What are you doing today? [Part II]


Jul 6, 2014
The escalade was totaled.

Oh. And now there's a ford in the driveway and idk how I feel about that.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
And hope nobody was injured!


Jul 6, 2014
What happened? I know you swapped batteries and alternators last month, did it die on you still?
I thought I posted. Dad got rear ended about a month ago. Bent the frame at the rear bumper. Insurance didn't want to deal with it. We're going to buy it back but... I think a torch and Jack will work fine. The rest of the frame and body mounts didn't budge.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Yesterday afternoon... The "Lil' Woman" was uninspired about Cooking us some Lunch. So I thought about it for a minute ...and then blurted out,

"Leave It To Me, Baby Sweet..."

Then I thought, "Hmmmm ... How about I try to make something REALLY EXOTIC.... Oh... I Know... How 'Bout Some Macaroni & Cheese & MEAT...?!"

Yeah BRO...!!! Here We GO...!!!

Pre-Heat the Oven on Bake Cycle to 350 Degrees F

What are mrrsm's Recipe of Raw Materials?

(1) A One Pound Box of Barillo Elbow Macaroni (KEEP IT DRY).
(2) A Large Smear of 'I Can't Believe It's NOT Butter' Tub Margarine.
(3) 2 Eight Ounce Blocks of Sharp Cheddar Cheese.
(4) Vitamin "D" Fortified WHOLE Milk.
(5) Just a *Pinch* of Knorr's Chicken Flavored Bouillon.
(6) Cured Turkey Sausage, Sliced Thin.

The Handy Utensils?

(1) One Clean, Clear Pyrex Glass Baking Dish 15" X 9".
(2) One Large Oval S/S Spoon....for Butter Applique
(3) One Steel Cookie "Drip" Pan covered in Aluminum Foil.
(4) One Roll of Aluminum Foil.
(5) One Large White Corel Mixing Bowl

The Procedures?

(1) Coat the entire interior of the Pyrex Dish with a Thin Layer of Butter.
(2) Pour in the Barillo Elbows (DRY-UNCOOKED).
(3) Shred Both Blocks of Cheddar Cheese into a Large Mixing Bowl.
(4) Thin Slice in the Cold Turkey Sausage.
(5) Distribute and stir in and around the Cheese & Meat & Macaroni.
(6) Apply a Light Dusting *Pinch* of Chicken Bouillon on top.
(7) Level and Cover EVERYTHING completely in a Bath of Whole Milk.

The Cooking Time and Placement of The Dish?

(1) Set your Pyrex Dish On Top of the Foil Covered Drip Pan.
(2) Place the Pyrex Dish on the MIDDLE Rack of the Oven.
(3) Set Your TIMER for ONE HOUR.
(4) Check at 45 Minutes for a Golden Brown Top.
(5) The Cheese will Lava Flow to the Top of the Mixture... 8^)...
(6) The Elbow Macaroni will COMPLETELY Absorb the Milk.
(7) The Mixture will RISE to the upper edge of the Pyrex Dish.
(8) Turn Off the Oven at around 50 Minutes and let it Sit for 10 Mins.
(9) At One Hour... Remove the Pyrex Dish to a place to cool.
(10) Serve Up as You Like It.

When the Pyrex Dish finally emerged from the Oven ... The "Lil Woman" stood there and after giving me that Girly "Thousand Yard Stare", she said with a smile... "After almost 50 years of Marriage... NOW you tell me that YOU CAN COOK, TOO..."

Loads of Laughter...
Yummy Meal...
The Crowd Goes WILD!!!

ENJOY ... mrrsm's Al Dente "MAC-N-CHEESE-N-MEAT" Meal...

...and Bon Appetite !!!

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Jul 6, 2014
Had some fun on the dyno the other night. Forgot to share.



Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Been run off my feet lately. Work was rocking non stop and before the heat wave here, we had been busy fencing, yard work, gardening and the list goes on.

My garden is doing well, lost some corn and carrots due to them washing out a month ago. We had 6" of rain one night, got nasty. The lettuce is pumping out some nice salads, which paired well with traeger pork chops and baked potatoes tonight.

We have an absolute abundance of cranberries, Saskatoon berries, raspberries and strawberries at this place. The Saskatoons are ready to go so we picked a bunch and my youngest whipped up some muffins. Damn fine.

