Just sitting finishing my breakfast and coffee at McDick's. Then get a few things at the grocery store and head home to vegetate.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Borrowed my friends' pressure washer last weekend, and since this is the only dry afternoon this week, hopped out there to give it a whirl on the driveway. There's 2 especially bad problem spots I was hoping to clear off, but that didn't happen. Gonna need to look into some chemicals for those.

Could see a lot of junk getting picked up and washed off, so that was good...


...but in the end, you really can't tell much difference when you stand back. At this point, I've done the left half of the driveway, out to the street. So I'll have to do some research on good concrete cleaners.



Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Just got out of a meeting with my boss, and another department head to review some projects I've been working on.

I found some ways to automate a couple of processes for their teams through some Excel macros, so gave them a demo and asked for feedback to make sure I've got everything covered. Had one where the process goes from taking half a day, down to about 5 minutes, just because looking up values between spreadsheets, copy/pasting, and formatting by hand are eliminated. The other one is a new project, but they need a tracking spreadsheet that combines data points from 4 separate reports. Since it makes people happy to be able to click a button, and not have to use brain power, they were pleased. The boss is sending me home early today as a thank you, so that's a nice win.


Nov 18, 2011
Cube farm again...


Jul 6, 2014
It's cold windy and raining. I'm almost boot high in a puddle.
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Sitting at work again. Contemplating the weekend, and if I have all my bases covered for my upcoming state inspection on my car.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Went shooting this morning. New course of fire and I had to redo one portion where I took too long to reload. Had.more coffee and passed. Then some more shooting to perfect speed and accuracy. Shot about 300 on a pistol with 12lbs double action pull, my finger was tired. Then the shotgun for 5 rounds and done.

Went for a Pho soup for lunch, haircut and thermal going to look at an 18ft hybrid trailer.


Dec 4, 2011
House 1 - nicer house, little bigger, better layout, more modern. Nice patio. Meh backyard and surrounding view. No sidewalk, crappy beat up asphalt driveway. On edge of a small development from very early 2000s. Basically fully renovated inside. $20-30k more than house 2.

House 2 - a little smaller than house 1. Still a decent layout but mid 1970s style. Much nicer neighborhood. Better property layout, nicer concrete driveway (tho not flawless, has a sunk corner). Deck out the back. Kitchen was partly updated at some point. Needs new carpets upstairs and paint, plus a few other things. Upstairs bath is very dated. $20-30k less than house 1.

I wish we could take house 1 and put it on house 2 property, that would be perfect!
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Nov 18, 2011
Can you put 20 into house 2 and get what you want? Lots of those 70s n older layouts have easily removed non-load bearing walls to open up to the newer type concept. Think outside the box...find a a contractor to look for instant remodel upon purchase. Best way in long run. Sounds like a good plan to remodel as you go or a bit here n there, but that always SUCKS in reality.

Today is work, bid side job, grocery, library, take daughter for summer tutoring, work a bit more, then grill n chill this evening while the wife goes out.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Another day in the office, and ready for the weekend. Buddy of mine is in town from Orlando, he's a HS basketball coach, and has a tournament today and tomorrow, so he'll be crashing at my house. We'll be going out for tacos at some point, and there are a few other places he wants to hit, so glad I've been eating pretty healthy this week, and getting my miles in on the bike.

Since I don't feel like working yet, been going over my budget for the month. Setup a couple payments for credit cards, noticed on my bank account that the amount due for my mortgage payment next month came down. They decided to remove the PMI from my loan, but didn't bother to tell me... :dunce: Nice!
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
We decided to hit up a new spot we had never been to for dinner and some drinks, and there was a Ford's Garage nearby. Had heard good things about the chain, and it didn't disappoint. Good selection cocktails and craft beers to choose from, and a hefty menu of burgers and such. I chose to be adventurous, they had a burger with peanut butter on it... :undecided: A number of people recommended it with high marks, and while it doesn't make sense in my head, with that many people giving it a good review, figured I'd try it.

Waiter starts talking about adding grape jelly to it, and the expression on my face (something like :uhno: ) made both him and my friend crack up laughing. So my friend piles on, and tells me to get it, might as well go all in. Waiter says he can put it on the side, but it's a great combo. Fine, F it, put the damn grape jelly on the side. I don't even like grape jelly very much, I'm a strawberry man. Tried it with just the peanut butter first, and it was damn good. Pleasant surprise. So peeled the bun off, and slathered some jelly on the edge to try a bite. Somehow, some way, it was freaking amazing!!

