What are you doing today? [Part II]


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Glad they got you diagnosed, I hope you make a good recovery!

So yesterday we rolled out of the yard just after 7am. We rolled back in just before 8. We snagged 100 squares from a local gent and have at least 100 more we can get later this week perhaps. I helped buddy last week load 100 squares from the field so he has 20 sitting aside for me.

Today I unloaded 74 into our little barn and have them stacked nicely. The heat finally got to me so thats it for the day. I'm in the midst of night shifts so I can't burn myself out.

This heat wave is unrelenting so we are quite far behind our fencing. We have a couple acres of grass we need to open up so hopefully we might at least have it staked later this week.

We also have a couple acres we need to get seeded to grass but its far too dry and I doubt it would grow, let alone germinate.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well boys, I got to hand it to my wife. She works hard all day and doesn't quit. So I get a text around midnight saying how happy she was that I got some bales moved. Well she decides to finish the job and gets the remaining 25 moved and stacked. Thats with her busted ankle and all. I got to say that I was worried because the up and down into a trailer and climbing a bale stack is really hard on her but its +32c today and absolutely sweltering with no wind. Would not be pretty.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Moved some more stuff to my mum's old house for my son. Went out to look for some things at Rona (Quebec's Home Depot) and spotted some appliances on clearance. There was a washer and dryer pair that were floor models reduced to a very attractive price ($545 each). Went back with him and he paid it upfront. We'll go back with the trailer to pick them up on Sunday since we were pressed for time for other stuff today and he'll be working night shifts Fri and Sat. And with the trailer, it will be easier to load and unload instead of bench pressing them up into the back of the Avy. There was also a nice bottom freezer fridge with water that was reduced by $500 but he didn't go for it. It would be perfect for him. If it's still there. I'll try to convince him.


Aug 23, 2019
Project "Stupid Can" update.

Found some 220 wet-dry in my box of sandpaper.

Scuffed up the surface, after 2 coats of color had a week to dry. Blew this dust off with the compressor and wiped it down with alcohol.

Now, I've got this run to deal with. Painting outside is not easy. You never know how much paint is blowing away on the wind, and how much paint is sticking.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
That ISP I switched to for about 45 days last year has been harassing me to come back to them, and I finally caved. They offered me 400 Mbps for $45, which is considerably more speed than I have now(100 Mbps), for a much lower price. My biggest gripe about their service was when the utility grid goes down, so does their signal, even though I have battery backups on my devices. Figured the cost savings would be worth the occasional inconvenience. Tested the new service after switching, and the speeds weren't very impressive. About 250 Mbps wired, and 60 Mbs wireless. Realizing my 7 year old router was likely the bottleneck, bought a new one.

Got that setup last night, and tweaked some settings this morning. Much better results, about 480 Mbps wired, my phone sees 450Mbps but my other devices on wireless not so much. Old laptop and TV got some old technology, they were sub 100 on wireless, so I'll keep those wired up. PS4 was in the 200s, but was over 300 wired, so that can stay too. :thumbsup:

Been hunting around the house for a spare ignition switch, and of course it's nowhere to be found. Will probably end up buying a new one, and then find the spare after it gets put in... :frown:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well cool ride, thats still the story of my life.

After packing in some decent overtime this past week, I got today and tomorrow off. Didn't get much sleep but headed out to help some other friends load up square bales from the field. Its sweaty, dirty and the bugs are bad but any day away from the office is time well spent.

My wife and kids were in Crimetown for shopping and swimming and should be home soon. Then off to a friends for a visit.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yesterday, went to the cottage for the day just to enjoy some burgers, a couple of beers and watch the kids swim in the lake.

Then this morning, after his night shift, helped my son pick up his washer and dryer using the utility trailer on the Avy. Was uneventful except that they swapped the washer with a new-in-box sealed one instead of the floor model he was supposed to get. Sweet! Then back home, looked at the RV trailer's black tank rinser I installed that is leaking. Where the hose is supposed to seal on it, there is a manufacturing defect that is allowing both fresh water and tank water to leak. I had bought it originally at Crappy Tire in the spring and couldn't find the original receipt so I went and bought another one which was only in stock at a store at the other end of town. "Oh, and dear, could you also stop by Costco to pick up a few things?" :duh: By the time I got back, I didn't have time to replace it as we were going to a neighbour's for dinner. Gonna have to finish tomorrow.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Cleared some more bush for another fence line. Got another hour or so to finish the clearing... I hope. There is a couple more skinny trees that might need to be dropped yet. The lilac bush was not as bad as I thought, its not technical work, just a grind.


