Time for performance


Original poster
Dec 22, 2011
There is always more speculation in this forums rather than answers. Anyway, I want to know what I can do to do with my truck besides going into the motor. I do need a CAI, so which one. I already have an exhaust, flowmaster muffler only, will I benefit from a cat. Do e-fans give any performance. Is PCM the best tunner, Im hearing alot of good stuff from HPtuners. Anything else you guys can throw in will be greatly appreciated.


Nov 18, 2011
Fill out your truck info so we know what we are even dealing with.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
andy702252 said:
There is always more speculation in this forums rather than answers.
Indeed. And that's because we don't administer an intelligence or an experience test to be allowed in. We let in even the noobs who believe that a JC Whitney Tornado Vortex Disk will give them 20 HP. Then we try to educate them.
Anyway, I want to know what I can do to do with my truck besides going into the motor.
I dunno. You haven't told us what you need it to do that it won't already do to your satisfaction. What's your mission? Dragstrip? Autocrossing? Offroading? Impress the chicks at the mall? Impress other members at meets?
I do need a CAI, so which one.
Homemade is the cheapest, but they often look ugly. Care to share your budget? DIY ability?
I already have an exhaust,
USually a good idea. :wink:
flowmaster muffler only,
What model?
will I benefit from a cat.
Passing emissions test is a huge benefit, if you're covered by regulations. If not, you're going to be seeing a lot of your SES light. Unless you get it suppressed with a tune. However, Al Gore will cry when he hears you're running without a cat.
Do e-fans give any performance.
Claims vary. I figure 5 HP max, and for me, the drawbacks are not worth it. YMMV.
Is PCM the best tunner,
PCM is the computer itself. PCMFORLESS is a vendor here, and many of us buy a tune from them. Check their web site.
Im hearing alot of good stuff from HPtuners.
HP Tuners, on the other hand is a software company, and PCMFORLESS and many members here who do their own tunes use this software. It's not cheap. What's your skill set and budget?
Anything else you guys can throw in will be greatly appreciated.
Help us help you by describing your intentions and capabilities clearly. :yes:


Original poster
Dec 22, 2011
I apologize for the lack of information, still becoming aclimated to the new site. I am a college student with decent skills, I am most comfortable in electric systems. As long as it does not require doing something with tiny margins of error. With that being said if it needs to be cut, welded , or shaved I cannot do it. If it requires working with fragile parts, well I can do it but I rather not. My budget, well right now im looking to spend about a grand or so, however if there is more needed I will just wait until I can add to my current budget.


Jan 24, 2012
Having your PCM tuned by PCM4Less is a good start along with a CAI. I've received my K&N from a OS member for $150 used. Plus I waited for PCM4Less to offer their discount to flash for $100. With those two your ride will be much more perky and responsive. So far $250, leaves more for more stuff :wootwoot:

Also you can have a shift kit/servos added to the tranny. I found out yesterday that we can get a ported throttle body for our rigs and supersparkz which apparently are replacement Beryllium copper for springs in our coil pack boots, both which have added benefits.


Jan 10, 2012
the roadie said:
Indeed. And that's because we don't administer an intelligence or an experience test to be allowed in. We let in even the noobs who believe that a JC Whitney Tornado Vortex Disk will give them 20 HP. Then we try to educate them. I dunno. You haven't told us what you need it to do that it won't already do to your satisfaction. What's your mission? Dragstrip? Autocrossing? Offroading? Impress the chicks at the mall? Impress other members at meets?Homemade is the cheapest, but they often look ugly. Care to share your budget? DIY ability?USually a good idea. :wink:What model? Passing emissions test is a huge benefit, if you're covered by regulations. If not, you're going to be seeing a lot of your SES light. Unless you get it suppressed with a tune. However, Al Gore will cry when he hears you're running without a cat. Claims vary. I figure 5 HP max, and for me, the drawbacks are not worth it. YMMV. PCM is the computer itself. PCMFORLESS is a vendor here, and many of us buy a tune from them. Check their web site. HP Tuners, on the other hand is a software company, and PCMFORLESS and many members here who do their own tunes use this software. It's not cheap. What's your skill set and budget?Help us help you by describing your intentions and capabilities clearly. :yes:

