New (COMPLETE KIT) "GYMKO" GM Tech 2 Scan Tool


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Pending codes should show with the hard codes and historical. The I/M status is a bit more convoluted and is in another part of the diagnostics and is not straightforward. I just use the Bluetooth adapter and Torque for that.


Jan 6, 2013
Pending codes should show with the hard codes and historical. The I/M status is a bit more convoluted and is in another part of the diagnostics and is not straightforward. I just use the Bluetooth adapter and Torque for that.

I noticed I had a code not shown in the DTC area for H2OS 'slow' at some point with no freeze frame I can't say for-sure when it happened. May have been with the recent weather. I'll compare it to my Innova and see if it even shows.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
This evening... The "GYMKO" Tech2 PCMCIA Card I ordered via AliExpress a few weeks ago came in. This card is a Brand New, Identical Replacement for the one that came in the Full Clone Kit ...and being superstitious... I just wanted a Back Up (the 33.004 Version) in case the Original nested now inside of the Scanner goes sideways. It seems impossible that GM could place over 30 Years worth of Car Line and Light Truck Systems Data and Diagnostics... right in the palm of your hand...but there it is ...and for only $22.00 w/Free S&H, too... This is a very "handy' thing to get your hands on... :>)

Also ... Knowing that many of the "GYMKO" 'standalone' hand scanners and other similar incomplete or bare bones versions that may or may no longer be available at (every day is a new day in China concerning this matter) for anyone still interested in protecting their investment(s) in this Rare Scanner might consider getting the Apache 3800 Locking Carry Case on sale now at Harbor Freight for $39.00. This case is large enough to store the "GYMKO" hand held and cables, etc. this stuff can be left in the trunk of your vehicle or behind the seat of your truck cab and you will not have worry about any accidental damage:

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
If anyone else has continued interest...this evening January 31st, 2018 @ 23:20 Hrs ... "AliExpress" once again is offering these...

This Full "GYMKO" Tech-II Kit (with Carry Case) is On Sale with 17% Off and Free S&H at this link:

...and this Full "GYMKO" Tech-II Kit (with Carry Case) is On Sale with 5% Off and Free S&H at this link:
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
If anyone else has continued interest...this evening January 31st, 2018 @ 23:20 Hrs ... "AliExpress" once again is offering these...

This Full "GYMKO" Tech-II Kit (with Carry Case) is On Sale with 17% Off and Free S&H at this link:

...and this Full "GYMKO" Tech-II Kit (with Carry Case) is On Sale with 5% Off and Free S&H at this link:

Thanks for the heads up, but these appear to be from two different manufacturers, does that make a difference? Or does it even matter? Is the second listing offering all 6 different models, and the first one just 1 model?

I've just come to the realization that that I'm going to need a little more capability than my existing scan tools can produce. So this is a very interesting thread.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
From what I can determine... (and in keeping with the idea that Communist Chinese NEVER puts all of their Egg Drop Soups into One Manufacturing Basket)... there are only two companies that produce, for all intents and purposes, "The Guts" of these "GYMKO" devices in the form of the Main Logic Board. The separate companies might have some slight variations here and there... but based upon the sheer quality and fastidious build of the one I obtained as a Bosch Vetronix Kit... Upon reflection, post-purchase .. If you knew what I know now about this Miraculous Device as a "GYMKO" Total Kit... You'd consider Murdering The World just to get your hands on one!

THAT is the reason I have been paying special attention to whatever links rise and fall based upon the Price and Availability of these "GYMKO" Tech-II Kits... and stressing that even if you are only vaguely interested in having one and can spring The Three Point Three Beans its costs to buy one of these kits... Strike while the Iron is HOT and Get the Kit that is shown on the above prior post I made for just under $330.00. (During Checkout will need to specify Your "Color" as "GM"... and in BOTH offers... You can only Choose One from the List of Available Vehicle Manufacturers).

