Good stories about getting pulled over


Original poster
Dec 25, 2011
Over on TBSS they got this section for talking about how they got pulled over etc...

Anybody Got any good stories??? Haha:rotfl:


Dec 4, 2011
One time I was speeding and a cop pulled me over and gave me a damn ticket. That f***er. Lol. No good ones from me.


Dec 4, 2011
So I had gotten a ticket, Had a cop I know take care of it. Two weeks later I get pulled over out of the city. Cop comes to the window verrrryyy slowww I have my license ready keys out of ignition blah blah he says so I ran your you know you have a warrant out for your arrest. I said what the hell are you talking about, He said yeah you have a warrant out for the City Of St.Louis then I said jesus christ, can you talk to this city cop that took my ticket. He then didn't believe me I had to talk to him for a good 20 minutes to convince him. Good thing I was with the cops son he has been my best fried since like 2nd grade and he was able to get his dad on the phone and worked all that nonsense out. And that was the first time I almost got arrested :biggrin: not to eventful but worth a chuckle turned out the cop completely forgot about that ticket but now everything good and Im all clean...I Hope


Feb 3, 2012
I have only one good story....Not in the Envoy but in the Toyota I got in my divorce a few years ago.

I was on my way to work at about 5pm. It was in April with a beautiful warm spring breeze. I had a 45 minute drive ahead of me, so I rolled all my windows down, opened the moonroof and blared my radio to the point of blowing the speakers. I'm cruising down the highway when I go to switch lanes and when I looked in my review mirror I noticed a cop car following me with his lights just a blazing! I looked down at my speedo to see how fast I was going. Just 4 over the speed limit which isn't bad for me lol, so I figured I could talk my way out of it like usual.

I pulled over on the shoulder of the road, and got into the glove box for my registration and when I looked up the cop was slowly creeping towards the side of the car with his damned GUN DRAWN!!!! I nearly shit myself. I really thought I was going to get shot. The first thing that came out of my mouth when he walked up to my window was....whatever this vehicle is possibly involved in it is my ex husbands fault. Cop asked me if I knew exactly how far he had followed me for, and I said no...I had no idea you were even behind me until I went to switch lanes and seen you in my rear view mirror. He then asks...You had to of heard my damn sirens as your windows and sunroof are down? I said No officer I didn't hear anything except for my radio and me singing to the jams.

He then asked me to come sit in his cruiser....I have only ever sat in the back of a cop car in my teens, so this was a bit scary. He obviously asked for my license, registration and proof of insurance. I had everything ready to hand over to him. He looked at my license and asked me if I knew it was expired? I said no(I knew lol )He then asked me if I had my insurance and I handed the paperwork over to him, and he called the insurance company because the insurance was in my ex's name and the insurance agency told the cop that my ex husband had cancelled the policy 2 weeks ago. I shit a brick. I had to show the officer my court papers which stated that I had temporary ownership of the vehicle as my divorce wasn't final yet. On the court papers it states that my ex is to keep, maintain and pay for the insurance policy and registration, which my registration was also expired.

At this point I just know I'm going to jail. The cop turned to me and flashed his damn light in my eyes and had the balls to ask me if I was high on meth???? That my eye's keep twitching oddly. I told him I wore color contacts, and the bastard made me take my contacts out to show him. He then said he only asked me if I was on drugs because of my profession at the time(exotic dancer). I explained to him everything that was going on in my life, lost my in a hotel with 3 kids, and I needed to do something anything to provide for my children, and just because I worked at a topless club did NOT mean I was a freaking meth head. He apologized promptly for assuming, handed me my expired paperwork and told me that he is giving me a warning for speeding, but I needed to go to traffic court for no license and no insurance.

He said if I got insurance on the car and showed proof of it at traffic court he would waive the ticket. Needless to say I went to traffic court and got out of the $475.00 non insurance fee, but plead guilty to driving without a valid drivers licensed and was charged $150.00

My ex husband on the other hand got his ass royally handed to him for not following court orders and I was refunded all the money I had to pay for my 6 month insurance policy $675.00 and then an additional $200.00 for grief for not keeping up with court orders which caused me to be late for work and lose money. So needless to say my ex husband paid for the tickets and insurance. I eventually got the Toyota in my divorce and I turned around and pretty much gave the thing away at a used car dealership for the POS Buick Rendezvous. But when you have kids, sacrifices have to be made and if it wasn't for that POS Buick I wouldn't have my everything all worked out in the end!

