Looking for input on a MDI 1 or 2


Original poster
Dec 12, 2011
I like the Tech 2 for portability, but for programming, I will need to go with the MDI to save a bunch of headaches.

Curious what the current package deal is now for either interface, I figure the MDI 2 is the one to get but either will work.

I've searched and found a few clones in the sub-$300 range, not sure what to look for but I'm going to pull the trigger on one shortly.

Wasted almost a week diagnosing, replacing, trying to program....:crazy:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
@m.mcmillen is probably the most familiar with these. Hopefully he will make an appearance :smile:
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
At $495USD , it ain't cheap though. And only works on GM. At that price, I'd want it to work on all vehicles.


Apr 29, 2016
Then you’ll spend $1800+

I wouldn’t trust clones. I’ve heard too many stories of them bricking modules while programming due to the subpar parts used to build them.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
True. It comes to what your risk level is. My Tech 2 clone has been solid so my tolerance to risk may be a bit higher. Of course for anyone working in a professional shop, true name brand and reliable tools are a must.


Apr 29, 2016
Right. I can’t risk that.

Alternatively, you can keep an eye out on eBay for a used MDI 2. Another thing I’ve used to flash GM’s is a VCM2 which is what Ford uses. Bosch makes both the MDI2 and VCM2. I bought a used genuine VCM2 for about $900
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Original poster
Dec 12, 2011
Thanks for the info.

Having spent a small amount of time with TDS, getting the 24 hr subscriptions for the Tech 2, I keep hearing of the tis2000 being phased out in late September.

Does this only apply to the Tech 2 support with tis2000 or does this include tis2web?

I will need module programming capabilities and I'm not well versed in what's staying or leaving.


Apr 29, 2016
Tis2web which included SPS was shut down last fall sometime. They’ve changed over to Techline Connect which includes SPS2. As far as I know, no one has been able to get their tech2 to work as a passthru device and GM is no help. They pretty much made it obsolete.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Tis2000, once cracked, is basically standalone but it only works for vehicles up to 2007. It hasn't been supported or updated since. After that, if you need to reprogram a module, you need a newer option, like a TDS online subscription, which are now 2 years for $40USD for a single VIN, unless they also changed that recently.

As for the Tech 2, it only works for vehicles up to 2013 for diagnostics.

Now they do still have the old SPS available but only if your particular vehicle's calibrations are not in the SPS2 database. A Caprice owner I've seen on another forum, each time he has to program a module using a different passthrough, has to contact ACDelco because they don't have calibrations for Caprices in the SPS2 database at all no matter what passthrough he uses. What they do is take control of your computer and take you to the old SPS while masking what they do, and then let you do what you need to do. If someone was savvy enough, they could maybe use a keylogger and screen grabber to record how they do it.

Someone on there did mention that the VCX Nano does work, however, over here, those trying to use it have had trouble with its software. Reading reviews on Amazon, which are all over the place, the instructions are apparently garbage but there is a lot of info in there to get it working.
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Oct 22, 2015
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Man, talk about "Chinglish"!
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Jesus Wept... Can you BELIEVE these People?

The Corporate Mooks and Bean Counters must have said...

"Look Guys... We are NOT selling enough Rolling Stock right now... so YOU Dudes (and Dudettes) are going to have to make up the Short Fall by Putting The Squeeze on the Non-Dealer Repair Shops that thrive on using Remote Diagnostics as their Business Model. NO BUCKS? NO BUCK ROGERS!!!"

...and so now...THIS:

Damn... I am SO glad that I STILL have my 2000 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 (Non-DOD) LM7 5.3 A4 that STILL has less than 75,000 Miles on it... and I can support it completely with the Mechanical Knowledge, the "GYMKO" Tech 2, Autel DS-708 Scan Tools and loads of other Diagnostic Gear as well.

"I Want for NOTHING..."

"Technology is a Useful Servant... But a Dangerous Master"

Christian Lous Lange, Back in 1888, from Stavanger, Norway
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Apr 29, 2016
If anyone wants to put up $880, this is a pretty good deal. Snapon gets their J2534 devices from Drewtech so this is just a rebadged Cardaq plus 2 which is an older model but would be adequate for most makes/models for reflashing.

Since it is a previous model, Drewtech doesn't have any info on their website but I did find this that shows what it is capable of.

