Time for all good members to come to the aid of the site


Original poster
Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
In a few months, GMTN is going to be three years old, and coincidentally, our hosting bill comes due. After the forum software upgrade, our Google ranking took a huge hit, and not all the owners who more desperately than ever need our help - are finding us.

They're still finding Trailvoy. :hissyfit:

If you believe in our non-profit mission as passionately as the all-volunteer staff does, please consider signing up with a membership or even an additional contribution. Otherwise revenue is going to come in short of the hosting need, and staff will have to chip in out of pocket. Trying to head that possibility off at the pass. GMTN is not in danger of going off the air, but the community here seems to appreciate the difference between us and Trailvoy. That involves more dependence on the members, and less on intrusive advertising. In the threads. In your in-box. In your galleries.

To the existing and renewing Premium Members - our sincere thanks. To anyone else who can possibly help us out - we'd love to count on your support.

Tapatalk is doing us no favors, because I don't see any way that they show the site's "DONATE" button, but if you're on a computer or using the mobile site, it's at the navigation bar at the top of all the forum views. Or you can click here: http://gmtnation.com/forums/store/category/1-gmtnation-subscriptions/ and subscribe at whatever level you can, and feel the site is worth in your estimation.

Back to your regularly scheduled weekends!



Original poster
Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
In response to a PM, I'm asking Jimmy if we can add a pure one-time donation option, so members who already have a recurring membership can do something extra as finances allow. Can't guarantee this is possible, but I'm looking into it.

And James - thanks.

If we only had a dollar from everyone who says our assistance and articles saved them hundreds of $$ at the dealer, the site's existence would be assured in perpetuity.


Dec 5, 2011
The_Roadie said:
In response to a PM, I'm asking Jimmy if we can add a pure one-time donation option, so members who already have a recurring membership can do something extra as finances allow. Can't guarantee this is possible, but I'm looking into it.
This would be nice.
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Original poster
Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Jimmy did indeed just add a pure donation option. Thx jman423!

To further distance ourselves from the evil Vertical Scope running trailvoy now, memberships are no longer auto-renew. You'll get notified by email, but it's not our style to try to "trick" anyone into renewing. If you see MORE value in the site as time goes on, renewal time is perfect to upgrade a membership to a higher donation level.

Thanks from the entire ownership community and staff to anyone able to respond to this reluctant appeal.


Dec 6, 2011
When I add a membership to the cart I get an additional dropdown "Associate This Package" with a single blank option. What is this? Happens on both my computer and mobile.


Sep 16, 2013
I don't post much but I lurk often and have found lots of good advice on this forum. I've been a member of many forums and moderate a couple, so I know it's not easy or cheap work, often times going unappreciated. The staff here does a great job, so thank you. I just made a donation to help the cause and accompany the appreciation. :thumbsup: Keep up the good work.


Original poster
Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
dfc739 said:
What about merchandise? I was looking forward to getting a shirt or two and decals but there isn't anything listed in the store.
Staff is about at the limit of their available time, and I believe we would welcome a volunteer ""Merchandise coordinator" to handle stuff like this. Any enthusiasts?

AtlWrk said:
When I add a membership to the cart I get an additional dropdown "Associate This Package" with a single blank option. What is this? Happens on both my computer and mobile.
Curious. You can ignore it, but I just asked Jimmy why it appears. Will get back to you on this one.


Dec 6, 2011
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Dec 30, 2013
My membership expired in two days. Renewed, and tossed on a $7.29 donation from a gift card I had sitting here.

If anyone has any Visa giftcards or anything laying around with just a few bucks that you never seem to end up remembering to use, this could be your time to shine! If you have >$10 left on it you can get a 6-month membership!


Apr 3, 2013
The_Roadie said:
Jimmy did indeed just add a pure donation option. Thx jman423!
If you are already a premium supporter and would like to donate do you go to "Buy Gift Voucher"? Below are the only options I see. I was looking for something along the lines of "One Time Donation". Do I just need to add another premium membership to the cart?