Don't judge my fencing job though, could not for the life of us find dowled 8' posts so no matter what you do, they end up a bit crooked. But, the post pounder worked pretty damn good, other than its a bit slow to pound. I will be adding some ballast to the hammer and see if I can speed up the hydraulic flow rate.


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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
For those wondering...
Saskatoon Berries
(as you can see in the picture, they resemble blueberries. I'll bet they've got antioxidants, too). Yum!)

As for me, TIL (today I learned) that my Sierra uses a 'wiper pulse board' to control the 'intermittent' part of the wipers. Apparently, mine has gone south, as the wipers jerk / hang when on intermittent, but they're fine on continuous low or high speed.

Looking up a replacement now... and for once, Rock is significantly higher than Amzn, for the same part. I can actually get an entirely new wiper motor *and* board from Amzn for just a little more than Rock wants for the board alone.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Well, had a hell busy day. Started this morning with a 3 hour round trip in the TB to pick up a set of steps for my son's RV. Good deal on basically a new set. I installed the same type on my trailer and love them. Much more stable than the fold out spring boards.
On the way back, got the call that the Sierra was ready to be picked up so we went and picked it up coming back into town.

Got home and then went on another 3 hour round trip in the opposite direction in the Sierra to pick up a pair of recliners for my RV to replace the torture instrument called a jackknife sofa bed. These are not specifically for RVs however they are compact enough that they should fit in between the wall and closed slide. First I have to give them a good cleaning as the lady had cats so they are full of fur and I'm allergic.

Oh, and I had someone coming over to look at our old fridge at 7pm however, the wife decided we also needed to go out for dinner with friends at the other end of town. I wound up driving through rush hour traffic and we met up there. I had to eat and run so I'd be back home in time but, they were a no-show. I message them and find out they'd be late, like 2 hours late. At least they did wind up buying it and will pick it up at the end of the month when our new one comes in.

And just to finish the day off, yanked out the old dishwasher since our new one is coming tomorrow. That was easy enough.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Got to work on the chairs and removing the sofa from the RV. Gave the chairs a good cleaning, damned cat fur was a bitch to get out but otherwise they came out good. Then worked on getting the sofa out. Left one side on as it might cause more damage than it's worth. Chairs fit through the door no problem. Set them and they fit perfectly. One chair has to be pushed in a little to clear the slide. Damn they're comfy! Perfect for watching TV, relaxing or taking a snooze.


While I was doing this, the new dishwasher came in so after I was done with the chairs, installed it. No muss, no fuss.

Works real good and so quiet.

And while I was doing all this, had some ribs and chicken drumsticks on the smoker. Damned good with a low carb beer!
(Sorry, no pics, they were gone that fast! :biggrin: )


Aug 24, 2021
Lincoln, Ne.
I decided to get started on the bumper cover which is going to get sliced, diced and painted. After a preliminary washing, I sanded the glossy shine off with sandpaper, by hand. That took a while! Then I washed it again to see what spots I missed. There are always some. I didn't do much to the black part, because that already has a texture to it. I just want the gloss off the red part so the paint has something to adhere to.


I still have some spots I need to hit, I see!
This bumper came with fog lights, and my TB has them, so that's all good. The only thing is that when I was removing one of the lights one of the tabs broke. It's the one on the right, at about the 2:00 position. I'll grab one next time I'm at the automotive recycling facility.

After all the prep work is done, I'll hit it with an adhesion promoter, a couple coats of primer, then a couple coats of satin black spray paint, followed by a couple coats of clear. Should look pretty good!


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I've had a minor nagging issue with one of my bathroom sinks for a pretty long time. The stopper doesn't open very far, so if the faucet runs for any decent amount of time, the sink will start to fill up. Since it's just me here and they're twins, I simply use the other sink, so no big deal. This morning I decided to pull the ball rod, and see if I could adjust it at all, and this is what comes out... :eek:


Needless to say, it was time for a new ball rod, so off I went to get a replacement. Problem was, I wasn't fully awake yet, so I didn't even pay attention to the stopper itself until I got the new rod in, and had the same problem :duh: Took the stopper out and measured, 4" tall on the nose. Figure it needs another half inch of height for good clearance. Check online and there's a 4.5"with the same stopper diameter. Would have been nice to pick that up while I was out already :dunce:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Today prepping to head out with the RV to a Provincial Park that doesn't have services so we'll be using the genny for the first time and boondocking for a week. They do have toilets and showers. Also went to Costco for some supplies. Yeah, Costco on a Sunday? Big mistake! Place was packed and the lineup for gas long.

