What are you doing today?

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Dec 2, 2011
Spending too much money...and it gets worse tomorrow when we get 3 new phones.
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Deleted member 20902

Got the transmission done yesterday, unforseen circumstances have me assembling the 3.8 GN engine today.


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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Helping my brother try to get his oven back up and running. Unfortunately didn't happen since I couldn't confirm till it was to late that the pid and timer got fried in the process. 87428
Pid and timer have been ordered and should be delivered before 10am tomorrow morning ready for me to install and fire this thing back up.


Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Junkyard. Got smoked mirror lenses from an envoy Denali for $10. What’s the best way to get off an ‘07 rear wiper arm? Just tried to pull one with a two jaw and it cracked it.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Got my bro's oven back on line. 87442

Right now waiting on a tow to get the Voy over to my mechanic in Brooklyn from 30 miles deep into Springfield New Jersey.

Edit: This is going to be her first ride on flat bed since we have owned it.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Since our temps have gotten back to normal, got up this morning and worked on de-thatching the front yard. Could have gotten it done a bit faster, but my neighbor across the street had guests stop by, and after a neighborly "good morning" they all wanted to come over and chit chat. 😕 "Can't you see I'm a lil busy here?" :hopeless:

Got that done, ran everything through the shredder and into the compost pile. Walked the back of the property to check how things look back there. Picked up a couple pieces of trash that got tossed over the fence. Checked my shed, no new signs of the rat that I saw in there, so the poison must have done it's job.

Got cleaned up and enjoyed a nice nap on the couch for a couple of hours. Will be meeting up with friends in a bit for some grub and watch the UFC fights.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Recovering after driving more than 12 hours yesterday to pick up and drive back with my new-to-me 2010 Yamaha RS Venture GT. Getting there was brutal with a bad head wind and the empty enclosed trailer. Driving back was nicer with a tail wind. Left about 8:30AM and was back at about 10:30PM.

BTW, awesome deal on the sled! :2thumbsup:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Hadn't touched my PS4 in a few months, so fired that up this morning since my DVR hasn't had much stuff on it.

Almost forgot about the Hooters free boneless wings coupon I got from giving blood a few weeks back, it expires in a couple days, so decided today was a good day to use it. Picked up blood pressure meds on the way here. Kinda important...

At some point today supposed to be going with my sister to ikea to pic up some shelves and putting those together at her new place. Also grabbing some stuff out of storage for her. If she'd let me do it, I could have her moved out of my house in 2 days, but she won't listen and it's taking forever :rolleyes:


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Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
(Yesterday) Was doing some Deathcore vocals and I guess I worried the contractor working on the unit next door. I came outside at one point and he was like: "dude everything okay?" Me: "Yeah what's up brother?". Him: "Sounded like someone was dying in there". I was embarrassed he heard me over his tools and stuff, just looked at him and laughed and told him its all good. :rotfl:
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Having a serious case of the Mondays... :ugh: My sister didn't have a LOT of stuff to go into her new place last night, so while she handled most of that, and took the EXT for an extra trip, I put together her shelving unit and a changing table for the baby. Wasn't wearing my back brace, cuz the heavy lifting wasn't very heavy, and was already done. Got the shelves put together in the bedroom, and wanted to finish the changing table before she got back. Due to the small size, there was a lot more bending, kneeling and reaching, so of course that's when the back spasms got triggered. :duh::hissyfit:

Figured some pain meds before bed would do the trick, also took a sleep aid, hoping if I slept like the dead, it wouldn't make things worse from tossing and turning in my sleep. NOPE!!! I felt way worse this morning, to the point I wore my back brace to work. (under an untucked shirt of course) So needless to say, I'm not in the mood for anyone's crap today, and Mondays are usually the worst for it.
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Nov 18, 2011
In the cube. Just a shitty day all around from about everything i read or anyone i talk to


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yesterday, went shopping at Ikea for a bed frame with the wife. While she went to pick up meatballs, I went to load the long box into the TB. Forgot my golden (and mandatory) rule of not twisting my back to pick up stuff and I went into an instant spasm in my lower right of the back. So basically today was attacking it with heat, pills and rest.
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Nov 18, 2011
In the cube farm


May 2, 2017
slightly belated...... Went to the Hamcation convention and decided to skip some traffic and take the rear entrance. By coincidence, met up with another Trailblazer owner that had the same idea - great minds think alike😄 He ended up parking beside me too.
I asked him about his TB and we got to talking. He likes his 05 with 250k mi. Only recent problem was a bad oil pressure switch. Nice looking rust free tb too, just like mine.
We both agreed that we're staying with the TB for the foreseeable future.
Walked around the show for over 5 hours, filled a backpack with all kinds of electronic gizmos and gadgets. Crazy construction obstacles on the way back, but got home safely after 8pm - so it was a good day.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
More heat, pills and rest for my back.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Did my taxes this evening. :mad: Not happy the way that turned out, since I have to pay this year, compared to a small refund last year. :hopeless: Gonna have to adjust my W4 to compensate for that next year.

Half watching TV, and babysitting my niece while my sister moves stuff to her new place. Thankfully she was sleepy and napped for about an hour. For a 2 month old, she sure is fidgety and all over the place. Between the TV, my laptop, and my phone, she's always looking at one of them. At least I know babysitting when she's older will be easy :biggrin: 📺


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Spent 15 minutes yesterday chiselling ice from the chassis of my 3500. Downpipe, DPF and transmission mounts were almost completely encapsulated in ice where they passed over the cross member. Solved the heavy shake on start up/shutdown and low RPM idle. I think you could measure the amount of ice in pounds. Now that she runs good again, I gave her some fuel on the highway... once the turbo lit she spun the tires and took off like a bat outta hell! Kids smiled almost as much as the wife and I.