Edit- I didn't go to jail lol He let me continue driving another 25 minutes to work!


Dec 4, 2011
If you dont watch Trailer Park Boys YOU SHOULD!!!!! Show from Canada looks crappy but its hilarious



Original poster
Dec 25, 2011
Lmao jeez Voymom, that must have been stressful! Haha I already love this thread lmao


Feb 3, 2012
03envoy said:
Lmao jeez Voymom, that must have been stressful! Haha I already love this thread lmao

Yeah it was pretty scary lol I have been pulled over numerous times for speeding, but I guess I'm to cute to ticket?? That was my first ever ticket in my entire life.


Dec 18, 2011
Makes to be a good story when the good person wins in the long run:wootwoot::wootwoot:


Dec 4, 2011
Note to self keep insurance up to date on wifes car or end up in court ( no pleeease Judge Mathis I forgot bro)


Dec 18, 2011
Or just give the car to the wife and cut the ties ... But tell her you are going to cut the ties


Nov 21, 2011
I got pulled over once for speed (first time ever) damn cops in Auburn hills right around OU. They hide ALL over behind annoying. But I was flying through traffic and as I got closer to a MI left there was a cop sitting there and im like F*** so i look in my rear view and the cop takes the left and nothing so far. im thinking ok maybe he is just taking a left, I signal to the next lane and he does also and im like oh no this is bad, pull into the school and hello :popo::popo: he puts his lights on and i pretty much thought to myself im so dead with my parents for speeding like this haha

so the cop walks up to the window and does not really go up to the window, hand on his gun, has his head over kind of by the window (prob saw a foreigner and thought s*** lets be careful lol) and introduces himself and im s***ing myself at this point haha he can tell also I think it was my first time or something. hes like I got you going 61 on a 45 did you you know your going this i look like I saw a ghost from how scared I was hahah im like no sir i didn't know and kept going on and on telling him about my school and how I am stressed etc etc. asked for everything and go back to the car and here i sit at school while people driving though lol comes back and give me a warning since I have a clean record!!! I couldn't believe how lucky I was and was so glad. Because to go home and tell my parents I was speeding 16 over I would have got it for sure lol

Yes not the best story but I thought it was awesome that I got out with a warning and had a nice cop to deal with. But best part is people FLY through that same spot and no cops and if there is a cop they dont pull them over...sooo annoying!

Voymom said:
whatever this vehicle is possibly involved in it is my ex husbands fault.

:dielaugh::dielaugh: That is f***ing funny!!


Dec 4, 2011
First time i got pulled over was last summer. I go to dirt track races on most saturday nights. But i was on my way back home, about 3 cities over and 2 counties. (i live in the sticks. And the races are also out in the sticks.) i was doing probably about 60 all the way home, i knew the speed limit was right about 55 all the way. but i came back into one of the small towns here. I was doing 57 and i didnt see the sign, but as i came up to the red one. (only two of them in town) There was a cop behind me, i knew he was going to get me for something, i had front windows open, subs were blastin. But the light changed, i pulled out and he threw his lights. Pulled on over, and rolled my back windows down and turned on my Dome lights.. He came up to the window and he was not happy. i gave him all my stuff, and then he went back to his cruiser. took about 10 minutes and came back. He told me what i did, doing 57 in a 30mph zone... he was still super pissed. He looked and asked where i had been, i told him out at the Races. and he asked me if i was under the influence of anything. As a good kid, i wasnt. He told me that i was being jittery and acting suspicious. he went back to the cruiser and stayed back there and a K9 unit came. He asked me if i had anything multiple times throughtout the stop. but i told him no everytime. He told me if i give it to him he will write me a ticket, and ill go on. But he told me if he finds anything then i would be going to jail.. that was fine because i knew i didnt have anything. he made me roll up all windows and then the k9 officer and the dog went around the outside of the car. Dog was going off the whole time. The cop then told me that the dog hit on my car twice and asked if he could search it, i said sure go ahead.. so he walked me to his car. Searched me, and then made me sit on his hood with the k9 officer. He went and search and i had a very nice discussion with the k9 officer about window tint, HIDs, LEDs, and then we talked about dogs as i have many. He was really nice. So i talked to him as the guy searched my truck, he looked in the doors, console, and glovebox, i had my rear seats down and he didnt even lift those up. searched the back, opened up all the compartments in the back. and then came back, wrote me my papers to report to traffic court. and let me go on my way. 45 minutes i was there. and went to court, dressed real nice, and listened to all the other kids that went before me, judge asked us all the same questions, so i knew what to say. We talked for awhile, and my mom was up there with me, he let me off and dismissed it. It was a total of 350$ of fines, and then traffic school if he didnt let me off.. glad he did! :thumbsup: :wootwoot:

Dang, my english teacher wishes i wrote that much in class ^^^^^^


Dec 4, 2011
Well one Thursday when I had the day off I decided to make a surprise visit to my moms job to surprise her. So on my voyage when I'm about 3 blocks away I move to lane so I could make a left turn. Sitting at the red light and I can only turn left because street deadends, a cop pulls up behind me. I knew something was about to happen, light turns green and he pulls me over. I'm thinking what did I do? So I pull over cop comes up to car (not tb a chevy impala we used to have) I show him my license etc. he says he pulled me over for not signaling a left hand turn I'm like okay I'm guilty of that. Then I remember he didnt even have his on ( I know some cops feel they cant do whatever they want) but I wasnt mad about that, it was the fact he ordered me out of the car and I'M LIKE WTF? By now I'm pissed because I did nothing to prevoke this. They cuff me put me in the back of the squad car and start searching my car pulling out everything. They come back to the car with $900 in hand and ask me what I was doing around there and why I had that amount of money in my center console. I told them some was to get some parts for my car and some towards some bills. By now I'm heated because they were trying to say I was somebody I'm far from( drug dealer whatever). I say why am I in cuffs and getting harassed. Cop says they were doing their job lmao. I said you must not be doing a good job because you pull me over for not signaling but then put me in cuffs and case through my car as if I'm some drugdealer :mad:. They threatened to take me to jail aww mann that was a terrible ordeal. I have the upmost repsect for any and all forms of law enforcement but when it comes to being profiled that just erks me. My om told me I should've kept my mouth shut but she wasn't the one in cuffs for no reason, but moms are always right.........most of the time :undecided: It's crazy I can laugh about it now but this method of enforcement I don't approve of. By the way I was happy when we got rid of that car as much as I liked it was like a magnet to getting pulled over being just stock with no tint lmao


Nov 21, 2011
Cops can be :lipsrsealed: Okay so check this one being a GOOD person and a GOOD friend to assholes i knew and do not care for anymore. One night I was studying (my usual night) and I got a text asking how much will it take to get me to pick them up from the bar late night (me being under 21 leaves me at a DD lol) and at first im like no. then i felt bad and im like ok ill do. Time comes and I got there, park next to a charger and some kids come out arguing and im like ehh whatever its nothing, got worst and this kid goes to the kids car and hits his hood and im like okay this is going somewhere so i turned the car on pulled back and parked somewhere else and this kid that hits the hood goes and opens the door and starts hitting the other one and a HUGE fight breaks out. So cops come and cuff the two kids and best part is coming. first off only one kid comes and that B**** that texted me didn't want to because she was going with someone else and the other two didn't either. I wasn't happy I made a trip for only one but im like screw her she will get it from me tomorrow at work. Best part is more cops are there now and I go to back out and leave and then a cop comes nailing my rear window and im like crap really...hes like do you realize there are people behind you (im thinking no shit thats why I am going slow and I had plenty of room to back up and keep goin) so I am like yes but I did stop when some of them go too slow to me and he's like what are you doing. I told him that I am picking up a friend to take him home. He asked if I had anything to drink and im like no sir I am driving a friend home and he starts to laugh (im thinking like f*** you why you laughing at me lol) and is like so your a DD for your friend. Im like yes? (as if I didn't say that like i dont know a few times) and hes like so you want to leave? haha umm yes that would be nice so lets me back out and getting harassed for no reason!:mad: and last time I help anyone out by picking them up


Jan 25, 2012
I have had quite a few interesting experiences, here are a couple for now.