Ok this is how you answer a guy with out making him feel like :duh:. Wish more people would just help like this.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
andy702252 said:
...right now im looking to spend about a grand or so,....
Thanks for amplifying your info. But my original question still remains. What is it you're spending a grand to achieve? Straight ahead acceleration to beat people at lights? :no: A throatier exhaust sound to try to fool people into thinking you have a V8 so they WON'T try to race you? :confused: Better cornering performance for the thrill? :eek: Better fuel economy to save money for more enjoyable things like sound systems and dates? :cool:

At the end of the day you have a 5000 pound SUV that many soccer moms use for grocery getters and brat haulers. hard to disguise that.

See? The possibilities are endless, and if you can determine and articulate the WHY of what you want to do, the WHAT and HOW will follow a lot easier. :yes:


Original poster
Dec 22, 2011
Roadie you by far have been the most helpful in my quest thus far here and on OS. However, I am a college student that stays about 80 miles (one way) from home, so I dont want to rape to much of my MPG. I had considered the offroad thing but I know it will kill my MPG. It is still not out of the question. But my overall goal is to bring more power and acceleration to my vehicle ( top speed also, if theres anymore to be added). I am a very involved volunteer EMS person so the offroad stuff may be nice but I dont want to go for a real flashy look. Simply, I want a better road performing TB, horsepower and torque. I am going to attempt to make a hybrid in the time to come of a SS and off road. I can only ponder to how many of you fell out of your chairs in refrence to my last comment. Despite all doubt, I am going to modify my TB to be a tamed, clean cut,TB. I would now like to take time to discuss my 4wd. Roadie please help, I do not like taking my truck to the stealership. I will not overly modify my truck for offroad because I stay in NC and all I will encounter is moderate snow and occasional mud. Now back to the question. My 4wd light is not on. Only the letters that display: 2HI, AWD,4HI and 4LO are illuminated. During heavy rains the indicator light would sometimes come on, upon starting my truck. Often times when I would attempt to switch it to AWD or another setting the light would go off. Now I know some is about to ask if I heard the noise under my truck and the answer is "no". Very rarely however when switching the setting the light would remain on and the noise would occur and of course engage. To my great fortune I attempted to switch the truck into any setting upon entering my truck, O I dont know last September and the 4WD low engage and refuse to come out. So by the grace of God my 4wd magicaly disengaged and I have not attempted to even touch the selector knob since. Now, If you have any valid information, anyone please let me know. I have tried pulling fuse 8 half a million times, and of course it does not work.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
2002? Probably one of the dreaded early flaky TCCMs. Try to swap with a buddy. Also try turning the switch CW and CCW 100 times or so to keep the contacts cleaner. Not using the system at least once a month contributes to problems.

It might not surprise you to hear that I have a BSEE (38 years now in the same speciality), with a minor in Philosophy. Honest. :biggrin:


Original poster
Dec 22, 2011
CW? BSEE? just a little lost right now. Hey how do you feel about high flow cats and if I have catback will the magnaflow still bolt in or do they remove the flange.


Nov 20, 2011
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

BSEE= Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (I think)

Sounds like you will benefit from the PCM tune. Better drivability, more power and the top speed can be increased. All without hurting MPG's, if you can keep your foot out of it.



Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Wooluf1952 said:
Yeah. I don't even bother to write those out anymore because what other phrase would come to mind when discussing a rotary switch? :confused:
BSEE= Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (I think)
Yah. 1973. Yes, I'm an old fart about to take advantage of some better movie discounts when I turn 60. My mental age is still frozen in time at a LOT younger time. :raspberry:


Original poster
Dec 22, 2011
Whoa no wonder your such a help, with all that electrical knowledge. Well I have done the cw and ccw thing dozens of times so maybe its the tccm. How much do they normal cost, and could I install it. I already have the PCM4LESS Tune. What about the high flow cat what model should I get.