Dec 2, 2011
Did my taxes this evening. :mad: Not happy the way that turned out, since I have to pay this year, compared to a small refund last year. :hopeless: Gonna have to adjust my W4 to compensate for that next year.

That's peoples biggest complaint, not getting a refund or not as much as they're used to. They don't realise that their weekly pay increased, even a small amount, so their refund goes down...simple math really.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I was planning to take a long lunch today, since people have made me rack up a bit of extra time this week by running into my office with issues right before I'm gonna leave for the day and no OT is allowed. :popo: Check my calendar, and my lunch break is sandwiched between conference calls/meetings. Today's weather is gonna be perfect for grabbing a nap in the EXT too. Guess that plan will have to wait until tomorrow.

That's peoples biggest complaint, not getting a refund or not as much as they're used to. They don't realise that their weekly pay increased, even a small amount, so their refund goes down...simple math really.

I guess I don't understand the benefit, if whatever they give you they end up taking on the back end later. 😕 I just need to hurry up and win the damn Powerball already, give the government their cut, and retire. Then I won't have to worry about anything but making sure my mod bug doesn't multiply like gremlins in a swimming pool. :rotfl:


Nov 18, 2011
You should never want a refund. That just means you gave the govt an interest free loan. The best financial decision is to be setup to use all your income during the year and budget to pay in at the end so you benefit, not the govt.

Today I work from home, kindergarten meeting for the boy, another DR appt from the surgery. You know...fun stuff

Deleted member 20902

Went and picked up a procharger for the old blaze.


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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Finally made it to Friday, and it couldn't get here quick enough. As tired as I've been this week, woke up 10 minutes before my alarm, kept my ass in gear, and got to work 20 minutes earlier than usual. Schedule is pretty clear, so unless something breaks or someone comes to me with a last minute emergency, should be a calm day with a nice lil nap at lunchtime. :2thumbsup:

@RevHardGarage Hadn't noticed your projector retrofits until just now. What gear did you use in them? We have this thread, if you've got more pics to share. :yes: :biggrin:



Nov 18, 2011
Lil cube work then off til tuesday.
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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
I installed the new knock sensor pigtail on the K1500. The old connector was toast, as was the wire. The old connector had been hanging and banging around for an unknown amount of time and the wire's insulation was cracked and falling apart. I remembered to use AC and test the KS output this time. Apparently DC is not the way to go.... So the original sensor kicked out .3V when lightly banging on the exhaust manifold, which means that the Delphi KS enroute from Rockauto may not have been needed.
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Dec 2, 2011
Replaced one of the tank straps on Chanins Rav4. Toyota helpfully encase them in plastic to keep moisture, salt etc in...:Banghead:


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Trying to get the oil changed on my Envoy at the Ford dealer. 3+ hour wait. Yikes then going to get a haircut, pay the mortgage bill for the house. Going to be an expensive day.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Nothing fun, like everybody else... Couple of my buddies pitched in and we got my sister's 2nd 10'x'15' storage unit loaded in a truck, and into her 3rd story walk up. Man that was such a physical beat down! We. Are. Wiped! Most of the stuff wasn't bad, boxes and bins, but there was an armoire, chest of drawers and a night stand that looked like wood, but had to be made out of solid concrete. At one point the arch on my right foot started to cramp. Never experienced that before, and then some of my toes started doing it too. I'm getting too old for this, that's what it comes down to.

Got that wrapped up in a few hours, and took the boys out to lunch as a thank you. Came home and cleaned myself up, surprising how much better you feel after a hot shower, and am now firmly planted on the couch for some much deserved TV time.


Jul 6, 2014
Tooled around town in the escalade. It's like my favorite car to drive now.


Dec 3, 2014
West Michigan
My ancient snowblower abruptly shut down last week. Guys at work laughing and telling me to just buy a new one. It's only 40! Popped the bonnet and dug around a bit. Everything major checked out so I tore into the carb for some heavy cleaning. Put it back together and it started right up. Not all the dinosaurs are extinct. 87527


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Spent the day at @RevHardGarage 's shop 🆒

Spent the day at @RevHardGarage 's shop 🆒

Always good to see you buddy! 2-step ftw

I can tell you what hasn't arrived. That damn Delphi knock sensor from Rockauto. Expected arrival was the 14 th and the tracking number link is a dead url. Tomorrow I will ensure it was not forwarded to the post office and if no dice will try that return or reshape function.

Well sweet baby Jesus just as I posted this, the link came alive and it said the part was out for delivery as of yesterday. We will see. Shifty bastards.


Nov 18, 2011
Working for the man


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Back in the office after the long weekend. Needed every bit of those 3 days to recover from (mostly) moving my sister into her new spot. There's the usual backlog of busy work from missing a Monday, but other than that pretty quiet so far. Watch, probably just jinxed myself... :rolleyes:
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Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
In the office today.. Trying to understand why we give these Felons a job, just for them to do something illegal, and risk loosing there job, and a VERY good paying job. It just doesnt make sense. Me and my boss have been dealing with this all this week, and its very frustrating.
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Nov 18, 2011
Almost done for the day
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