I had one of these in the past and it worked great. I just upgraded to the Cardaq Plus 3 a while back.
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Apr 2, 2020
East Texas
In 2022, if y'all wanted to buy a Tech2, clone, GYMKO, VXDiag or ?... What would you buy?
I don't think I need a handheld. All our vehicles are GM 2001-2007.
Well do also have a 2014. Would be nice to use on it also.
It needs to be under $400 USD
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Personally, I'd go with a GM MDI. Too many bad reviews and issues with the VCX Nano. And the MDI 1 or 2 is future proofed for now. Will work with all GM vehicles from 1996 to today.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
As mentioned by @m.mcmillen regarding The CarDaq3 Plus:

You know... I'm almost nostalgic for these procedures... now that GM and ACDelco have since updated to the SPS-2 arrangements.
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Sep 9, 2022
Reading PA
Tis2web which included SPS was shut down last fall sometime. They’ve changed over to Techline Connect which includes SPS2. As far as I know, no one has been able to get their tech2 to work as a passthru device and GM is no help. They pretty much made it obsolete.

There are a couple guys over on the Tahoe/Yukon forum that have gotten it to work (workaround, really). It involved them getting on the phone with support and they were granted 24 hours to the old SPS system to do what they needed to do. I'll be trying that myself this week.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I've seen that done but for another reason. Not because it was a Tech 2 (he had another passthrough) but because there were no calibrations for the particular vehicle (2014 Caprice). For whatever reason, they didn't transfer the calibrations over from the old SPS to the new Techline so they gave him access to the old SPS. However, they did it by taking remote control of the computer and taking it to the site. No mention of a time limit.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
THESE Videos are VERY Important to View, Download and Save...

Just know that with so many people having these problems, these issues may ultimately fall under the legal Issue of "Violations of Fair Use Practices" that may prompt yet another Class Action Law Suit to allow Owners of GM and GMC Vehicles and Pro Repair Shops to continue to be able to work on and fix their own vehicles.

The other backlash from all of this is that people may NOT want to purchase their transportation from any company that acts to prevent them from being able to fix Later Model Vehicles in a reasonable manner at their Local Auto Repair Shops of choice.

It seems that THIS is "The Mechanism" being used to force Qualified Pro Shop Mechanics to have to purchase ACDelco's Exclusive, Very Expensive MDI-2 equipment in order to enhance an already lucrative revenue stream... outside of Dealership B2B activities normal between GM-GMC and ACDelco.

It also seem like this approach is meant to force GM-GMC Vehicle Owners to "Go To The Local Dealerships" in order to make Customers have to pay through the nose to get their Module Calibration Updates and-or Module Repairs and make more money from their Service Bays..

The VOP (Video Original Poster) has created and documented a LOT of insights to digest below into what may be some "Work-Arounds" with some of these Tech-Line Problems:

This is an Example Video showing another Pro Shop using the New SPS-2 system SUCCESSFULLY while programming a repaired 6L80 Transmission in a 2019 Truck ... just so we can actually SEE what steps he took while using the Tech-Line system to perform the Calibration Updates;



Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
By the way... IIANM ... A "GYMKO" or Genuine Tech 2 Scan Tool will NOT work as one of the "Accepted" J-2534 Pass-Thru Devices on the "New" SPS-2 System.


Original poster
Dec 12, 2011
I just got invited to join a beta testing group for a new J2534 device that will possibly be able to replace the MDI2. Price seems to be pretty good too at just under $200. It would be great if this works!
Curious to how this is going. Still haven't pulled the trigger on a MDI2 yet, but getting close.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I hope you didn't get that MDI as I saw this on the TDS website:

Going on the TDS site, I saw this:

Access Unauthorized with Destination System Error ONLY if you get an Access Unauthorized with Destination System error - This is more than likely caused by the use of a counterfeit MDI or MDI 2. Aftermarket J2534 devices are not impacted. Please use the contact us form https://www.acdelcotds.com/contactus instead of calling in for support.

WARNING- USE OF COUNTERFEIT "CLONE" GM MDI DEVICES will result in your account being locked. Aftermarket J2534 devices are not impacted.

I guess my idea of possibly buying an MDI is now dead. If @m.mcmillen could make a reappearance, maybe he could talk about the device he was testing.
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Apr 29, 2016
I hope you didn't get that MDI as I saw this on the TDS website:

Going on the TDS site, I saw this:

I guess my idea of possibly buying an MDI is now dead. If @m.mcmillen could make a reappearance, maybe he could talk about the device he was testing.
I haven’t used it a whole lot. I tried a couple times and it failed flashing a PCM on a 2005 Silverado. Haven’t really tried it much more. Worked great with tech2win though.
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