No idea how people come up with flavor combinations like that, but I'm glad they did. Since the spot is close to the house, I can say I'll be a repeat customer when people want to go for a drink, or a bite to eat. :2thumbsup:


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I chose to be adventurous, they had a burger with peanut butter on it... :undecided:

Waiter starts talking about adding grape jelly to it,

My wife and I are reading this, and we are revolted at the idea, but curious.. That just doesnt even sound right.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
My wife and I are reading this, and we are revolted at the idea, but curious.. That just doesnt even sound right.

You know what? I'm not even mad atcha either. My friend is a HS basketball coach, and in town for a tournament. I went to his morning game, and both on the way there, and the way back, he starts randomly laughing "I can't believe your ass ate a PB&J cheeseburger yesterday!" Then I start laughing too, cuz I thought it should/would be disgusting, but it was so good. It doesn't make sense. I had the same thought when people used to tell me about fried chicken and waffles back in the day, then I went to Roscoe's in Cali... After that, I question these combinations a little bit less than I used to. :tongue:

But yeah, it's been a long day. They had 2 games yesterday, 2 games today (9 am and 8:30 pm) and 2 games tomorrow (9 and 10 am) We were up pretty early go get breakfast at 7, and have time to get over to the gym. For some reason, they keep the thermostat set to Arctic Chill. By the time their game was over, just over an hour, my nose was running. It's 8th and 9th graders, so the quality of basketball wasn't the best, but I wanted to see him in his element, and show some support. Not going to the night game though.
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
My friend back in St Louis used to rant and rave over chicken and waffles. Still never have had them, but I have never been in an area to get them, only knock off versions by the local fast food chains.


Jul 6, 2014
Picked up the cruze yesterday. They couldn't duplicate the problem but replaced some things that tested borderline. Long story short I get a call around 2 saying the car is steering itself and trying to accelerate on it's own as well as the abs activating the brakes along with a slew of other things. :hopeless: My sister refuses to drive it anymore and the dealer can't troubleshoot because they can't get it to do it on the machine. It sounds like a module problem to me....

In other news I put new mufflers on the redt truck (more on that later) and the TB got new tires... I think they look stupid on a truck that probably will never leave pavement again...

I also washed and waxed it for the last time ever probably... Friday night. I also replaced the cycle switch on the evaporator. That's the second one in 3 years...


Jul 6, 2014
Sounds good. (I forgot how throaty it was with straight pipes...)


Nov 18, 2011
--- PBJ burger...I would try it. I do meatballs in a crockpot with chili sauce and grape jelly at about 50/50 ratio and everyone LOVES them.

Today is cube village again. Fairly easy day though. Tonight is smoking sausage n cheese stuffed jalapeno poppers,


Dec 3, 2014
West Michigan
Hell yeah on the chili sauce and grape jelly. My MIL made a pot of meatballs every year around the holidays as part of the spread and that's what she used. Delicious.

New cabin filter and air filter in the boy's Impala today as the first wave of parts to hit the porch for it. I've got the daughter's Saturn purring except for a pesky evap code and the 200K + Impala is due for routines and TLC. One of these days I'll get to the TB...
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Since the afternoon was unexpectedly dry, got outside and mowed the overgrown weeds after work. With the rainy season here, gonna have to get back into the habit of every other week again.

Sunday evening when I happened to be on the back patio, I noticed a rat running along the fence. Didn't think too much of it, as I know they have been in the shed. Then I see him getting closer and closer to the house, so I grab the broom that's out there, and before I can get through the screened door, he's at the corner of the house, climbing the coax cable for the back bedroom, up to the roof line, and inside the attic through a hole ripped in the soffitt screen. :hissyfit:

These got delivered today... :satan:


They have removable bait holders through the bottom, so you keep your fingers safe. Put some peanut butter in a few, setup 1 in the shed near the roof. Another one at the bottom of the fence where I saw him get in, and 2 in the attic a few feet from the entrance, because I was tired and lazy and didn't want to crawl 20 feet to the spot where I know they came in.

