Hi, new guy with my first post here on GMT Nation. I was an occasional user of the "other" site, but I'll be gere for now on. As for my issue, my heater/air conditioner blower fan control went from perfect to completely dead in an instant. I parked and it was perfect, I came out and it was dead. I didn't lose a speed or two at a time like I have read on other threads. So, I did a search, and decided to gamble on replacing the resistor pack. The job was just as easy as described, and the connector had very, very minor marks on it. I wouldn't call it melted or damaged. The problem now is, all speeds work EXCEPT for 5, the highest speed. Again, all speeds worked perfectly before it went totally dead. My guess is that the resistor pack that I installed (Autozone) is defective. Does anyone have any experience with this? Is there anything other than a defective resistor pack that can cause this, to go from dead, to everything working with a new pack except fan speed 5? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.