New issue with 2002 TB


Original poster
Mar 20, 2013
Hello guys,

I have had good luck asking and reading here so after reading as much as I could with no luck I'm gonna ask.

I have a 2002 trailblazer 4.2 periodically I start the truck and wait for the rpms to drop to normal idle (usually 30 seconds to a min) then put into D and give it gas to pull away from curb, the truck seems to fall all over itself with ZERO Power, it struggles to get up to 15-20 mph, if I pull over turn off truck wait a couple min and then star again and it's fine. Today I was on my way home from work and at a stop light it did it again, it wouldn't go above 20 mph, pulled over and turned off truck, waited a few min restarted same thing, tried this about two times and still same issue, went to try and make it home and it would shift finally and shifted thru gears just fine but still had no power. If I would stop and start off in first and manually shift it got up to speed faster but still had issues. I want to say the trans is ok due to the engine and trans does shift smooth. It's almost like the breaks are on and I'm trying to drive with e break on, but I'm not and I jacked up all corners and the wheels move freely.

Any ideas???:confused:


Dec 4, 2011
Any engine lights on dash?? How many miles are on your truck? Have you done any maintenance???

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
my DD did this very thing you're describing... I have a 2001 Grand Prix GT... I would give it gas, barely wanted to get up in the rpm range to shift gears... sometimes made my tranny slip... would struggle at any getting up in mph... turned out to be a clogged cat... if you're not throwing any codes, and nothing else seems to be wrong.. maybe check that.. im not sure though.. every vehicle is different...


Original poster
Mar 20, 2013
No lights on dash, last month I did have the cat tested due another issue I was having but was a fan clutch robbing power, however it may be that now, I can have it checked. Would your car sometimes fix itself when you shut it down and restarted it?

The truck has no lights, 190,000 miles and all service is up to date by dealer, new delco plugs, filters, water pump, belt, fan clutch, thermostat, temp sensor...


Dec 12, 2011
Those symptoms are likely of a clogged cat. However, have you ever changed your fuel filter? I would change that first, then if that doesn't fix it get a backpressure test done for the exhaust.

You can be careful and unscrew the upstream O2 sensor then start the motor cold to avoid burning yourself, once started try to replace the O2 sensor and if there is air really forcing itself out past the threads then you cat is clogged up. I've done this once on another vehicle, not the best way but if you have someone else fire it up that keeps you in position to thread or push the O2 sensor back in. If the cat is really clogged it may blow exhaust back out the sensor hole forcefully so wear gloves.

There should be next to zero pressure in the exhaust, 1-2 lbs is alot.

Edited to add...Or just drive it to an exhaust shop and spend $50 for the test.


Original poster
Mar 20, 2013
Service engine soon light came on today coming home from work...

P0758 is the code.... So I guess I'm screwed..

Would have been nice to only have been a clogged cat...


Dec 28, 2012
It could just be a shift solonoid...from what I could find there are 3 shift solonoids in the tranny plus 2 other solonoids and a pressure sensor/switch. you have to drop the fluid and pan to get to them. It doesn't seem too bad to get to them, but the directions I'm looking at on Alldata aren't that great, plus i've never opened up a tranny so to me it's a little foreign.


Original poster
Mar 20, 2013
I went out and bought a different truck this weekend. I am going to sell a few items from the trailblazer, let me know if there is anything you want...

Brand new fan clutch from autozone never installed, $100

Light gray name brand (forgot name but was over 150 new) 10 inch sub box that fits in rear for a clean look includes mounting, $45

PAC radio device to hook up an amp, non Bose non on star $35

Factory running boards great condition, $150

Aftermarket gas hood struts very easy install works great, $45

Brand new ac delco oil filter, free to the first person who buys something.

*shipping is not included....

Selling the entire truck as is, immaculate condition everything works as it should except transmission will sell whole vehicle for $1800 firm, with the investment into fixing or replacing the trans you could have a great 02 trailblazer

Have pics on my phone so email me if you want them. or text me at 405-326-7609, I'm up all the time so anytime is fine.

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