Unlike Amazon... the China Vendors over at AliExpress... STOP ADVERTISING THESE PRODUCTS AS SOON AS THEIR SHELVES EMPTY OUT AND DELETE THE ADVERTISEMENT LINKS IMMEDIATELY least until another Vendor pops up in their Distribution Chain and has more of these Kits or Standalone Scanners For Sale only at

I cannot imagine ANY Tool that I own being as important for figuring out just what is wrong with my GM products than THIS KIT is capable of providing. One last and very important thing to remember... When it comes to finding the Source of The Nile on these GM Knock-Off Scanners... There is a Guardian Angel here at GMT Nation... @Mooseman ... His Knowledge and His Posts and the Vast Collection of materials he has marshaled together that cover What to Do and How to Do it with the "GYMKO" Kits indispensable. If you get wise and order the "GYMKO" Kit before they once again Fade to Black ...While you are waiting over the 7-10 Days for it to arrive... Start at the Very Top of the TECH2 Forum and read each and every single post that he has and others have contributed to provide over time ...and you will come to understand that between what he knows and shares...and what YOU will find nested inside of that Black Case once it arrives at Your Front Door... Will Blow... Your... Mind!

Please remember that while the "GYMKO" Hand Held Scanner will be ready to work...right out of the Black Case... if you intend to have the TIS2000 Software properly installed onto a dedicated laptop using versions of the Windows Operating System that stop right at Windows XP Professional SP3... in order to be able to use the SPS Programming and Security Adjustment Features with the "GYMKO" Hand Held acting as a PASS-THRU Device... you will need to order the inexpensive variety of Disk Set(s) of the TIS2000 CD Software that will include a single USB Dongle for around $12.00-$17.00 with Free S&H from these and other AliExpress Vendors:

While the Two Disk Set of CDs that will come with your Complete "GYMKO" Kit will be identical... without having actual USB Dongle installed at just the right moment into the Laptop USB Port during the process of doing the TIS2000 Software Installation ... The Installation will FAIL. The Dongle acts to fool the set up into believing that the "GYMKO" Hand Held Scanner is being connected to a Dealership Standalone or Service Bay Desktop Networked System... verifying all SPS activities and Data Logging "Snap Shot" Downloads from the "GYMKO" Hand Held over to the Laptop Computer for remote analysis in that computer's TIS2000 Application.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just a tip on buying anything from Aliexpress. Install their app on your phone or tablet and you;ll get a small discount, something like 5%. You can uninstall it afterwards.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
You can get Payment Instructions at this link:

Basically... AliExpress has a Customer Account Set Up Procedure similar to what Amazon uses. Your Credit Card Payments go directly to AliExpress to be held in Escrow until you receive your Goods or Services. They use Verisign to protect your Privacy and the various Vendors never get to see your private data and information. They use a careful payment confirmation method to ensure that no one else is using your account. I have been impressed with their Security and have received everything I have ordered so far in good order. You will need to visit their main page to Create Your Private Account first ... in a manner that is almost identical to major outlets.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Okay... This is Pretty Damned Cool... From KingBolen (One of several Chinese Re-Sellers of The "GYMKO" Tech-II Kits) an Un-Boxing of this very Kit... so you can see; up close and personal exactly what you are getting for your money when you...

Buy The Complete "GYMKO" Tech-II Kit:



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I've never ordered anything from China before, do you have any problem with using a VISA?

I've ordered tons of stuff from them and never had a problem using my credit cards. I think they go above and beyond to make it very secure.
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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
In Post #84 the:

This Full "GYMKO" Tech-II Kit (with Carry Case) is On Sale with 17% Off and Free S&H at this link:

Is no longer available. The seller contacted me and he made a mistake on the items and asked me if I would accept it without the case. I would, but he hasn't returned my message yet. So it might show up that way.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
First and Foremost... My only hope and selfish interest all along in this matter has been that as many of our Members as possible who want to obtain The "GYMKO" units can do so. I cannot swear that the evolution of circumstances driving the interest in this particular Thread can be directly tied to the sudden drop off in the availability of The "GYMKO" Kits over in China ... but with over 2,000 hits-views of this matter since I first posted my intent to hunt one down back on December 3rd, 2017... and then becoming successful in doing so... my guess is that there must be at least SOME of the people who are following and viewing things here; perhaps even non-members just lurking and hovering over the issue to see What is What.... and that some of them probably decided to purchase these Kits as soon as they become available. Like I said... The Market for getting this device may be one that has suddenly grown to become Very Wide and Very Deep among GM Vehicle Owners. So if the Word has gotten out that the "GYMKOS" have Dropped in Price and they can read about Proven Reliability and Performance here at GMT Nation... the people who want them the most will Grab Whatever they can ....Whenever they can... from Wherever they can.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
You should ask for a partial refund for the missing case. I use an old laptop bag for mine.