Will also be the first time towing while it's hot out, like 30c hot, and the road is hilly. Will be the real test for this little diesel.


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Jul 22, 2015
Got the Accord's rusty fenderwell areas prepped with the metal etching solution yesterday, and the first coat of POR-15 on, today.
Even though I had masked off the outer edge of the fender, the brush bled through and got some of the POR paint on the outer fenders.

Thankfully, I noticed it, pulled the tape back and got out my go-to, brake cleaner. Problem solved. :2thumbsup: BTW, if you get some POR on your skin, and it's still wet, brakleen works for that, too. I wore some blue latex gloves and still managed to get a little bit on my fingers, anyway.

About to go out and get a quick second coat on (it takes 2-4hrs to get tacky, which is the soonest you can recoat). Tomorrow, I'll start filling in the two spots on the D/S that I cut out with the death wheel. Got a box of the POR-15 Epoxy putty (two part), and will try that out in that area, instead of Liquid Nails, as the body shop guy advised. So far, so good. :lipsrsealed:


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Over the weekend..

Got my computer torn apart to send in the motherboard for RMA.. Had a replacement motherboard ready to go in. The second motherboard was for a plex server once the video card pandemic ends. Might as well use it.

Installed the new motherboard, and it has the same problems as the old one.. plus more problems

Now I am sending out 2 motherboards on a RMA.. and I am without a computer until further notice. Still have my phone and my wives POS all in one.



Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
While we toiled away at fencing today.... which is an understatement, it took a long time. While the skid steer mounted post pounder has some neat features, its quite slow compared to a heavy hitter. Oh well, it is progress.

While I prep dinner, my wife and oldest are out patching fence that a moose took down. Clumsy bastard barely tried to go over it, just go through.

So here I stand, made a rump roast on the Traeger. 1.5 hours at 250 directly on the grill with a dry rub. Then in a cast iron dish, with some water, soya sauce, veggies and all wrapped in tin foil. Then another 3, closer to 4 hours. Its falling apart good there boys.


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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
As our stay at Samuel de Champlain park comes to an end, this is my view tonight.
Had a good week. Set up here on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday spent the day with our granddaughter, first at the splash park and yesterday, with us all day at the camper where she swam all day on the lake. So exhausted that she fell asleep on the way back home and then was cranky and wouldn't go to sleep that night. Ooops! :rolleyes:

Today was just a relax day for us. Rather cool and overcast but it cleared up for the evening as you can see. Nice steak dinner and then a vanilla whiskey night cap.

Heading back home tomorrow. Their check out time is 2pm so no rush at at all.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
Sanded the POR-15 epoxy putty down today. Started by hand.
That lasted about 5min. Then I broke out the Dremel and a sanding drum. :thumbsup:

Sanded down nicely. Even got the edges feathered in. After that, followed up by hand with 220 grit. Could've went for 500 grit, but though I'd taken too much off with the sanding drum.

Scuffed up the remainder of the fender's POR-15 paint coating, and broke out the etching primer.
First coat showed one 'high' area (easy enough to fix), and two low spots (one of which didn't get putty applied, so "it wasn't me", as the song goes).

Debating now whether I go after the low spots -- I could 'send it', but the perfectionist in me wants to make it as good as I can (except for the body paint, which I know I'll never blend in perfectly). So I'll most likely prep those spots, and apply a skim of putty on them / resand. They're still laying concrete outside, so that's the excuse I'll give for taking more time on this than I planned for. :yaay:

All in all... for the first time attempting bona fide body work / rust remediation... I'm kinda pleased with the results, so far. And I'll be really pleased if the repair lasts... LOL


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
While I prep dinner, my wife and oldest are out patching fence that a moose took down. Clumsy bastard barely tried to go over it, just go through.
You going to send the bill to MM for it? :smile:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Hey, it was my crazy cousin Eddy, I swear. 😇

So the bug out from the park went well. Weather got hot during the tow, hitting 33c. Despite that and the hills, the Sierra took it like a champ, temp never moved above 100c, engine oil hit a high of 253f and the tranny got to a max of 204f after a long uphill grade, with the A/C on. Averaged about 16-17L/100km (13.8-14.7 MPG). Can't complain.

