What are you doing today? [Part II]


Dec 4, 2011
Well here's an opposite thing to yours ... hah. Got the 30+ year old snowblower running today. Hasn't run in years. Fresh oil (had to use a heat gun to get it to drain it was so cold and thick), gas, and a whole bunch of yanks and a few carb cleaner sprays and it fired up! Tires are bad and leaky, and it needs some minor other work, but it runs strong. We may get a 1-2 double storm set this week and I'd rather not break my back like I did last week.


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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Waiting for this damn cold snap to end. Allegedly the last of the -30 and colder ambient is done but the -30 to 40 windchill is hear for several more days. As usual the warm weather keeps getting pushed back further and further.

I thawed my Trailblazer out last night at the office. The wheels were so jam packed with ice that she had the shakes again.

In a week when its finally warmer than -10c I plan to rip into my truck one more time. There is a def control module on top of the tank that I will try to access and check the connector and wiring as a last ditch effort. Got an actual quote for a delete which will be just north of 2k with taxes.

My wife is pissed. 75k truck with just less than 100k km on it, 4 years old and no warranty on a several thousand dollar part. She wants a gas back but we will lose a pile in trade in, lose on any sort of repair. We will see how this plays out....


Jul 6, 2014
Waiting on a drive gear for the snowblower gear box... effing fedex lost it so I ordered another one... when I got tracking from them for the second one I almost shit.


Original poster
Nov 18, 2011
Stuck in house with all the kids cause of snow. Fun Fun. Still get to work the regular job. I would love for some peace and quiet however there is a another storm round coming they say...yippee...Oh and helping them with E-learning is bullshit. I did not sign up to teach and have enough trouble getting them to clean up not figure out 7 subjects on an Ipad that I do not have any experience with.


Jul 6, 2014
Sounds like auger gear #2 may be lost as well. So 3 weeks and 2 parts missing. Even more ironic my order from summit last night says it'll be delivered tomorrow. What the hell. I ain't shoveling again. Whatever I did to my shoulder over the summer said for me to eff off last week. Pops and clunks anytime I move it and I can't really lift it. :redface:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just had a big dump of snow yesterday and this afternoon, temps and sunshine should make prime riding time. And we also just got out of lockdown so I will able to walk into a restaurant to grab a bite to eat if needed.

On Monday though, when we stopped for a bite to eat (outside), I lost my noise cancelling ear buds. Looked everywhere and they were gone despite being black on white snow. Cut my ride short to head home as I wouldn't be able to keep up with my son and his GF because at higher speeds, my sled produces a terrible track howl and engine drone. My ears are still ringing more than usual :frown: . I've had it with using ear buds and plugs so I ordered these to put in my helmet. I'll put the speakers from my helmet communicator in them and hopefully I will have a nice quiet ride.

Until they arrive, I'll have to use plugs :mad: .


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Heading out to the hospital for more tests and then some shopping at Costco, as much as I hate the idea. I swear I will throat punch the first one that gets too close to me.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
So it is kind of actually warming up now. Last night it was -24c and got to -13 during the day. No more -30 windchill either. Tonight will be the first time since the beginning of February that I don't need to use a block heater.

Got the quad fired up and cleared snow, burnt some hay that had some mold on it, kids hauled frozen crap put of a paddock and began to fix some damaged electric fence.

Tomorrow I need to fuel the sleds, check fence, go for a ride and find my damn truck keys that I legitimately lost or "misplaced." Bloody thing is booked in for Friday next week to get deleted.

I had been tracking the fuel mileage in the trailblazer and see its been getting better. Had a low of 17L/100km and now I'm mid 15s. She was getting expensive to drive to work everyday.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I'm gonna try to get a hair cut today but since everything reopened on Tue, shops are slammed. After that, since I didn't make it to Costco yesterday, gonna try again today.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Work, and then a bunch of nothing over the weekend.. Cant use my new computer cause I am still waiting on the EK Pump to come in. Cant use my old computer cause I pulled the video card out of it for the new computer, and put a EKWB on it in that process. I have an OLD video card (Radeon 5970), but I can only cruise the web with it, none of my programs/games work with it... I guess that means I get to spend time with the wife and kid.. Cant be that bad... Right? :smile:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
It was maybe -4c today but a nasty NW wind. Piss on it, we did a 10 mile round trip out to a friends farm. Not home but some good windbreaks along the way at least to stop and thaw out.