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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
As far as a partial refund goes, there seems to be a real communication challenge going on. I asked a yes or no question and got "ok" for the answer. I don't think whoever I was corresponding with speaks English and I don't speak Chinese. It might test my patience to ask for a partial refund.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Maybe @MRRSM remembers what the difference was between the kits with and without the case. It's been too long for me to remember.

You have to make it as simple as possible.

i.e.: Refund $40 for no case? Yes or no?


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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
I was trying to figure out what the case was worth, but haven't been able to find one for sale. I'll keep looking though.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
If it were me... I would check my Emails and determine from the AliExpress Messages follow up messages whether or not the Vendor has already shipped the product to you yet... and if he has ... just be patient and wait untl you have "The Goods" in your possession before broaching the issue or demanding any refunds. I have no idea just how complete the items will be that you will be receiving... But perhaps @cornchip can advise you since he just purchased a "Standalone GYMKO Scanner" that also came with a few other related items that only he can itemize for you. If you will still be receiving everything shown just above in that King Bolen Youtube Un-Boxing Video... Then it might be worth it to simply let the issue of the Plastic Case slide.

In all likelihood... if you protest too much ... The Vendor might back out of the sale completely and refund your money... and if THAT happens... then you will be left with nothing but a Pyrrhic Victory... 'We have made a Desert... and Call it Peace'. Measure and weigh your real desire and need to get at LEAST the Basic Items including the GYMKO Scanner versus getting involved in a conflict with people who do not speak English and with whom you might wind up arguing over something that the Vendor may actually rectify afterwards even if what arrives at your doorstep fills 99% of the Original Order.

In my "Case"... even if mine had arrived WITHOUT any Black Case ...or if they had accidentally Cut it all up into a Pile of Black Ukulele Picks... I would still have been totally satisfied and I would NEVER consider ever sending any of what arrived back to China. Period. Right Now... You are Holding a Very Good Hand in this Game... Don't Show Your Cards just yet. Wait and see what the Vendor does and says... and then deal with it after you manage to get this very "Gifted Gear" in your possession. You will have a much better idea on how to proceed after that:

"A Bird in The Hand ... Is Worth TWO in The Bush..."
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Jan 6, 2013
I went cheap and skipped the case. I threw everything in a sturdy bag that came with a cordless Milwaukee drill kit along with my other ODB2 scanner. Works.


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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
Here is the first message from the vendor:

I am sorry ,I mistake the itmes, This item is not with plastic box
If you agree I will send the itmes to you without plastic box as soon as
have nice a day

So I responded with a note to send it without the plastic box. A day and a half later there was no response from the vendor, so I sent another note and asked if they were going to send it or not, their answer was "ok".

So I responded with:

Ok, you are going to send it without the black plastic box?

The last note that I sent last night at 2040 hrs, has not been answered.

I purchased the dongle and software from a different vendor; which has gone smoothly. The purchase from them, has had good communication and last night they sent me a note informing me that the order had shipped. I responded with a "Thank you" and they responded a few minutes later with a "You're welcome", and the item was marked "shipped" with a tracking number.

I'm sure that the vendor will ship, but as of now there isn't anything that has reflected that.

I'll try to be a little more patient.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
@cornchip ... I think what @Drec was interested in knowing is what the itemized list of what you describe as being "Everything" that you received with your purchase and then threw into a Sturdy Bag turned out to be. Me too... actually...
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
You guys know better than me, dealing with vendors in China. The one that I ordered from has listed the ad or item as not available anymore. My thinking is, if there was an item missing from the original deal, it would be relisted without that item, almost immediately. It has been almost 4 days since I ordered, maybe I haven't given enough time, but I'm new to this and there hasn't been very good communication. What would you guys do? I would imagine my money is safe, but then wonder when the seller might send this. Even when I buy on EBay, I like to keep on top of the deal until I receive the goods.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
If you have been using your Cell Phone for any back and forth interactions between You, The Vendor or AliExpress... Instead... use either a Desktop or a Laptop so you can Log In to your AliExpress Account and open up each and every message there and cross-check those with all of your Emails, starting from the time that you placed your order(s) and look for the original Transaction Number: Click on it and look for any Follow Up Activity Screens that show the option to..."Contact AliExpress" rather than the actual Vendor...and ask for some Help via their Customer Service. Unless I am mistaken... During each Transaction using AliExpress as a Go Between... They will have already assigned a Customer Service Rep from AliExpress that you can message about any problems. If you already have a Transaction Number... chances are the Post Sale actions are either On Going... or the Vendor has opened a sub-screen for your to either Confirm... or Cancel the Transaction. I would start by contacting AliExpress using the Original GYMKO Purchase Transaction Number for reference and TELL Them what you want the Vendor to do.