Nov 20, 2011
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
A new TCCM needs to be programed with Tech II or other high-end scan tool.

If you can get a used one (2003 or newer) it should be plug and play.


Original poster
Dec 22, 2011
So besides the new flash for a new one how much should that be. And when you mean plug and play, explain like plug in and it works. Sorry for my lack of knowledge im trying to expand it. Also where is the tccm located?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Dealers sometimes charge an unconscionable price, like $95, for a ten minute job like a reflash. ONLY your local dealer can tell you their price. The module itself lists for $275, on-line vendors usually $175-200. Used ones are a great bargain at junkyards or Ebay. Don't buy a 2002. Plug and play means indeed "plug it in and it plays first time no fiddling required".

It's behind the dash lower trim panel above the driver's left knee. Here's where it plugs in in case you have your dash off like I did one day.



Original poster
Dec 22, 2011
O that don't look to difficult. I am making an assumption that it is in comparison to the removal of the PCM. Just a few bolts and it pops out and you pop another in. Also no one has answer the cat question.


Nov 18, 2011
I don't think anyone does the cat mod. May tell u little to gain there.


Nov 18, 2011
Straight 6 vs V8.... way different sound.


Nov 18, 2011
Depends how you skin it.


Nov 18, 2011
andy702252 said:
So does the cat help with sound

Cat will not help with sound, only exhaust flow. If you do a hi-performance cat, run 2.5" pipe from the cat back and use either a 50 or higher series flowmaster. Longer, larger bodied muffler will help to deepen the tone


Original poster
Dec 22, 2011
I already have aftermarket flowmasters but its the 40.Will going with a bigger muffler hurt my performance.


Nov 18, 2011
andy702252 said:
I already have aftermarket flowmasters but its the 40.Will going with a bigger muffler hurt my performance.

Nope, it won't make much of a difference in performance either way. The muffler isn't the main culprit in holding back performance. The intake and exhaust ports on the cylinder head have a lot more to do with that.


Original poster
Dec 22, 2011
Thanks for the diagram Roadie. I will be headed back home this incoming weekend and I'm going to check some local junkyards for a 03 or up for a tccm. Do you know how long the install should take? Also lets talk intake how can that be fixed? Also are their any other brand names that might give that deeper tone? Sorry for all the questions I just want it to sound a little meatier.

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
This will work for a intake. It eliminates the resonator so it'll give you better sound. I would gut the OEM air box and use it to act as a heat shield.



Nov 18, 2011
andy702252 said:
So a K&N will not give me a beefier sound. How hard are CAI to install.

A filter will not change the sound at all, plus K&N are junk. Get a Green filter..look up my write up on here. CAI are simple as changing spark plugs or any other basic maintenence.


Dec 4, 2011
A filter will not change the sound at all, plus K&N are junk. Get a Green filter..look up my write up on here. CAI are simple as changing spark plugs or any other basic maintenence.

How much$ and where'd u get the green filter? I wanna get one when I do the mod.


Nov 18, 2011
I got mine at the Carlisle Truck Nationals when I bought my rims and tires. I think they are about $75 and worth every penny. I think you can order through them direct if you google the company.


Dec 6, 2011
andy702252 said:
Do e-fans give any performance. Is PCM the best tunner, Im hearing alot of good stuff from HPtuners.

Our fans should pick your vehicle up an easy 10-15 rwhp, although for yours, our DIY kit is the only available option. You'd have to trigger the fans off/on by your own method.

Performance Parts

I assume you are talking about PCMforless when you mention PCM? We are definitely a very popular company who does a good job, with great customer service, and plenty of good reviews in the the performance community! :smile:


Original poster
Dec 22, 2011
No doubt you guys gave my truck some extra performance. What is the install time on the fans?

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