oil pressure gauge


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
My oil pressure gauge is acting up on my 04 XUV. It reads 40-60 when off and when I switch it on it goes past 80. Once in a blue moon it will work correctly. Is this the sending unit, or the stepper motor for the gauge messing up? How can I tell which one is bad?


Dec 9, 2011
emedlin said:
My oil pressure gauge is acting up on my 04 XUV. It reads 40-60 when off and when I switch it on it goes past 80. Once in a blue moon it will work correctly. Is this the sending unit, or the stepper motor for the gauge messing up? How can I tell which one is bad?

Any gauge that does not consistently go to zero when off or initializing and reads incorrectly by the same amount it is off of zero is for sure the Stepper Motor.

Unfortunately, all the gauges have Stepper Motors and if one is bad, more will fail sooner than later.

Search E-Bay for the (6) pc. kit and replace them all while you are in there. If not a DIYer, send yours out for Repair, E-Bay has Repair Vendors also.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Thanks, Looks like 6 cost about $30 w/ shipping. And, I found this guide for the install.
How hard is it to remove the old stepper motors (desoldering?) and soldering new ones on? I have never used a soldering iron before, so I would like to know what I am getting into. Also seems like a lot of people have had to replace theirs. Maybe they should be a recall for it if the old ones are going bad.

Oh yea, guy at Firestone said he had not seen gauges go bad in years and said he was sure it was the sending unit and wanted $190 to fix it. Glad I didn't let them try and fix it.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
And another clue it's not the sensor is that the I6 engine only has an ON/OFF switch at around 12 PSI to tell the PCM that there is oil pressure. The value sent to the gauge (again, for the I6 only) is a total fabrication by the PCM. Allows GM to same a dime using a cheaper sensor/switch, but since the average non-enthusiast owner doesn't know that, they need the gauge to wiggle a little bit proportional to RPM to reassure them it's still working. But when you know the truth, you lose all respect for the GM design management that ordered the engineers to lie like that.

emedlin said:
Oh yea, guy at Firestone said he had not seen gauges go bad in years and said he was sure it was the sending unit and wanted $190 to fix it. Glad I didn't let them try and fix it.
He knows NOTHING about the bad batch of GM steppers that's been failing for years. ADDED: That must be one of the crooked Firestone locations. A fair price for that is probably $75 max. Recommend never setting foot in there again.

See if you can find somebody with soldering experience, it's not trivial to do without watching somebody (even on a Youtube video) do it.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
I watched a video on youtube of a guy do it. It didn't look to bad. Although tutorial videos make everything look easy. Am I correct to assume that if I lose oil pressure that I would get a check engine light, maybe even something about oil appearing on the DIC. If so I will just let it ride until something like the speedometer goes out and replace them all then.

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