This one happened about 6 years ago, I was driving home from work talking to my GF on the phone (before the laws), when I get lit up by a cruiser. I get off the phone and pull over, officer comes to the window and I didnt look to see who it was or anything I was waiting for the I got you doing ** in a **. However I get sir I pulled you over for sucking **** while driving. I turned and looked with a WTF look to see one of my high school friends standing there. He didnt need to call dispatch cause he only flashed the lights. It was a good prank.

Now for a serious one, I was driving over to meet up with my girl to go out on a date, I had just left my house after getting off work and taking a shower etc. Well after I take a turn onto a different road I get pulled over. This one was not as nice. Officer comes up to me and says I had a tail light out (not really the blinker relay went bad the day prior). I explain this to him and he says ok, ok. Well do have anything illegal in the car ( I had a bag of Fireworks, illegal at the time yes). I reply back with I do not know sir. I drive a few guys to work and what they do on their free time is none of my business, and if they leave anything it is not mine. He says You need to answer more clearly sir. I explained again at which point he says, what are you wearing. I think ok wtf, I am like uh clothes, he says no the cologne. I told him what kind and he ased why was I wearing it, uh I am going on a date with my girl and I like to smell good.

He then says, sir do you smoke in this vehicle, I said no but the guys I drive to work do. He backs up from the car puts one hand on his gun and is now standing in the middle of the street, sir are you saying that people smoke weed in your car. I said No cigarettes sir. He comes back, hands me my license and registration and says have a good night as if the entire incident never happened.


Dec 16, 2011
Back in the day, I got pulled over a couple times by a WA state patrol officer just so he could have me say hi to my grandfather for him..... Well... that and I was doing 73 in a 55.


Dec 8, 2011
2nd year driving I lost my license for racing... citations read:hissyfit: 1. "driving at speeds greater than which is reasonable", 2. reckless driving, 3. careless driving
4. "exceeding speeds greater than double the speed limit on an interstate highway". (Q: whats the difference between 1 and 4 ?...A: $350.75) yep...f:lipsrsealed:cked.
I had to pay fees for all five police cars (including a silver srt charger interceptor) that showed up, got 6 points on my license, temporarily lost my license and fined $850.75. It wasnt even my car (a friend of mine wanted me to drive his older subaru sti that night) so I explained the whole situation/why I raced, then I had to get picked up.

lesson learned? a radar detector :yes: just kidding Save it for the Track! (Luckily I reduced my points and $ by organizing track days/meets to get racers off streets)


Dec 4, 2011
I drive, how shall I say....Sprited :smile: I am fast and somewhat aggressive. 2 stories stand out for me:

1) When I had my 1990 cavalier - Was pulled over coming home from girlfriend's (now wife's) house. 72 in a 55. Now my cavalier was a 1990 Z24 with blue lights ALL over it for the fire company. Cop came up (older guy, probably late 50's or early 60's). I thought, "oh boy, here we go!" Went through the whole thing then he asks me, "Where's the fire?" I laughed out loud. Lickily he said it as a joke and laughed too. Handed me my info back and told me to slow it down if there were not a fire I was going to..

2) My friend had a Dodge Stealth Twin Turbo. The end. No, really, he was selling it, and I live on a high traffic road, so it was for sale in front of my house. I asked him if I could drive it (i LOVE to drive cars with manual transmissions). "Sure, no problem!". Well, I had no idea how fast that car would go so quickly. Was in the car no longer than 4 minutes, made a turn, then catch in the rear view mirror a State Trooper come around the same turn, lights and sirens going, and SLIDE INTO THE OTHER LANE!!! Was like from a movie or something. "Uh oh, this is not going to end well" was all I thought.

So again the whole "license and registration, yadda yadda yadda". He goes back to his car (oh, he asked why I was going 92 in a 55). So I am sitting there, waiting, waiting, waiting, then he comes back and asks whose car it is, does the owner know I have the car, blah blah blah. At this time the fire Chief drives by and recognises me. He said, to the cop, "what did he do NOW!" really chief? that is NOT going to help! Then the trooper goes over and talks to the chief for about 5-10 minutes and goes back to his car. He came back to me and said "Why did you not tell me you were in the fire company?" huh? He gave me a ticket for failure to obey a traffic sigm. $140 and no points, but said if he had known I was in the fire company he would have let me go. D'oh!