Saw fresh moose tracks, coyotes and deer.

So we were not flying but used maybe 5 litres per sled for the trip. Sounds bad but could be par for the course in these old girls. 20210219_155232.jpg20210219_154747.jpg


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Here's a little update on the fireplace mantel.20210212_082606.jpg
Forgot to get a pic of the added supports on the inside but you guys should get the idea. The upper is supported by the ceiling joists and wall beams.
The TV was originally to low but now its up to high for us so I'm going to have to bring it down about 6-8 inches.
Currently shopping for the bottom stone slab, top ledge and crown molding.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Not nearly as exciting of a home mod, but finally bit the bullet and cut a hole in my vaulted ceiling. Was always a bit wary of doing that, since it's nearly impossible to access that area in the attic. So screwing it up, would be a real pain in the ass to patch up.

I got pretty fortunate, there was a break in the insulation at that point, so I took a rake and a couple of PVC pipes and could push them to the sides so I could barely see the hole in the drywall. Propped up a PVC pipe for a little assistance. Figure get the end of the conduit onto that, then I could guide it in place from the living room.



Not pictured, I cut up some plastic to make a flange that wrapped around the inner coil, to catch on the drywall and hold it at a desired depth. One side was to wedge against the joist where the TV mount is, so I could spin the conduit to adjust the amount exposed. But while I was messing with it to get it in place, I must have screwed up the flange piece, cuz the conduit came down too far. Gave it a twist, and it bound up. :mad: You can't see it from the couch, but when you come in the front door... :ugh: I'll try to tap on it with a hammer after I get the cables pulled, and the cap in place. If I can't get it close to flush like I planned, I'll try a PVC cap, or something.


I got a spool of speaker wire, so I'll need to extend my front speaker wires to reach the new route. Once I get those done, and pulled up into the attic, I'll zip tie them with the other cables already up there and pull the whole bundle down in 1 shot. The rear speakers will get run through the attic and dropped down into the back wall at a later time.

Was smart enough to pop allergy and pain pills beforehand, so I was in good shape once I got that done. Decided to get some yard work done, cleaned up some leaves. Ran some errands, and that's about as productive as I'm gonna be today.


Jul 6, 2014
Finally got the snowblower back together. Shouldn't snow the rest of the year now... brake line blew on the blazer plowing out my aunt so that was fun. And I've been working on my neighbors snowblower. This things a serious MOFO. 9hp tecumseh, 30 inch plow width, massive tires. It's a beast. But I rebuilt the carb quick back in December before the first storm we got since it didn't run worth a damn. Then it was okay.

So after the last storm I pulled it back apart and really soaked it and wired and filed everything out... and it runs worse. I'm at a fault. I can rebuild and make those things run perfect blind folded and I can not get this thing to run without popping like a crackle tune. Starts first pull every time just doesn't run worth a damn. And usually choke helps those machines if there is a carb issue and it doesn't make much a difference. I'll figure it out hopefully but I'm just flustered right now...


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Maybe throw a new carb at it. They're cheap and plug and play. My son did just this with an 8hp Tecumseh 24"
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Jul 22, 2015
Going to try repairing my main kitchen fridge today; it's been acting up lately w/ regard to maintaining temp. A new fridge would run $1000-1500; the part in question is $80. Guess which way I'm going? :undecided::laugh:
I'd rather put that cash into 'stage 2' of the Sierra (yes, Virginia, there *will* be a Stage 2!)

To be fair, I've had really good luck with repairing appliances over my lifetime... washer, dryer, furnace, central A/C, stove / range, dishwasher... (not all at the same time / same residence!) So now, I can try a refrigerator. And the part is pretty easy to replace, too.

