lost a family member today.


Original poster
Dec 7, 2011
Dawson creek BC Canada
just want to say sorry if ths is not the place for this but i just need to say this to empty my mind.

so this morrning i woke up and my dogg charlie 15 Years old was not sleeping in my bed and so i started to surch for him only to find out that he is gone. he was put to sleep. the worst thing is i never got to say goodbye:sadcry: i am now 20 and have had charlie since i was 5 so for me this is a big loss. i miss the dog very much.and wish he was here still. sitting here tipeing this and knowing charlie is gone makes me think of the fun times i had and all the trips we went on. He was the best dog ever. this hurts me so much charlie was not just a dog but a family meber and a freind and the only "preson" (dog) i could just tell al my trubleand he wouldnt think any diffrent of me. i will mss you so much Charlie rest in peace.


Dec 4, 2011
Spokane, WA
Sorry to here that. It's always hard losing someone or something close to you.


Nov 18, 2011
I'm sorry for your loss. We lost a good friend a few years ago. It is a very hard thing.


Feb 3, 2012
I'm very sorry for your loss. I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a close animal friend. I had a Saint Bernard that I rescued from an abusive home when he was 6 months old. He was my everything, my best friend in the entire world. He was there for me when I was going through my divorce, and was my protector. I lived in a crappy part of town, single mom with 3 boys, no friends as I just moved to Iowa at the time, and no family near me either but I knew I was safe with Loki around.

I unfortunately had to put him to sleep due to a quick moving bone cancer. He was 17 months old. I have his rabies and name tag on my purse so he is with me everywhere I go. My life will never be the same without him. And even though my hubby now got me another Saint bernard, it will never be the same.

I still ache for him, as do my children. My prayers will be with you. And remember, take the time to grieve. If you don't, it can tear you apart fast.


Mar 25, 2012
Sorry bro, i love and try to take spend every minute with my girl zoey. I cant even imagine how it feels to loose your best friend.. I hope you feel better man and just know that im sure he had a great life. Plus, 15 is a solid life time for a dog :smile: I kno the feeling sucks and whatever we say wont really help, but just be strong man, he wouldnt want you to be upset :biggrin:


Dec 5, 2011
Sorry to hear that man. My German Shepherd of 14 yrs died last week also, so I know what you're going through.
Feb 24, 2012
Sorry for your loss. I will never forget losing the dog I grew up with. It's funny, because we had a lot of cats, and lost a lot of cats, and it never bothered me as much as that dog. His name was Bert, and I named him when I was still a Sesame Street watcher. We had a cat named Ernie to go with. But we lived on a busy street in a rural area where people always drove too fast, and the cats were always outdoor cats, so I guess I got numb to the lost cats over the years. The dog learned the rules of the road and lived to 14. I was 17 when he died of old age and I completely lost it.

That was over 20 years ago and it still makes me sad. I think about the dog we have now, Elwood, who is 8 yo, our kids are 7 and 3. He is a mixed breed (mutt) we got from the shelter as a puppy. He has never been sick and seems healthy as ever. I love our dog but am very much not looking forward to the day where I have to make that decision for him. I hope it's many years away.

Man's best friend is called that for a reason. They are always so happy when you come home, or play with them, or hug them, or whatever. I occasionally hear from people who don't have dogs and don't give much sympathy or understanding to losing a dog. It's hard to explain to them that it really is like losing a family member, a friend.

I don't mean to derail your thread. It just brought back a lot of memories from my past. Again, sorry for your loss.


Nov 18, 2011
Sorry for your loss


Dec 6, 2011
My condolences. Losing a cherished pet can be just as hard as losing family member.

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
definetly know what youre going through.. since im alone, my dog of 14 years kept me company when i moved outta my parents house... i still miss her to this day...

sorry for your loss...


Dec 4, 2011
Sorry for your loss bro. Dogs aren't just dogs they are family members to. I love my doggs and can't imagine them not here.


Original poster
Dec 7, 2011
Dawson creek BC Canada
Thank you everyone for all of your support this is the hardest thing i have had to go threw he will be miss. I love the fact that i can just write up my life problems and get the support from you to make life easier.


Dec 4, 2011
Losing a pet is hard as hell. I lost one of my favorite dogs from parvo and was only a year old. Everything will get easier just like evrything in life. Good luck buddy.


Dec 4, 2011
I know the feeling man, sorry for the loss. :frown:

Pets aren't pets to me, they're family.


Dec 4, 2011
Sorry to hear this. We just put our 16 year old down and it was difficult.
Jan 4, 2012
they are like family members, feeling the loss is just as bad as losing a person, just remember all the good times you had with him and take it easy one day at a time. Charlie will be missed by all who knew him... thinking of you and your family....... take care.....


Jan 4, 2012
Sorry for your loss! I know how you feel. :frown: We lost little Mandy about 2 years ago. She was a Yorkie and she was my best buddy :yes:. She lived a good 14 year life and we had her the whole 14 years. Miss her alot and always will. THEY TRUELY ARE FAMILY

Time will heal, and we always have the memories :thumbsup:

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