I deserved that ticket though. Best part of the story is that after the cop left, I go to leave and the damn car won't start! SO I called the chief and he came back and jump started the car for me, LOL

Not too exciting, but I was pretty much crapping a brick on the second one the way the trooper came around that corner, you'd thought I had robbed a bank pr something!



Mar 20, 2012
Oh my, I have had a few run in's for sure.

The first good one, was driving home from Desoto MO to St Louis, about 3 AM. Just pitch black, no other cars on the road. Got my foot to the floor in an automatic 86 Ford Escort. Flying down this road, I suddenly see lights in my rear view mirror, I guess a moment after I passed him. I pulled over, and this cop walks up the side of my car, and doesn't even shine his flash light anywhere in the car except at the dashboard. He didn't even look at me, he just pointed the flashlight at the speedometer. After a few moments of silence (he didn't say anything, just stared at the speedo...) I said what's up officer? He replied "you didn't by any chance notice a mustang, corvet, or maby a chevett pass you doing 118 did you?" I kinda stammered out something I'm quite sure was nonsense, he replied, "why don't you slow down and get out of here."

Another time, I was traveling at an insane speed down this nice little road where the speed limit is 30-35. I'm quite sure I was over 60. I'm coming up to this light that I will be making a left turn at. The light turns yellow, so I downshift and floor it. As my tires are complaining about this intelligent endeavor, I notice the only car sitting at the light is a cop car. I get 100 yards down the road, and have slowed to the speed limit, and look behind me. The cop car is turning around. I just pull over right there, figure I'm likely going to jail as it is, might as well make is as easy on me as I can. The cop car pulls up behind me; and allow me to interject. We have all been there, the cop pulls up, cop get's out all slow like, walks up with hand on his/her gun, looking as much as authority as possible right? Not this time, cop jumps out of her car, runs up to my window, "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU ALMOST FLIPPED YOUR F****** CAR!!!!" It's my aunt... She yells at me for a few more minutes, sends me home. My mother is sitting at the kitchen counter when I get in the door "so, I heard you almost flipped your car today?"

And lastly, some time after those stories occurred, I joined the Navy, and got sent to Maryland. Let me just tell you how much the cops up there just love the military. First time I got pulled over, I was driving my old pickup, an 82 F250. I drove through this parking lot, was checking out the shops, looking around. I had lived in that state for a month. So on old trucks, the gear boxes don't have oil pumps, and it's recommended to select your lowest gear, and get everything spun up every few months to keep oil over everything. I decided. on my way out of the lot, do do just that. Granny gear, 2k RPM's. The transmission made more noise than the engine... Moved 10 feet in a minute. Then I drive out of the lot, and turn onto the road. As soon as I get to the first stop light, a cop car pulls out of the lot, and pulls me over. She goes on and on about how I was drag racing, driving recklessly, bla bla bla. She hands me 7 tickets, and I hand most of them back. Oh she get's all pissy, and I reply about how I am an out of state driver (MO drivers license, MO plates, in state less than a month) so the 750 dollar driving over the wight lines ticket can not be issued, I hand the drag racing tickets back, because unless there is another car, that is just BS, the reckless ticket is also BS, and if she pressed I would be required to hire a lawyer to defend myself, and if I had to go that far, I would make it a point to take her job by the time I left the court room. She dropped everything except for a failure to stop at a stop sign.

I got pulled over 2 times a week in that state, and no it wasn't because I was just as bad a driver as before (turns out I can learn LOL...) That was the only ticket I received ever until a few months ago.


Original poster
Dec 25, 2011
Some great stories!!! Lmfao:rotfl:


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Well. This one isnt me actually getting pulled over, but it was rather odd for me.. I am 17 yo BTW when this happened. Fascinated with Semi trucks, going fast, and the other things that kids 17 yo are (young, dumb, and full of....). At the time I was working for Union Electric as a security guard, and I knew pretty much know all of the cops in the area.

