Has anybody done a write up for the mirror running lights?


Original poster
Jan 23, 2012
I remember one on the OS but can't find it on a search here. I would love to add it to my Mods list.
Thanks for any help!

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
nope... prices are pretty firm where ever you go... dealer for the clear lenses wants $45 a piece.. amber are $18... its pretty close anywhere you look.. even ebay...


Original poster
Jan 23, 2012
STLtrailbSS said:

Thanks, STL I saw that in my search but passed over it thinking it was just to install mirrors(which I already have).

Ok, now that I have had time to read through it, this is not what I was looking for. I want to convert the turn signals in the mirrors into constant running lights that flash when turn signals are on(like the rest of the turn signals).


Dec 4, 2011
Get ahold of BlckShadow, I have an idea of how he did this but best way is to go straight to the source.


Dec 4, 2011
Doesn't look to me like he's using the factory setup anyway.

Looks like add-on LED strips.

I've seen the OEM stuff and it's a 194 bulb. To make it running and turn, you'd have to convert it to a 3-function piece instead of the on-off style of the 194.


Dec 4, 2011
Yeah If your going to do a install like that Idk why you wouldn't use LEDs brighter,Last longer if your going to go for it might as well get the better option. LEDs wont break the bank.


Original poster
Jan 23, 2012
Ya, I love the look of the LED's that is the route I will go when I do this!


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
OP, got your PM, I forgot, you can't see my write up thread on the OS since I'm on global ignore. :duh: Since I got ZERO love on my write up there, I didn't bother to add it in the LED mod thread, cuz I didn't think anyone would want to go for it. :quiverlips:

If you are gonna stick with the stock 194 bulb, it's a much easier mod. If you do not already have mirror turn signals, follow the article previously posted for the most part. Key difference is, instead of connecting the ground wire, you would need to run it through the door grommets, to the thick bundle of wires under the steering column running side to side. Inside that bundle is a brown wire, it's the trailer parking light signal. Tap into that wire for the "ground" and the 2 circuits will use each others' wire as the ground, just as the front corner lights do.

Since LEDs are polarized, that option won't work, so you have to build a polarity switching circuit to follow the right logic, and send power to the + lead of the LEDs for the dual functionality. I'll go back and find my diagrams, and post them in the other thread sometime this week so you can tackle that. :thumbsup:
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Original poster
Jan 23, 2012
Thank you, Blckshdw that would be Awesome! I appreciate the help. Much Love...lol. I saw the write up on the OS awhile ago but wasn't ready to do it expecting cold snowy winter that we didn't get, but as you said it can't be seen now. Thanks again!


Dec 4, 2011
NighTblazer said:
Thank you, Blckshdw that would be Awesome! I appreciate the help. Much Love...lol. I saw the write up on the OS awhile ago but wasn't ready to do it expecting cold snowy winter that we didn't get, but as you said it can't be seen now. Thanks again!

Damn OS :mad:


Dec 4, 2011
Blckshdw said:
OP, got your PM, I forgot, you can't see my write up thread on the OS since I'm on global ignore. :duh:

TexazReece said:

I don't know which is funnier. The fact that they do things that shoot themselves in the foot or the fact that they keep reloading. :rotfl:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Wyle said:
I don't know which is funnier. The fact that they do things that shoot themselves in the foot or the fact that they keep reloading. :rotfl:

TexazReece said:

Sure puts the lie to their claim that they are in it for the benefit of their members. :lipsrsealed: It's all about $$. Nothing but $$.


Dec 6, 2011
bringing this back from three years ago i was thinking about adding turn signals to my mirrors but the link up there doesn't seem to work any help with this?


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
So you have the plain jane mirrors that you wish to mod, or are you going to buy aftermarket mirrors that already have them installed (plus the lenses). 2nd option is plug and play.

Not sure what your modding experience/comfortability levels are. I modded my light-less mirrors and wired them for turn signals (and parking lights) Just takes time, and you have to buy the lenses. If you find a good Ebay deal, you can usually find mirrors with the clear lenses for a decent price.


Dec 6, 2011
i have plain jane mirrors i can do a little modding installed radios,back up cameras, speakers, hid lights, switch back turn signals... basically if i have directions or some kinda video to follow i can figure it out...


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
OK, I grabbed my old mirrors and snapped a couple of pics, hopefully this will get your mod bug headed in the right direction.

With the driver's side mirror off, pull the foam padding off.


I folded the mirror itself forward to give some clearance just in case, then just behind the metal section, drilled a small hole in the plastic large enough to run the 2 wires through. Here's where I drilled mine.


That pops out in the hinge area, just beneath the mirror.


From here, you can run the wires beneath the mirror to where the mirror caps are if you plan to mod them, or into your lenses if you choose to buy those. Since you'll already have the door panels off, the DDM and PDM will already be out. In the main bundles that feed the modules, the DDM will have a light blue wire in it, the PDM will have a dark blue wire. These are your turn signal sources on the respective sides. I tried to snap a pic, but my garage is kinda dark, and the blue LED dome lights don't make that too helpful. :duh:
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Dec 6, 2011
wow you didn't have to go thru all that trouble but thank you so much..... i was looking up parts on line sad thing is the stupid lens is almost as much as another mirror so now im thinking buy a new mirror and sell the old ones :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

or maybe just a thought i could try a few junk yards around my house see if they have some mirrors left around


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
lol, that's kinda what I do (when not feeling lazy) Besides, I just moved, so I knew exactly where the old mirrors were.

One of the local members here was able to score 1 mirror from a wrecked TB for pretty cheap and it had a clear lens on it, so it's definitely possible to find, you just have to be patient.

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