Got a shower, and made some dinner, turned on the TV to relax and eat.... Hear a snapping noise, followed by a scream/squeal for a few minutes. Caught one, but it didn't get killed. For the past 20 minutes, every few minutes, it's been fighting with the trap, and thumping around so I assume it got caught by the leg, or maybe went to pass one trap for the one next to it, and got caught by the ass. And of course, I can't find where I put my machete so I can finish the job. May have to go to the shovel...


May 2, 2017
Did an oil change on a lumina. I wanted to clean up the workshop so I used a quart each of mobil 1 10w40, pennzoil 10w30, castrol tws 10w60, and to complete the secret recipe one supertech 15w40.
I hope they don't fight with each other:crackup:
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Nursing a sore back for a second day. Shot on Thursday, did a lot of work around the house Saturday and Sunday, shot again on Monday = sore back. They're making us do more tactical stuff, which is good, but harder on the back. Had to cancel a couple of shifts because of it so no $$ :frown:


Nov 18, 2011
Looking at boats I cant afford for my buddy.

Oh...and working


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
My MIL made a pot of meatballs every year...

My brain is not quite awake this morning.. I read MIL as Malfunction Indicator Light.. And sat there thinking.. "What the F*** does a light have to do with making meatballs".. LOL!

Sitting work, was a bit late because a 13'6" semi truck.. Stuck in a 11'4" bridge. I hope he knows where the unemployment line is!89400


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Got back from the Queen City on Friday from a week of training. Then back to work and now back to days off. Piles of grass to cut and swinging the string trimmer for way too long. Old and sore.

Also got the used oil analysis back from my 3500. Happy to see that wear metals dropping, soot being a non issue and now my fuel is non existent. I might run this next index closer to, if not to 30,0000km.


Jul 6, 2014
Power inverter in the colorado and new amp in the TB. Work gave me a half day with full pay because I couldn't go on site because of the rain. Wins all around today lol.


Nov 18, 2011
Working in the cube farm.


Jul 6, 2014
Another full pay half day.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Been a long day down here. Was stuck in our (looks to be annual) conference with all the FL sister offices yesterday. I didn't have to present anything this time, but was on AV duties manning the slide decks as people spoke, and a GoTo Meeting segment. Thought I'd be swamped with a backlog of crap today, but it's been surprisingly quiet.

Planning to get my ass in gear and finish the pressure washing project, do a few spots around the house, and shed. Should go much faster than the driveway last week...

Another full pay half day.

I need to sign up for this!


Jul 6, 2014
Been a long day down here. Was stuck in our (looks to be annual) conference with all the FL sister offices yesterday. I didn't have to present anything this time, but was on AV duties manning the slide decks as people spoke, and a GoTo Meeting segment. Thought I'd be swamped with a backlog of crap today, but it's been surprisingly quiet.

Planning to get my ass in gear and finish the pressure washing project, do a few spots around the house, and shed. Should go much faster than the driveway last week...

I need to sign up for this!
I got a 2/3 day today but I've been getting rained on since 7...
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Dec 4, 2011
House hunting.
Contemplating wheels for wife's Civic as the steel wheels are rust hazing and the wheel covers have peeling paint and look gross.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Dull day in the office. Not a whole lot going on, and a lot of people are out so it's quiet.

After work, stopping by the liquor store. My buddy and I polished off the last of my vodka last weekend, so need to restock. Will hit the grocery store for a few things while I'm at it, since it's right next door. When I get home, going to replace some of the soffit screen in the back where the rats got in. Caught a second one yesterday, and early morning was silent for a change, so I think that's all of them. Will leave the couple of traps in the attic, if there are any stragglers, they'll have to go to the bait for food, and bye bye after that!


Dec 2, 2011
Swore at the TB...see the FU thread.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Drove to North Bay in the Caprice with Mrs. Moose to visit my son and his pregnant GF. Staying till Sunday. Going to a poutine fest tomorrow and possibly shop around for a travel trailer. Was looking at some around our place but choices are limited.


May 3, 2014
I fixed my Craftsamn creeper. I love the creeper, but I got tired of the wheels falling off. I spent 30 minutes looking for hardware when the wheel fell off today. In case you are wondering, you really do not need that much torque to round out the internal hex sockets on the creeper. I was able to do that without the pipe on the 1/2 inch drive ratchet for 5 of them after I rounded the first one off with the pipe. All of them are rounded off now. Unfortunately, I ran out of Loctite thread locker on the first one, so we will see how long that lasts. Split ring lock washers are worthless.


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