You may just have to select the right box to allow the Sale to proceed... But whatever you do... Do NOT Click on ANY boxes that indicate "Transaction Complete... Goods Received". All of my transactions have been successful and I was surprised at how many times the folks over at AliExpress were checking up on each one from start to finish. You are going to have to be a bit pro-active in seeking all the possible ways to let everyone know and understand EXACTLY what you want to have happen . They won't move until you decide what is to take place. Keep your request(s) very simple and unambiguous... otherwise too much will be lost in making the translation(s). Keep checking several times a day until you manage to get either confirmation...or cancellation of this matter with AliExpress AND The Vendor.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just wait until you receive a notification it's been shipped. If after a week it's still pending, start a dispute, I would imagine Aliexpress has better translators that can assist between buyer and seller.


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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
All of the interactions have been through the AliExpress app and their mail system; which I'm learnining to use. The other vendor that I bought the dongle from helped me learn the AliExpress app. At first I didn't think the message system was working, because I didn't get any responses. Then the dongle vendor started messaging me and I knew that it worked. I have been staying away from the "Confirm Goods Received" button on the dongle purchase.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
What I was trying to say is that when there is a dispute, there would hopefully be an actual person from Aliexpress to mediate it.


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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
I hate it when I order something and it isn't in stock or ready to ship. When I pull the trigger on a purchase I want it, but I'll wait a reasonable time for delivery. I'll wait until this weekend and I'll probably cancel the order. I suppose it could take a couple of weeks for shipping, but I'm not open for the vendor to take that long or longer to ship. It just appears to me that this vendor doesn't have the product.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Another avenue for investigation is the carrier handling your order. In my case, I made my "GYMKO" purchase via the OBDFox Company by way of AliExpress and they shipped the item very quickly via DHL on the very next day. Soon afterwards, I realized that I had to delay its arrival one day due to schedule conflicts for a Dr's Appt. In short... The Large Package shipped the day after I 'Pulled The Purchase Pin' and it arrived on the USA Mainland in (7) Days directly from China. I signed for it via the DHL Driver on the (8th) Day. The OBDFox shipping and handling timeline indicator had the item listed as "7 to 20 Days".

From the moment the sale message came to my email via AliExpress... I also received one from DHL and they too were Johnny-On-The- Spot with Tracking Advisories from then on. I went on line at the DHL Site to make my own arrangements and it worked out fine. I say all of this in the slender chance that if the Vendor working your sale has done likewise... then the carrier may have sent you an alert and tracking number via an email message to you...but NOT via the messages coming through your AliExpress Account... and perhaps it accidentally wound up in your Spam or Trash Mail Folder... so that might be another place for you to check for any missing messages, as well.

Please don't take a Swing at My Chin for suggesting this ...but Asking the Vendor:

"Ok, you are going to send it without the black plastic box?" NOT the same thing as Telling the Vendor:

"Ok... Send it without the Black Plastic Box."

So it might be worth re-sending your confirmation in the Affirmative rather than as a Question and remove all doubt as to what you meant.
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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
When I ordered, it was via the AliExpress app. I did get notification via email and then went to the app to see the order. I checked all of the folders on my email and didn't get anything from anyone other than the seller saying there was no plastic case, plus the other correspondence I received from the seller. I was expecting a fairly fast turnaround. I know this will turn out alright, but was just checking to see what other experienced. Over the last 20 years I've experienced quite a variety of vendors on eBay as well.

I'll send another message to the seller, like you suggested "Ok... Send it without the Black Plastic Box."

As you advance in your life, you're not always looking for an education, but it sometimes finds us.
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Jan 6, 2013
Here's the EBAY link for my Tech 2 purchase. I configured it to ship without the plastic box. Has no dongle included, just the CD with the crack. I personally have used Ebay with payments through Paypal for years. I trust the layers of defense I get from distancing myself away from the seller directly. In the past I have called both Ebay and Paypal to get resolution on jerk sellers who take your money and then essentially do nothing.