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Jan 15, 2012
Finished off my fabricated cable rail on my baby deck off of the master BR . I think we like it so I will probably do the big deck next year after replacing treated with Trex composite.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Playing hookey from work for a couple of days. A friend of mine is visiting from out of state with her son, and he's been wanting to go to Busch Gardens. Now that he's tall enough to ride the roller coasters, which mom isn't all that fond of, he's gonna need a ride buddy when mom chickens out on the big ones. :laugh:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Not much today. Moving some more stuff for my son and looking at more truck porn :biggrin:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Haven't been up to much, other than work. Had a nasty plow wind run through yesterday evening. Got caught outside and barely made it in. We faired well with just some branches and an old tree down. Other neighbors got hail, lost power for 12 hours, travel trailers knocked over, trees down, a roof missing on a cabin etc.

I fiddled with the 3500 today. Still need a new MAP sensor but now have that reoccurring P2580 turbo speed code. The hell its the turbo sensor I say. I pulled the intake ducting and checked the resistance. 900 ohms, well within the 600 to 1600 or so bracket. Fck you P2580!!!20210723_212040.jpg20210723_212150.jpg


Jan 26, 2013
Taking a nice cruise around on the bike
the temps were perfect and even the wind felt soft against the arms. Ran into some heavy fog 3/4 of the way through my trip so instead of getting into an accident I turned myself around and returned via the way I came. I left before the mrs. woke up and took her kindle with me just to prove a point. I told her I went to the damn store but they were closed.

But then I noticed I couldn't even purchase any gas for the pumps don't accept credit cards! And lets ask the youngsters how to operate one of these pumps. There are four or five old stations near me with these old pumps outside their stores.

And for the FINAL proof I went to the DAM STORE, here it is :woohoo:



And now You know the Rest of the Story


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Zipped into the city of saskatoon today with the 3500. Met up with my parents who are taking the kids for a week. Had a quick visit and then made a hasty retreat before they changed their minds.

Swung by Cummins and picked up a new MAP sensor. This was one of the German Continental made units for 94$. Then ran by Cambodian tire to pick up another torx T15 bit. I changed the sensor in the lot after one hell of a goofy show. Dropped this and dropped that, almost lost this and almost lost that. Thankfully got it done, all to have the codes remain. Fck sakes. Still have to drop another 100 bucks to pick up the IAT sensor and hope that works.

Irregardless, the trip went well and managed 18.45mpg while hauling ass the whole time.
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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Got 100 square bales this morning. The guy is so close and our horse trailer is pretty easy to fill. 45 minutes total time. These ones are not getting stacked inside but will make some poverty piles down the alley and feed right off of them. This will save a pile of time.

Then onto clearing more fence line. Managed two more loads of branches to the dump.

Now on to BBQ supper. Cheers boys!


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Installed the slide out topper. Had a couple of :duh: But basically went well. Now don't have to worry about water and debris when closing.


Then picked up some more patio chairs for my son along with a lamp and cabinet. Quick trip to drop them off there.

He's really stoked to move in, tired of the basement bachelor apartment he's in now. He's sleeping in the house tonight as a test drive,. Should be a good night's sleep.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
@BrianF ...Re: Post # 534... Feel along the entire length of the Turbo Speed Sensor Harness looking for a "Friction Rub Break" in the Harness Insulation. Most likely this is why the problem is intermittent and in a place that is not in plain sight either.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Brought the Caprice back to my tuner as it has a strange RPM flutter while cruising between 70-80 km/h. And a couple of days ago, noticed a bad flare at the 3-4 shift. Got the flare fixed (he changed some stuff and put the tranny in a relearn) but that flutter while cruising remains. Gonna have to check to see if it's the TCC slipping.

Then picked up some phô soups on my way for lunch. Then start mowing the lawn. Got 1/3 done when the mower deck belt blew :mad: . This one was barely 2 years old. Ordered a new kevlar version but won't be here till Sunday.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
I got my round pen and arena quadivated and drug. Then tested out my cheapo poverty cart sprayer. Works but needs the nozzles cleaned and the wiring cleaned up. It will do great spraying the acreage but it does not flow anywhere enough volume to use as dust suppression in the arena. Too bad so sad.

Then ran into an ignition issue with my quad. I got her nice and hot and just about ran it out of fuel. What I found is that with the ignition button it won't start, just crank. If I use the recoil it fires up just fine. Apparently there is some coil that hovers on the flywheel that may need adjustment. I guess that will get added to my list.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Been a hectic last few days down here. Last Thursday, my sister calls me, asking if I could take my niece for a few hours on Saturday, while she had movers in and out of her apartment, taking things to her storage facility. OK, that's pretty reasonable, plus I don't get to see my niece that often.