Product Categories

Gift Vouchers
**EDIT: Nevermind, seen the "Support GMTN Donate" button on the right hand side of the screen right above the Community Sponsors** :duh:
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Original poster
Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
You guys are great! And it makes me look good to Jimmy, who wasn't sure I could run a proper NPR-style beg-a-thon. I think he was worried I'd drive people AWAY. :wink:

But remember - it's not for me, it's to make sure the site is here for new owners yet to find us, who are adopting poor trucks who have been abused and neglected by their former owners, who brought them to the used truck shelter, not caring if they were euthanized or adopted out. :frown:


Original poster
Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Hmmmmmm......51 Premium Members.....6200 total.

Not even 1%......Hmmmmm.

The begging will continue until I see 11 more memberships and we get to 1% supporter ratio.

I'm actually not sure how the count works out for Mods who are also contributors, and if there are folks who can donate only without being full Premium Members.....We thank everyone who's stepping up, but I'd still like to see 11 more of the regular long-term community members come into the group, or come back if they had memberships that they let lapse.

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Dec 30, 2013
Anyone who would like to make a donation without becoming a premium-level supporter should be able to use this link:


It should take you to a page that will allow you to enter a USD amount and hit Donate, then run you through a small PayPal processing thing.


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Yup next payday i'll donate :thumbsup:


Original poster
Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
OK, let's keep the momentum up. I'm not naming names, but over 15 of the top 40 posters are not current on their memberships. I know not all of ya have sold your trucks and moved on like some I know.

For up to ten of the top 50 posters, renewing their memberships by Monday, I'll donate an extra $10 to the pot.

Come on, it's your chance to cost the Roadie money and help the site!


Apr 27, 2014
dmanns67 said:
If you are already a premium supporter and would like to donate do you go to "Buy Gift Voucher"? Below are the only options I see. I was looking for something along the lines of "One Time Donation". Do I just need to add another premium membership to the cart?

Product Categories

Gift Vouchers
**EDIT: Nevermind, seen the "Support GMTN Donate" button on the right hand side of the screen right above the Community Sponsors** :duh:
Lol David, I was looking everywhere under the donate tab. i didn't realize it was on the main forum page until i read your post. :wooot: :tiphat:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Done so pay up Roadie! I had been mooching long enough but I did contribute by hosting the manuals since the beginning.


Apr 3, 2013
Membership is already current, but went ahead and made an additional donation. Does that qualify for Roadie Bucks :undecided: :popcorn:

I have to say that this is the first website that I have ever purchased a membership through or donated money to. (Aside from websites that you are paying for a service like Netflix, etc.)

It was nice to talk to Ghoster at Carlisle to get an idea of what the monthly running cost of this website is and I was surprised to hear that whatever money GMTN was deficient to cover the monthly bills, you guys step up and pay directly out of your own pockets.

That to me says a lot about the members who started, run, and support GMTN. You are true enthusiasts who care about the members and community as a whole. I have seen a lot of posts where people say that you (Roadie) are harsh and come on too strong when talking about the OS or VS, but this just proves that you are not all talk and literally put your money where your mouth is.

What you guys (Admins, moderators, staff, etc) do for this site is much appreciated. I am sure most of what you guys do goes unnoticed and you perform a thankless job behind the scenes to keep this site running. I am sure I speak for all members when I say THANK YOU for going above and beyond for this site and also creating such an awesome forum/community!


Original poster
Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
dmanns67 said:
...people say that you (Roadie) are harsh and come on too strong when talking about the OS or VS, ...
Ghoster is much too modest. :wooot: And the evil and greedy business model of Vertical Scope richly deserves all the harshness and hate they get for being the destroyer of so many fine forum communities. :hissyfit:


May 24, 2013
Is there any way to buy way over priced gmtnation swag as a donation? I would completely be into shirts and stickers for far too much money.


Original poster
Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Stickers are indeed high on our agenda to deal with after a couple of issues are worked out. Haven't had a regular vendor base coordinated mostly due to staff working on site issues, and then we had the massive disruption of the software upgrade. Just asking for a little patience, but be assured we ARE on the case very very soon. Will advise.

It's not our nature to be ripoffs like Trailvoy though - who even today promise stickers for a Premium Membership and they closed down the store WAY before we all left in 2011.
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Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
been a contributing member since the day i signed up :thumbsup: and i renewed my subscription last month :yes:


Nov 20, 2011
I'm back! Sold the Trailblazer and got a Tahoe instead. Good time to come back and help. Subscription renewed. :wooot:

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