Fuel prices are steadily coming down, hoping this trend continues. Filled it at a reserve in North Bay at $1.91/L where $2.05/L is the norm in town. When I left home,it was at $1.99/L and and is now $1.95.


Aug 24, 2021
Lincoln, Ne.
Got up early and went to U-Pull-It. Bought a fog light to replace the one from my project bumper cover that got damaged. Bought a piece of weatherstripping for the wife's '06, the lower corner of the drivers front has a serious deformation that really lets in the wind noise! Hopefully this fixes it. Pulled the rear diff cover off an '05 TB EXT to get some measurements to help figure out where to put the rubber fill plug in the new covers I got. The cover measured 2" deep compared to 2-3/8" deep for the 8.6 covers I bought. Looking at the cover on my '04 EXT it doesn't look as deep as the new covers, either. Wonder what's up with that?
Got back to the parking lot and noticed the right rear tire looked kind of low. 12 lbs. of air pressure! Where did the other 23 lbs. go? :confused:
Filled it up to 34 lbs. at U-Stop. I'll go out and check it in a few hours. If it's dropped I'll pull it off and put the spare on. I don't see anything in the tire, and the valve core isn't leaking.
Went to the grocery store for some stuff, then came home. I got everything done this morning so I can hang out in the man-cave. It's over 100f right now, and humidity to match! Good day to just stay inside!


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Still running full swing around here. We finally got the 60x100' paddock done. She's solid, 6"x8' posts, 8' centers and 4 board 2x4"x16' planks with offset boards. It was built into and around pastures with horses and into existing paddocks that had to be torn down as we went. Lots of work but the first and hardest one us done. Now 6 more before the snow flies.

Just as the regular day ended, our new hay guy rolled in. Two loads of 14 bales. They are nice, 1500 pounds and net wrapped. So I got them all unloaded and mostly stacked. Another 14 coming before noon tomorrow. Its a great feeling when fresh feed comes into the yard. In celebration, a trip into the hot tub is in order.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Was supposed to be an easy relaxed day. Smoked some beef ribs, which I pulled earlier than I would have liked because wifey was bugging me so much we ate them for a late lunch/early dinner. They were tasty but tougher than if I would have let them cook another hour or so.

Then my son calls me. He was out on his quad and popped a tire. Only trailer that would fit is the sled trailer. Go to hitch it to the TB and couldn't find the trailer light adapter. Then the skies opened up with a downpour.


While I was dicking around with the trailer, I smell something burning, like a clutch. Smoke coming from under the hood. The A/C compressor clutch is smoked. Pull the low pressure switch connector so that stopped that but now I'll either have to find a good used clutch or replace the whole compressor. And it kept raining.

Had to take out one of the sleds from the trailer to get his quad in. Then swapped the TB with the Sierra since it doesn't need an adapter. And it rained some more.

Went to get him and the quad, at least that went relatively well except that a front hinge pin for the trailer top went missing, and it was tethered too. Very odd. and it rained some more.

Get home, told the boy he can take care of the rest himself while I went in for a hot shower and dry clothes.

Then the sun came out. :mad:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
We had more hay roll in after morning chores. Got them tucked away and only had one holy shit moment as I tipped forward. I dropped the ball and violently righted myself. Shitty but the 1500 pound bales are about the max the machine can move around on really uneven ground. Live and learn.

Then we continued fencing. We dropped the kids off at the pool and carried on. +30C and humid. It sucked but we made progress. I was introduced to the hydraulic flow control valve. Now this thing really rips.

Tomorrow we were going to haul some square bales but rain is now forecast so no dice.


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Jan 15, 2012
Installed a garage door opener on the "shop side" sectional garage door. Don't park on that side but, it's a heavy wooden door and I'm getting lazy. Chamberlain makes a nice kit but, setting the travel limits is always a pain and they haven't improved on that since the one I installed 10 years ago.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Semi-productive day. Picked up a 40w solar panel. It didn't have a charge controller however I have one that I picked up at HF thinking I might need one. Perfect. For $25, can't complain. Will use it on my sled that's in storage in the trailer to keep the battery topped up and also with us if we need to charge the RV batteries. I can probably also use it on my lithium power pack but at 40w, it may need a full day of sun to charge from completely discharged.