What turned into a few hours of babysitting and playing, turned into the entire weekend. My sister is notorious for being awful at planning and this was no different. It didn't dawn on her that not only was it a Saturday, but also the last day of the month, so everyone and their mom would be trying to move things into storage that day. The place she uses has a single elevator, so it was chaos. Her apartment also wasn't packed (I used to hate when people asked for help moving, and aren't fully packed when you show up) so she ended up having to stay there all night and into Sunday morning to finish up, so I had to keep the baby overnight, and most of Sunday too.

Shout out to all the parents on the forum, cuz keeping up with a curious 2 year old, in a house that isn't baby proofed was exhausting! Didn't take long before all doors were closed to keep her from running around where I couldn't see her. My sister's apartment looked like an episode of hoarders, so she wasn't used to having so much open floor space to exercise her legs. Needless to say I was unprepared for all that, and got absolutely nothing done the whole weekend as a result.

One of which was to get the grass cut, since it was dry all weekend, and rain chances are going back up all week. It was cloudy all day today, with some sprinkles here and there, so I tried to hurry up after my shift and get things done. Managed to get the back cut, then the sky opened up and poured. :mad: In hindsight, I should have cut the front first, since that's what everybody sees. Force of habit.

Before bringing out the mower, I did my walk of the property. While stepping out on the half sinking deck, I heard some noises underneath it. I had long suspected that a pair of otters I occasionally see, built their nest under there this gave me a bit more confirmation. *please don't mind all the trash that gets pushed in from the pumping station*



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Saturday we went to the cottage for the day. Mostly relax, have some brews and BBQ and headed back home, about an hour drive. We don't stay overnight anymore because the beds are so small and uncomfortable and there were enough people there to occupy them.

Yesterday was pretty quiet since it was a rain day. My son found a deal on a stove for the house so I went to pick it up with the trailer on the TB and brought it over there.

Today, I brought a sectional sofa that was surplus in our basement to the house, again using the TB and trailer. Picked up my son at his old place and loaded a few boxes. The sofa was missing some bolts so picked some up at the hardware store along with hookups for the washer and dryer. Got it together and it needs a good cleaning. The washer I wasn't able to hook up the hot water as the previous tenant left an old hose on it that was seized to the valve and I didn't have any pliers. And looking at the sealing washer that was on this hose, I wasn't going to trust it. And the handle for the valve was missing. Did test the machine with cold water. Dryer exhaust was another problem. It hasn't been cleaned in over 20 years, there's an extra flapper on the interior connection and the exterior exhaust has a type of flapper that would allow critters in so I'll have to do that another day along with cleaning the duct. Did test the dryer unhooked. Things are starting to shape up in the house for him. His actual move date is Aug.19.


Jan 15, 2012
Getting the motorhome ready for 1 week of exploration through Vermont. We pick a different state to cruise every year. Vt. being next to NY will be less stressful than the trips out west that we have done before. Started this process early enough so we won't forget something important but,...we will. :duh:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Ripped into the city today to grab my kids. 9 days away was nice but it seems you end up missing them....

Grabbed a new IAT sensor from Cummins and a new air filter from Napa. Installed them in the parking lot. A few drive cycles in the city and still unable to clear the P0111 and P2580.

Truck drove great the 200km home. IAT on point the whole time as well. 18 mpg the whole 750km that tank.

Got home, did a battery reset and then could clear the codes. A few on off cycles and codes remained clear. Here's hoping.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Camping in Montreal in the RV. Got a super nice spot on a super nice park. Although you can't go wrong with a KOA park, this one is really nice.

It's an end lot with nobody in front of us right near the entrance and pool. All this space is ours! Only problem is we forgot our lawn chairs so all we have to sit on it the picnic table. Might try to see if I can buy a pair tomorrow.

The Avy towed it well, used only 3/4 of a tank but it was just a two hour drive. It was mostly flatland so that helped. Still, it's a lot.


Aug 27, 2012
Flemington, NJ
Damned TB. Got the very beginning of a rod knock. Right now it's just 3 gentle raps on start up, every time I start it, no worse cold or hot.
Kills me because the oil was changed every 3-4k since I've owned it, since 2008.
Probably going to drive it until it's just good enough to get to the junkyard.


Aug 23, 2019
Damned TB. Got the very beginning of a rod knock. Right now it's just 3 gentle raps on start up, every time I start it, no worse cold or hot.
Kills me because the oil was changed every 3-4k since I've owned it, since 2008.
Probably going to drive it until it's just good enough to get to the junkyard.
Drive it real easy. Baby it along.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Cut open a wall in the kitchen for a pantry. 20210730_154934.jpg20210730_155204.jpg20210806_084912.jpg20210806_103812.jpg20210806_135001.jpg
I'll be doing a overlapping chalkboard panel on a piano hinge to kind of keep it discrete.