Kingbolen also shipped via DHL in under 2 days. I have nothing to complain about. If I had to do it again, I would have bought the GM MDI clone for future compatibility.
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Dec 7, 2017
S. Alberta
Kind of going off track here, but... I've been buying "things" from various Chinese vendors for many (many!) years now. A few points:

AliExpress. They're great to deal with, since you place an order and pay for it - AE are actually hanging onto your money as a go-between. Until you say "item received", the seller never gets a dime! This is a HUGE motivator for the seller to do well by you. Make sure that 100% of all communications are done through the AE mail system. If you start doing a few messages off side, it gets really hard to say who said what and when (trust me - learned it the hard way!).

When communicating with a seller, make sure you use very simple English. No slang. No abbreviations.
Chinese language(s) are very hard to translate being character based. You both need all the help you can get.

I've dealt with importing items for probably 30 years now.
Communication is probably 3/4 of the battle!

edit: Forgot to add "remember the time".
If you're on the left coast... and it's 7pm on a Sunday night, they're just starting work Monday morning.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
Thanks for the heads up Dr.Fiero.

As an update: the status is now "Shipping Dispatched". So all looks good, but the seller still hasn't responded to my last two AE messages. I suppose this part of my education into a new (to me) culture.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
In the same manner that Amazon jealously guards its sterling reputation for its complex chain of events involving "Customer Order Fulfillment"... AliExpress has tried to do likewise since they started up back in 2010 and they really want to make the best effort...on YOUR behalf. They do have a bit of an arcane way of handling disputed Customer Orders in which there is even the slightest hint of conflict between the Buyers and the Sellers, This link will show you more ways of investigating what your order status is and edify anyone curious about what is running in "The Backcloth" business motif of this Chinese Amazon-Like "Knock Off" Company:
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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
I received my Tech2 clone scanner yesterday and have been trying to sort out what was there; which appears that I'm not done. The Tech2 clone that I bought was supposed to have the black case; which I was informed that it wasn't going to be included and I chose to buy it anyway. But when the package arrived, it was missing two other things.
There are two imagines below, the first one I think is the feedback loop; which I think is needed for self tests. I'm not sure what the other piece does.
tech2 a.jpg
Then this shows all of the pieces that are supposed to be included in the purchase.
tech2 b.jpg
I powered up the scanner and tried to do the self test, but wasn't successful; which doesn't mean that I was doing it correctly.
I need to do some more investigation on this and figure out what I need and how to get the pieces that weren't in the order.
Any suggestions on what to do next are welcome.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
The feedback loop is only required to do the in-depth communication self check. If it boots up and nothing pops up out of the ordinary, it's probably fine.

That second part is absolutely necessary to connect the Tech 2 to the computer. It's the LAN cable to serial port adapter.

Open a dispute on the missing parts.


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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
I will open a dispute, but if they give me a refund where would I find these or what would they cost. I did some searching yesterday on the feedback loop, but didn't find one. I'll look for the LAN cable to serial port adapter as well. Thanks for the info.

Does anyone know the part numbers for the "feedback loop" and the "LAN cable to serial port adapter"? It might make the discussion with the vendor easier.

Found the part number for the "feedback loop". I'll search through the other part numbers that I found for the "LAN cable to serial port adapter"


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
These various missing sub-components are available via Amazon and can be used with the “GYMKO” Kit:

DB9 Null Modem Extended RJ45 Adapter→ Laptop-> GYMKO -> TIS2000 Software

One of these two Flat Ribbon Cables will work (Can’t remember if it requires a STRAIGHT 8 Wire Through-Put or Reversed)

I think this Straight Through Version is the one you want:

But just in case… Here is The Reverse Wired Version:

And if you do not want to wait for your AliExpress Dispute to process… and you have an Old RJ45 Network Router or Cable Box RJ45 Network Cable laying around… You Can Make your own Loop Back Cable Tester in a matter of a few minutes with a Pocket Knife and some Black Electrical Tape to insulate the 4 Pair Twisted Cable Wires when finished:



Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
I found the pieces at a computer recycling store for $2. Ran all of the self tests and tomorrow hopefully it will get hooked up to a car or two. Thanks for the help!

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