Then went to Kenny-U-Pull to look for a clutch or whole A/C compressor for the TB. None of the four trucks that were there were decent. I may give that AliExpress one a shot because I don't feel like spending over $300 for a whole new compressor.

Oh, and I also snagged this from FB Marketplace. Was for sale for 7 weeks and I just spotted it now. I'll see if it will work with the TB's bumper and if it does, I'll fill in the GMC and put a bowtie over it. Also have an idea on getting my nephew to make copies with his 3D printer, possibly with other logos.



Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Today has been a mess. Is it Friday the 13th? :ugh:

Starting off, took the long way out of the neighborhood, so I could check the fence along the property, as I tend to do every few days. Sure enough, someone had yanked another board off the fence. Previously, they would leave it on the ground, or throw it in the yard, but this time, it was nowhere to be found. :mad:

Work is a little more stressful. Director of customer care is on vacation for 2 weeks, so they want me to fill in on any escalated matters and any tech support that her team would come to her with. I was also transferred a handful of outstanding cases she was working on, or so I assumed. But there were minimal notes, and no traces of interaction with any of the customers, so I had no idea what had been done, or relayed back to people. :duh:

Got most of that stuff wrapped up by mid afternoon. Figured I could take a breather before a webinar with corporate. Afternoon storms come through, OK that's normal right? The tap, tap, tapping noise above my head was NOT! Called the property manager to come take a listen and confirm if she thought there was a roof leak over my office, and she agreed. Maintenance came in, got up into the drop ceiling, and confirmed there's a PVC pipe going up through the roof, and that's where the leak is. LOVELY!! I already have anxiety when it rains, due to all the misadventures with insurance and my roof at home. I don't need this.

Time to head home, and hit the pharmacy. While cruising through an intersection behind another big vehicle, I see something in the road, there's a small bucket... Then I see the road surface following it is a light yellow color. PAINT!! But it was too late to swerve, and there wasn't anywhere to go. Thanks to the heavy rain from an hour before, the paint had spread, and there was paint-water everywhere. Everyone in that lane sprayed the side of their vehicles. So when I got home, I had to get to scrubbing.


Anything that was on body color paint, glass, or smooth plastic, was able to get scrubbed off. But the textured stuff, (rockers, side moldings, underside of the bumpers, wheel wells) was pretty much set. I may try some acetone on a rag, with the moldings, and if that works well without killing my back, may do the rockers too. After I got done, I got around to the back and saw there was spray and fine particles all over the lift gate and glass :hissyfit:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Geez, did my bad luck migrate south? Hopefully it keeps migrating out.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Geez, did my bad luck migrate south? Hopefully it keeps migrating out.

I was considering buying a mega millions ticket tonight with the outrageous jackpot, but with luck this bad, I'm glad I didn't bother. I probably woulda been off on each number by 1 or some silliness like that.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Geez, did my bad luck migrate south? Hopefully it keeps migrating out.
Send it out to the Bermuda Triangle.. and take mine with it!
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Jul 22, 2015
Anything that was on body color paint, glass, or smooth plastic, was able to get scrubbed off. But the textured stuff, (rockers, side moldings, underside of the bumpers, wheel wells) was pretty much set. I may try some acetone on a rag, with the moldings, and if that works well without killing my back, may do the rockers too. After I got done, I got around to the back and saw there was spray and fine particles all over the lift gate and glass :hissyfit:

I have something similar that might be helpful, later in this post... (there's a 'tl; dr' there, for the impatient) :biggrin:

Yesterday, I finished the Accord's painting portion of the fenderwell repairs.
Although I had masked off the immediate surrounding areas, and was careful about where I aimed the rattle cans, I found out that I did have some overspray (not 'color' overspray; I'll call it 'particle overspray' -- you could feel the difference on the body areas -- it was rough feeling, vs. the clearcoat on the rest of the body. And I had left things to dry for a good long time between coats of primer > color > clear.

Thinking that I screwed up royally, I started looking for what to use to remove it.

One of my favorite solvents is acetone. Yes, it's listed as a good substance to fix overspray (although I'd probably test in as inconspicuous an area as I could manage, before going whole hog).

Another thing mentioned was paint thinner. I didn't want to try this, so discarded that idea.