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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Ripped back to the city to meet with my wife's family. Most of them live within two hours of us and we rarely see them so this was much needed.

Made it back home just after sunset, got chores done and began some packing for the horse show. My wife and 12 year old leave early Monday and I had not made time to do a proper trailer inspection. Well I should have as I found a tire bulged with some belting poking out. Hopefully I'm the tire shop is open tomorrow and I can get it swapped...


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Ok so luckily the tire shop was open today but no dice on having any trailer tires in stock. Some of the locals were milling about having coffee there and none had any that would fit. Will try again at another Monday early.

So I redid the backing plates back in 2017 or 2018 with 12x2" 7k Dexter units. Set the pads, did a run in and adjusted them again. I may have checked them in 2019 when I cleaned the grounds. We really haven't used it much since. I noticed the brakes were getting weaker again. On manual mode using the integrated brake controller you should be able to lock them up. Well I could not even get them to dragnon grass.

So tonight I used this old wrench with an off set flat head that I found in a scrap heap. Each brake needed several spins of the star wheel and I got them to engage and then backed off a few spins. Well that was rhe ticket as I manually locked them and had that diesel working to get any action out of them. On the road tomorrow she will need to adjust the gain and away she goes. 20210808_164043.jpg


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
@BrianF , if you're in dire need of tires for the trailer and depending on the size, a lot of RV trailer owners use LT truck tires. Higher load rating, speed rating, reliability and longevity. I didn't have that option for my size to replace the original China bombs it came with so I went with Goodyear Endurance trailer tires. Made in USA, higher load rating, stiffened sidewalls and extra material to protect them from curbs. Cost more but worth it.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Harbor Freight or Tractor supply is always a option for tires too. Thats where I get mine for my Enclosed.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Just sitting in the parking lot at the local tire shop we normally use. They open at 8am and by 8:10 are rocking. The owner rips out, takes my tire, insults both our golfing skills and then gets to work.

I had read about those Endurance tires but unfortunately my trailer is turning into a poverty wagon. The original tires were not bad looking and wearing until one by one in the middle of nowhere they began to blowup. So its got some mismatched brands right now. Complete rez.

With the 3 horses and all the show stuff she is maybe 9000 pounds trailer weight, along with 3 people and luggage in the truck. Thats why we bought the megacab and a diesel. She will be able to set the cruise and haul ass today.

Edit; its a Carlisle HD Trail, which matches one of the new tires. So I think I will get two more of those in 10 ply and the 12 ply Sailun will rotate to my spare.
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Sitting here contemplating selling my Escalade...


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well boys, my wife made it to Red Deer, Alberta with no issues and their work begins. My 11 year old, her friend and I ripped into patch trash central, Lloydminster and got a few things for supper and picked up our 1/4 beef. Feels well over 100 pounds, all cut and wrapped.

One of our many ranching neighbours brings a few head in per year to be butchered. This was a 4H competition Speckle Park that went under the knife. Some of the finest beef you can find. None of that high density feed lot garbage.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Took the TB and trailer to move some more of my son's stuff to the house. This is turning into an easy move, moving a little at a time. There won't be much left when his move day comes on the 19th.

But first, the AC in the TB was lukewarm and the compressor was cycling badly. I wasn't gonna drive it with no AC while it's hotter and sweatier than the devil's butthole. I just threw a can of R134a into it to get it going. It's probably still low but didn't have the time to do the gauges thing.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Walked into the kitchen barefoot a few days back and stepped into a puddle of water on the carpet nearby... Saved again from a tumble by my Cane! I instantly created 15 New Swear Words in Long Lost Biblical Languages then immediately measured everything and ordered a Frigidaire Gallery version from Home Depot as a comparable replacement of the Old Sears Kenmore-Whirlpool. I LOVE this Woman's Voice... :>)

Upon arrival its arrival , I gave the two service drivers from Home Depot some Brand New, EZ Breath Silky Black N-95 Masks (Their versions were in tatters ...and Covid019's Delta Variant is still tear-assing around down here in Florida). Then I managed this swap out and tidy-up in 'Toot Sweet Time'.

Seems like it was a bit more 'Pricey' for such a small thing than the last time I had to replace it... but the Lil' Woman likes all the Gee-Gaw Bells, Whistles & Black S/S and it does its work quietly, too, so with the carpet finally dried out, the Happy Days are back again in Kitchen-Land.

Cavet Emptor:

Measure under the Cabinet Thrice... and Buy the right size DW Once. :>)
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