There are 3 of us lined up at a 2 lane wide stop light, on Hwy 367, Spanish Lake, MO. I am sitting behind a old Chevy Nova.. No idea the year or anything. Sitting next to him was a 86ish Chrylser Lebaron Convertable Turbo. I am driving a 83 Lincoln Continental, 5.0. Light turns green, The Nova does a nice bark with his tires, the Vert just accelerates off the best it could, and I am sitting at the stop light waiting for my tires to stop smoking, and to start actually moving..

Finally my Lincoln takes off, and as long as you keep the skinny pedal in the carpet, she actually runs out really well. I pass the Vert. I could hear the knocking of the Vert as I passed by him, I remember thinking why would anyone even bother with one of those. I swing into the other lane, and pass the Nova, I remember looking down at the digital speedo, and its at 83 mph, and I could hear the engine in the nova doing everything it could, but it just didnt have anymore to give.

So I just stayed in it. Hwy 367 at this point is a straight stretch of highway. Well, as I said, I knew the cops in the area, and I had a CB in my Lincoln. All of a sudden a voice comes over the CB, says my name, and says that if he see's me again any time that night, I was getting a ticket for 137 in a 55, and going to jail..

I called in sick the next day at work.. Not going to risk it, I had no idea which cop it was, or what time he got off.. I just knew that I didnt want to find out.

Man I miss that car. Was by far the most comfortable, best driving, least problems, car I ever owned. All these Lincolns are, a 4 door Ford Mustang..

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Dec 5, 2011
I still have yet to get pulled over but this is probally the closest yet.

My friend had come over for the day then we were going to go to his house after 7pm. I was driving the TB(this was before I bought it) and my friend in his sunfire behind me. We were doing anywhere from 60mph to 70mph, mind you that the speed limit is 55mph. So we are driving along and we pass 2 county cars on the way there. About 5 minutes apart. They never slowed or anything so we kept going. When I had to leave and head home I was doing 70.... and passed a county car...... so I looked at my brother and we both are like shoot he gunna flip. So we continue on for about 3 minutes then we see head lights quite aways behind us. So I turn down a back road and I floored it. I did 80 till I got over the hill and then slowed it down to 60. So we lost him right... wrong just 10 minutes later headlights again I'm like great here we go again. So I pick it up doing 70 till we get behind this truck that was doing 50-55....... Thankfully where I had to turn was like 500yards infront of the truck. So we turn anda again I floored it till I got over the hill and slowed it down again. Never saw the headlights after that. Once we got back on he main road I was doing 50-55. To this day My brother and I don't know if it was the County or not. We can only assume that it was.

Best of all my dad is a State Trooper, Imagine that me getting stoped for Running from the police....... I'd be in the doghouse and I'd lose my license for months lol.


Feb 3, 2012
For information if any of you are to get pulled over again, YOU DO NOT have to allow a cop to search your vehicle. You can tell them if they would like to search your vehicle and think they have probable cause, they can get a warrant. I have had a close relative who is an attorney tell me this.

I also have been in a situation where a cop waned to search my vehicle, I wasn't pulled over in fact I was parked in a mall parking lot, had just pulled in with my best friend to do x-mas shopping. He WATCHED me pull in, but wanted to accuse me of theft that happened 30 minutes before I got there. It was in Novi MI.

I told him he didn't have permission to search my vehicle as he watched me pull into the parking lot, and i said if he thought he had probable cause to search my vehicle I'm sure a judge wouldn't have any issues with giving him a search warrant, and that I would wait in the parking lot(even gave him my license willingly so I couldnt drive off).

He released me and my friend. Not sure if they ever caught their thief or not, but I really didn't care either. I have never stolen anything in my life and was super offended. Anytime a cop asks me if he can search my car, I tell him in a nice way(to get the warrant) to go to hell :smile:

If they have to arrest me or take me to the station to wait on the search warrant go for it....if they are going to waste my time I will gladly waste theirs.


Feb 3, 2012
Also, here in Iowa anyways....not sure about other states, but may lead to a good argument at some point lol

If you speed pass a cop make sure you get completely out of sight. Once out of sight slow down. They cannot legally(here in IA) pull you over for speeding if they lose sight of you. If they lose sight of you and still proceed with pulling you over, but do so after you slow down, they have no rights to give you a ticket.

I was told this by both my hubby and a cop friend that used to visit a club I worked in.