I figured I'd start with something even more benign (?) than acetone, and at hand... brake cleaner.
Took a clean blue Scott towel, applied the brake cleaner to it, and wiped a small area. Came right off. It did leave a little white residue, but that cleaned right up as well.

Long story short, I was able to get all of my overspray off with brakleen, changing to a clean side of the towel for every new area. Most was on the rear quarter / factory clearcoat, although I did have some on the D/S rear window glass as well (I had a black trim piece on the window that also had some rust, where previous owner had done a sh!t job covering it up). Got that overspray off, too.

My lower rocker has that textured (pebbled?) finish on it, too -- in the old days, GM named that 'plastisol' (and it rode all the way up to the plastic belt trim pieces on my '86 Sunbird... so way past the rockers). Anyway, I didn't have much overspray on the Accord's rockers, but I did go over them as well, with no ill effects.

Took the Accord out to a DIY carwash with the high pressure wand. After a quick suds / rinse... all is well!

I won't post pics here, as I wasn't able to get the outer fenderwell area on the D/S perfect (as I knew would be the case). But all in all... I'm pretty happy with the finished results (and I'm really picky, as most of you know). I'd call it a good '10 footer' result, if I were judging it. And the inner fenderwell lips (both the 'bad' D/S and the 'not so bad' P/S) look really good, IMHO. My eye was always drawn to the rear fenderwell rust -- now it looks pretty close to the way it rolled out of the factory back in 2008. As I said earlier... for a first attempt at real bodywork... I can't complain. Hopefully, it lasts awhile.

I decided to go with matte clear on the inner fenderwell lips; in retrospect, a satin or even a gloss clear might have been a better choice. But that's easily correctable, if I want to redo it later.

TL; DR: Acetone should work a treat. But brake cleaner also might. Another substance is 'Goof Off' - I've had great results with that in the past, although it does leave an oily residue behind (along with a bit of an odor).

PS: (for Blckshdw) For the inner wells, Rustoleum does make a matte 'bumper and trim' black, which I used for the side window trim piece on the Accord. A word of warning... it spatters easily. You can wipe it off with water, but you need to be quick about it. Also, even though it's listed as matte, it was a little shinier than I'd prefer, when looking at the passenger side (factory).
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
TL; DR: Acetone should work a treat. But brake cleaner also might. Another substance is 'Goof Off' - I've had great results with that in the past, although it does leave an oily residue behind (along with a bit of an odor).

PS: (for Blckshdw) For the inner wells, Rustoleum does make a matte 'bumper and trim' black, which I used for the side window trim piece on the Accord. A word of warning... it spatters easily. You can wipe it off with water, but you need to be quick about it. Also, even though it's listed as matte, it was a little shinier than I'd prefer, when looking at the passenger side (factory).

Another buddy of mine recommended Goof Off, and that they make one for dried latex paint cleanup. :undecided: I also have a can of brake cleaner so that's an option too.

Probably about 10 years ago, I had painted all my faded trim using SEM Bumper Coater. Its claim to fame is having a flex additive to it to prevent cracking. It held up pretty well for the most part. The caps on the sides of the rear bumper look terrible though and definitely need to be redone. Too many things getting dragged across them over the years I guess. The bottom trim, and center step look great, relatively speaking. I bought an HVLP spray gun years ago, but haven't used it. Would be a good an excuse as any to start playin with it. A quart runs about $60
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
The "Lil Woman" became inspired after our "Amazon Fresh" Food Order arrived and literally, "Just Cooked THIS Idea Up..." for me:


Mmmmmm .... Yummy....

Mrs. RSM’s “Mangare Fresco Sausage Linguine Italiano”


5 Mild Italian Sausages
1 Round Table Spoon of Fresh, Minced Garlic
1 Red Bell Pepper
1 Yellow Bell Pepper
1 Large Red Onion
1 Can of Mushrooms
1 Handful of Fresh Spring Greens (Leafy Greens)
1 Box of Linguine Pasta

Cooking Steps:

(1) Brown Italian Sausage on BOTH Side (Medium Heat) 30 Mins.
(2) Boil Water for the Linguine Pasta (8 Minutes to Al Dente)
(3) Add Olive Oil to Loosen Caramelized Sausages from Pan.
(4) Add Minced Garlic.
(5) Add ‘Chunked’ Red Onion and Bell Peppers.
(6) Add Greens after the Onions cleared.
(7) Allow to simmer in their Own Juices for 10 Minutes or so.
(8) Add Washed Mushrooms.
(9) Cover the Deep Square Side Pan with its Glass Lid for 10 Mins.
(10) Simmer until flavors Mix with an occasional Mild Stirring.


