Practical joke on co-workers - Custom Plates


Original poster
Sep 2, 2012
Been busy as hell, haven't been here too much for the last month.

What spawned this little gag is that my boss often calls Sarah (model from Casino photo shoot in Contest #13) "Ducttape" presumably because she's so useful. Well I misheard that at one point and thought he said "Cupcake", which would be WAYYYYY outta character for him to do.

Not for me though - I seized on it right away!!! Told her that's what I was going to call her from now on.

Anyway, during Haloween, she had a costume sticking out of the trunk, several of us played gags on her making the costume hold cigarettes, or coffee cups, or give the finger to people. Always took her a while to realize the change. Same near Christmas, with her Santa hand sticking out of the trunk.

So anyway, that had me thinking up another prank to play and I came up with the "Cupcake" licence plate. And then I realized it was super easy to extend that to personalized gag plates for most of the other people at work. Here's the collection, before I spring my prank on them tomorrow night, as they are all sleeping soundly. I think I did a pretty awesome job on the base plate, font and color'll be a few days before some of them notice LOL!:

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Enjoy ;-)


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Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Welcome back Wargawd, you been hiding. That is going to be pretty funny when they see those. I hope they see it before they drive away. I like the WHEREAMI the best, I wonder if that is available for a real plate. Have fun with the prank, looks like it's gonna be a fun one. Nice work!


Dec 5, 2011
Funny. What do you do for a living?

Default User

Dec 19, 2012
LOL - I did this a few years back on Aril Fools Day

I didn't make it all fancy though - I had to make it obvious enough that if a cop was to roll up behind them, they wouldn't get charged with anything. It had to be obvious that it was a prank.


Original poster
Sep 2, 2012
Numbnutz said:
How are you mounting these to the cars?

I started out with adhesive backed magnetic tape, so that the plate could be quickly removed if need be (like if I was about to get caught in the act). But I found in sub-zero temps, the strip wouldn't adhere to the actual plate (too bad the plates themselves aren't magnetic anymore). So in some cases I was able to jam it between the plate and plate holder, other times I had to go with duct tape.

Denali n DOO said:
Welcome back Wargawd, you been hiding. That is going to be pretty funny when they see those. I hope they see it before they drive away. I like the WHEREAMI the best, I wonder if that is available for a real plate. Have fun with the prank, looks like it's gonna be a fun one. Nice work!

Lol, not hiding...crazy busy!! I thought researching my camera and lens purchases was tough, but when you start looking into telescopes and equatorial tracking mounts for THAT'S a learning curve! Plus I got asked to do a wedding, and how much would I charge - that's been consuming a big chunk of time too.

FYI, Sarah (aka Cupcake) unexpectedly noticed her plate as soon as she went to her car. I've sworn her to silence until everyone else discovers theirs. And that's a HUGE challenge for her cuz she never stops talking - NEVER! :~)

OTOH Dan (aka BiberBoy/BieberToy back/front respectively) started his car to warm it up, and then went back later to go home. He never noticed - but the mechanics at the shop where he's scheduled to get his oil changed in the morning are probably going to - LMFAO. To make it doubly sweet, just by coincidence there was some discussion at work tonite about some recent Bieber-related controversy, and I managed to get Dan telling us all he knew about ol' J.B. - just dangling it under his nose so I can rub it in harder later!!

Natalie (Princess - back / Clueless - front) was asleep when I put them on at her house - she'll probably drive all day with that before coming to work where someone is bound to notice or spill the beans.

Same for Kathy (WhereAmI - front / I Am Lost - back), except she can reasonably be expected not to notice for a week or more if nobody clues her in

Brittany, a newer girl, who I previously played a practical joke on that lasted nearly 2 months before someone slipped up, still had her lights on around midnight - going back after this post. She is getting Stripper on front and Honk4Sex on the back - I pray that she comes to work tomorrow telling us all about strange people honking at her for no reason :rotfl:

Finally, Claudio. Italian guy - he thinks he is in on the joke, thinks he has seen all the plates, and is smart /alert enough to be wary. His will get done at the last minute. He drives like a maniac, and I told him one time that not all Italians are destined to be F-1 drivers - so he gets "Fast Food" (see my answer to Porkins below)

Porkins said:
Funny. What do you do for a living?

Out of work engineer, when I got downsized at my last place, I played pro poker for a couple years. But then I started looking at getting back into my regular field, and it's way tougher than I thought it would be especially with the unaccountable time gap - so for now just slinging pizza around a few hours a night for cash.

Default User said:
LOL - I did this a few years back on Aril Fools Day

I didn't make it all fancy though - I had to make it obvious enough that if a cop was to roll up behind them, they wouldn't get charged with anything. It had to be obvious that it was a prank.

Yeah I thought long and hard about that aspect - decided to go for realism. If they get stopped, any real cop will be able to tell they are telling the truth about not having a clue. And nobody has any outstanding warrants or suspensions that would cause them any real grief if they get pulled over because of the plate...a small risk but I'll take the heat if need be.

I have captured a few videos, thinking about putting it all together to play for the non-victims at work - if it turns out ok I'll post it

Cheers ;-)

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