Last Minute InterLake Trip


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA


Original poster
Nov 18, 2011
Some pics as requested.

Good Times.

Chris, Matt and I got in Fri and camped at Lynnville Park down the road a few miles from Interlake. Not a bad little place. Shower house had clean enough crapper and actually a hot shower. Was a drive from site, but the sites were nicely sized and remote with firepits and picnic tables.

Saturday was some wheeling and discovery of our way around the damn place. It is huge and maps are not existent much like the trail signage. Wink, Chris, Matt and I were out for the day. Only carnage was a busted tie rod for chris, busted winchline for Matt and he used a tree to remove remove his roof rack from the sheet metal as well.

Sunday Matt, Chris and I went out again and bit more trails marked and more for some wheeling than cruising through the property. Had a tad bit carnage as Matt and I were exploring one last trail. He popped a tie rod on a tree. Trail spare and 20 minutes later we cross the pond to a little flat area of mildly rutted mud holes and he broke the spare as well as we fouond his rear tire to have a sidewall puncture. A bit longer to dig out an third trail spare for the weekend and swap the tire, but all good minus the uppercut from hi-lift to Matts face. Hit parking lot and his Oakleys are missing. I head back in to work zones and try to find them. In process i bind up and pop my outer tie rod. Out comes my jack and tools and spare and swap it in. Then finally hours later we head home.

So damage--3 of the 3/4 ton tie rods failed, one of my stock ones, split 3/8 amsteel blue line, and matts basket smashed and roof slightly perforated.

And to the real stuff yall like...Pics: in random order cause I am too lazy to organize them now



Original poster
Nov 18, 2011

Thanks to Chris and his girl as some of those shots are theirs. I had started saving theirs to do this and he sent me a link so i know they got more to share when they get a chance and think Matt took a few shots with his good camera.

Would definitely go back. Cant believe it was free, but they may be charging $10 like the other SRA at some point later this year. If so they will likely have on-site camping. we saw DNR out each day working on the trails. They have a newer rock garden area that not bad, but still really loose and random. Only had glorified outhouses, but a nice large gravel lot for parking and setting up or airing down/up.

Thanks to yall that went along and Happy B'day again Chris!


Dec 4, 2011
Not a good trip unless you break something huh? :laugh:


Original poster
Nov 18, 2011
Sometimes things happen. Kinda of amazing that every time I go out I see 3/4 ton tie rod "upgrades" failing. I brought a pair as trail spares and dont even run them since I see them fail so often. Both got used...


Jul 9, 2013
Lebanon, Ohio
Sometimes things happen. Kinda of amazing that every time I go out I see 3/4 ton tie rod "upgrades" failing. I brought a pair as trail spares and dont even run them since I see them fail so often. Both got used...

What tie rods do you use?


Original poster
Nov 18, 2011
I use stock. Only had two break on me and I know this one earned its demise. I tried to backup in a ravine at full lock in 4-lo with the suspension fully extended. I damn near watched it pop.

You got to have a fuse and the stock outers are cheap and easy to swap. If i beef them up i can see worse things acting as a fuse. I am certain the 33/4 ton are not an upgrade at this point. The fact they are straight seems to make them easier to bend and then they pop easy after that stress.
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