Use a Big Corel Salad Bowl
Drop in the Fresh, ‘Al Dente’ Linguine
Add in a Few Italian Sausages (Sliced Up is Nice, Too, I suppose...)
Smother Everything with the Fresh, Steamed Vegs & Cooked Broth
Decorate the Dish with a Healthy Sprinkling of Parmesan Cheese

Tutti A Tabala’ (All ...Come To The Table!)

Je vous souhaite un très bon appétit


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Passed the recipe onto my wife.. Love all things italian.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Maybe my luck is turning? Or at least not quite as bad as Tuesday was. As I got home yesterday, the missing fence board magically appeared on the sidewalk. Dunno if it was hidden in the grass, and someone kicked it up or what, but drove some screws into it, so that was back in place. Got settled in on the couch, and there's a pop up error from the RAID controller on my Plex server. Look in the closet, and sure enough among all the pretty blue lights, there's 1 red one. One of the drives went bad. :mad: Was hoping not to spend money on stuff for a while after the laptop purchase, but a new drive will be here tomorrow.

Got my monthly utility statement. Looks like I finally got nickel and dimed enough to burn through the rebate money from my solar panel installation. Next month, I owe them $1.26. Usual monthly charges range from $10-20 depending on the time of year. Was hoping to have the loan for the panels paid off at this point, but all the other stuff happened and set that plan back.

While getting ready to pack my lunch this morning, grabbed my cooler bag off the top of the fridge, and knocked a slip of some kind to the floor. Look down, and it's a blank mega millions ticket. That's as good a sign as any, guess I'll be playing for tomorrow. Don't even need the jackpot, just lemme get a little something to put on these debts and replace my fence! :undecided:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Ok, I shit you not, that triangle is actually parked over my house or just follows me around.

The new fridge got delivered on Thur. I can understand that moving fridges isn't the most pleasant or easy job in the world but these guys were total dicks. They couldn't go through the front door so they had to go by the rear door because the fridge was so big. Got all pissy about it. Whatever.

Then, the service included hauling away the old fridge. I asked for them to just bring it outside because it was being picked up later. They got all pissy about that too. Like you won't need to haul it in your truck and then at the end of the day take it back out so STFU!

Start taking the protective film off the new fridge, there's a f!cking dent in the door! Couldn't see with that film on otherwise I would have refused it. Try to call Home Depot and can't get a human to save my live. On their main 1-800 number, the robotic voice says there's over an hour wait but I can use their texting service at the given number. Start that and that actually went pretty well. They will exchange it next Saturday. Better not be the same dudes. On the survey I said I would not want them again.

Then call the dude who bought our old fridge. Says he doesn't have a truck but has a lot of friends to help. Fine, we'll use my truck but I'm not loading it. The four dudes show up, load it on the truck, I strap it down and we go his place. Also got him to pay me in advance with an extra $20 for gas.

We get there and... It doesn't fit through the f!cking door! They have no tools except for the one tool they should have used before buying it... A measuring tape! Luckily I had my set of tools with me. Take the doors off and the screen door closer. It was just comical watching these four guys trying to take the doors off so I wind up having to do it. They get it in and then another roadblock is the doorway to the kitchen so that required removal of the front feet. We get it in the tiny kitchen and, it doesn't fit the enclosure where it should go (of course!). So now his plan is to just put it where the kitchen table is. Put it all back together, set it up and, well now they have this huge fridge in the middle of this tiny kitchen. And if all this wasn't enough, I realize I left the f!cking door handles at home! :duh: I'll have to drive home and back to get them, a 25 minute ride each way :frown:

Then the sister asks me where do you put the water to make the ice. They're not from "around here" and I couldn't make them understand that they needed to get a plumber to hook up the water line.

After dinner drove back and brought the handles that I had to also install because they only have a measuring tape.

There's 3 hours of my life I'll never get back and I wish I could forget. It definitely wasn't worth the $100 + $20. Next time I will get the delivery guys to just haul it away!

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