I'll be the first to admit that if it were not for others sharing info on the internets, I'd have had a lot less luck, and have spent a lot more money on repairmen / replacements. It's kinda like auto repair, which most of us here are at least marginally competent at. And it's really satisfying (for me) to be able to say "I did it myself" (well, with a little Google-Fu)

Now, doing work like @xavierny25 is doing with his house... that's a skill I don't have, and wish I did. (impressive!) That's why I bought 'new construction', last time out... :dielaugh:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
After work I took the kids on another ten mile burn on the sleds. Visited some friends and then made it back before it was too dark. As I made it to the home quarter the ghost began to bog slightly. Usually this is caused by my ten year old bumping the kill switch.

Well we made it just into the yard and it began to bog bad to the point where it died. Quick pull of the rear plug and she had spark and the plugs weren't fouled.

We towed it back to the shed with the Evinrude and using my old extension cord recovery strap. Has fuel to the pump. Used a can of fuel and direct primed it down the carb mouth. Got it to run and parked it. Started to clear itself a bit. Looks like it needs another carb clean.20210221_184420.jpg


Original poster
Nov 18, 2011
Waking up in Little Rock en route to Katy TX to fix the sister-in-laws water pipes that froze and exploded in their walls. Got truck load of tools and parts since they said nothing available there. Will be an interesting week.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
The joys of turning 50. Going for my first shingles shot this morning before work.
Is that all? Colonoscopy and cystocopy are way more fun! :eek:

Today is gonna be a quiet day. Getting some new blades for my jigsaw so I can mod a cabinet to fit a small fridge. Pulling the sled into the garage so it can thaw. Have some rear suspension bushings to replace and then attempt to do some sound deadening around the motor, especially the air box and around the clutch.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Yesterday- Getting this computer put together now that I have all the parts.. Only to find the power supply that came with the case BRAND NEW is bad, also a case fan, the RGB lighting for the same case fan, and the RGB base.. First time I have ever bought from IN-WIN.. Might be my last.. GRR!


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Was about to rip off the ghosts carb for an ultrasonic bath, decided to see how it runs. Primed and almost got it to fire ..... but wait, there's more. If you have both spark plug wires hooked up, it runs!! Took it on some power runs and it worked flawlessly. Will pick up an inline filter one day to mount after the fuel pump.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Tried to call the DIY garage to book some time to do the brakes and front hubs on the Avy and it kept going straight to voicemail. Upon checking on their FB page, says it's temporarily closed until further notice. Damn, really don't want to do this outside in the snow or I'll have to park it until the nice weather returns and drive the TB. Nothing wrong with that, just that I like the Avy more but it's also a pig on gas.


Jul 6, 2014
Turns out the seats don't go back anywhere near as far in the 10+ GM suvs as they do in the TB or 800 platform. Weird. I can't drive the TB with the seat all the way back... well I can its just I have to stretch to put the pedals to the floor... not an issue in the envoy as the electric seat moves slightly less... the 2500 forget about it. That seat practically goes on top of the rear bench.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Still working on this computer build. Dealing with IN-WIN has been... well, like waiting on a caterpillar to cross the road.. Sent them an email that my power supply and fan and RGB ring was bad. 2 days later, they respond that I need to send the defective parts back, and they will replace them. I ask them to send me a shipping label. Silence. No emails, no further communication. Sorry, Im not paying for me to send you your defective parts. I bought the case thru Amazon, started a return, and its going back today, on their dime. I hate Amazon online services, but I love their Amazon store.

Bought a NZXT case last night, a new power supply, still need to buy some case fans. And I spent about 130 bucks less than the IN-WIN case. It wont be as "pretty" but at least it will work!


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Day off from work so I'm working on the house. Patching holes and running the speaker wires for the surround sound system I plan to install in the near future. 20210226_112458.jpg
I'm a big fan of patching these types of holes with out the use of tape or mesh tape. I simply over cut the piece of drywall I need and score the back to fit and break of the corners to use the drywall paper as my joint tape. 20210226_112537.jpg
Speaker wire runs as I patch.20210226_112448.jpg
I have a total of 4 (2 front 2 rear) on wall locations. My center channel is going to be an over head angled in closure.20210226_164641.jpg20210226_164655.jpg
I haven't purchased the speaker so at the moment I just cut a small hole to get to the wires already in the wall and covered them with some outlet covers.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Jul 22, 2015
Changed the oil in my SOB (Some Other Brand) tonight; of course, the previous owner (or rather, the quick change shop where they had it done) tightened the filter where I couldn't turn it off by hand. And, of course, I could no longer find my filter cap tool for that size filter (but if you properly tighten 3/4 of a turn, and lube the filter gasket, you'll never *need* a tool to get the filter off). If I couldn't get the old one off, I couldn't finish the job, and if I left the car up on ramps overnight, I knew I'd lose the oil prime.

Couldn't find a strap wrench, either, so as I'm looking around my garage, I'm thinking I'll have to go get a cap wrench for it tomorrow. And then I ran across my detachable tow mirrors for the Envoy -- which fasten to the truck's side view mirrors with... rubber straps. :lightbulb:

10 minutes later, the filter was off, new filter on, and I could fill the crankcase right away without losing too much of the oil prime. Happy day :celebrate:

(It may not sound like a big deal, but when I can think of / come up with a solution for something that saves time & money, it's a big deal for me -- usually, I solve automotive problems by buying (yet another) tool.) Or, once... another car. :yikes:


Jul 6, 2014
Rebuilt the suspension on the vette. Went well and pulled the rack. Waiting on the wheels to come back from paint and then it'll get some bfg sport comp 2s mounted and then hopefully I'll find someone who'll align the thing because apparently no one believes it can be aligned anymore... apparently people don't understand shims lol.

Today is brake lines and bleed... fingers crossed that goes smoothly.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Tried to call the DIY garage to book some time to do the brakes and front hubs on the Avy and it kept going straight to voicemail. Upon checking on their FB page, says it's temporarily closed until further notice.
Found out a couple of days ago that the guy that ran it passed away suddenly. He was just 61. Damn, that's just 5 years older than me :frown: He was an ornery old guy but fun to talk with but you could see life had been hard on him. Was very safety oriented, probably from past experiences.

Spent the afternoon yesterday taking apart our gas stove as it was having issues with the igniter with some of the burners that would not light. Apart from the usual greasy gunk, I also found an abandoned mouse nest just under the burners :mad: Was not the cause of the problems and the wires were intact. The sparks are good at a couple of the burners, one is intermittent and two others are non-existent. Closing the gap with a screwdriver helped a little bit but the spark was weak. Figure the igniter module is weak so ordered a new one. Spent the rest of the time to clean all the crap out and disinfecting everything.

This morning is beautiful but bitterly cold (-19c) and windy. Might go for a ride this afternoon once it warms up a bit.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
I might go for a ride today but our snow is garbage. It had melted a bunch the other week, then dropped down to mid teens, light windy snow and she is back melting this week.

I'm going to run one sled almost empty as I track the mileage. I need to see what kind of range I can get. Might end up like that Seinfeld episode where Kramer tries to see how far he can go on empty.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Sitting here kinda dumbfounded...

Momma decided she wanted to tell me that she was Pregnant yesterday.. And she is 2.5-3 months Pregnant.

Scared.. Terrified... Yea...

Was not planning on having another... SURPRISE!


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Was going to hit the snow but my buddy called and the truck was done. 2100$ later, she is all done. Bully Dog tuner and flow pro exhaust. The 4" pipes were all backorder, even after they said they would ship them. Got a deal as they did a full 5" turbo back with muffler.

Its louder than I was hoping and with the exhaust brake on warm up she is loud. But under light to medium load she is not bad.

They set it on a 15hp tow tune and quite frankly it hauls ass once the turbo lights. 20210302_160744.jpg20210302_155057.jpg


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