Thankfully I have only been pulled over 2 times here in Iowa. The one where the cop had his gun drawn, and for my window tint in my Toyota Camry. I got out of that one though, it was pretty easy lol

Told the cop the car was my ex husbands and I got it in my divorce, and had no clue the window tint was illegal. I even showed him papers. I told him the car came from Texas and I assume the legal limit in Texas is different than Iowa, and the same with most states as I had never been pulled over for my windows. He did the window tester thing and said the fronts were 15% which was bull because I had the receipt at home that said the tint was 30% front and 5% back. He was a state trooper...their buttholes here but the local cops really don't care. I have a cop that lives across the street from me, and his trucks(Personal vehicle) have tint that is also illegal. Okay I'm done blabbering now, had to much coffee :eek:


Dec 12, 2011
I may crash the site if I list all my infractions but the 2nd one I received was in a neighborhood. My buddy the ticket-magnet was with me...I was mainly pulled over whenver he was with me, he never got pulled to date but back to the story. We were in my 78 T/A and I was pulling out onto the main road which was a 25 MPH zone, straightened out and ran it up through first, barked the snot out of 2nd and he looked at me and said....."You didn't see that cop sitting there?"

I told him that would have been nice to know right after I flat-footed it.

40 in a 25

Cop said..."your buddy saw me"

Cable810 said:
Best of all my dad is a State Trooper, Imagine that me getting stoped for Running from the police....... I'd be in the doghouse and I'd lose my license for months lol.

I was somehow gifted with the ability to be in the wrong place to do dumb least when I was growing up. I can wallpaper my living room with moving violations but in this day and age if you run from the popo and get away you are extremely lucky. Best advice is let this be a lesson learned. You can easily destroy your life with a felony and one day I just "woke up" and knock on wood....haven't been pulled for anything at least "I knew" I was doing wrong.

I look back and mischeif ran through my veins so I can easily put myself in your shoes, just heightened awareness for when my kids finally get the keys. I wish I can go back and do things different so take my advice......slow down, save gas, be aware of what's around you and stay alive. I know I sound like some miserable old fart but in my current still somewhat young age....I wish I could have had this talk with myself 20 years ago, you only have one chance to do it right. :thumbsup:

Ever go to Myrtle Beach...through Horry County? There's 2 right there......each time I think they cut me a break with 74 in a 55.:badday:


Mar 27, 2012
on my xj6,(1990 Jaguar, I6, 4.0L), got clocked at 100 on 60mph zone, cop was sitting on the side of the rd, as soon as I saw the lights I pulled over, the cop rush so hard after me, he missed that I was already sitting on the side of the rd and had to backup. He asked me where I was going in such rush, I said no where. so I why were you speeding at 100mph? I reply, well it was a nice sunny afternoon, and I felt like opening her up, cops goes in a very southern accent, son u can't be doin rat around hea" , I repplied, I appreciate your warning officer and I promise not to do it again. cops reply at 100mph I have to give a ticket, with a smile I said no you don't your warning is more than enough. he gave me a ticket cost me $188. good thing he did not catch me at my true speed..


Dec 12, 2011
I was pulled over by a paddy-wagon once. :blinkhuh:

Was actually obeying the posted limit of a paltry 35... and had what appeared to be an ambulance pull up close behind me. I figured they were in a hurry so I upped the ante slightly since I knew the road widened about a mile up, they caught back up so I gave myself some more gap....prob only doing 45 at this point.

Then the lights came on.....I thought...there on a call so with nowhere to pull over I sped up again and that really must of pissed them off....ha.

I finally pulled over and they stopped behind me. Keep in mind this was before the wicked-bright blue lights and these were red and blue flashing incandescent grill lights. I was surprised to see the cop actually and I told him straight up I thought he was an ambulance, and he was riding my tail so I was trying to get out of the way.

He was cool about it and let me go.


Dec 6, 2011
Was taking the kids to school over a nice twisty segment of road. Just going through the curves at my usual speed, maybe 5 over and all of a sudden a cop lights up behind me.

Turn my signal on but there was no where to pull off for a quarter mile. So when the road finally opens up I pull over trying to stop before the intersection and leave room for the cop.

Well he zips around me and turns at the intersection. Don't know what he was rushing to. Since it was a neighborhood it could have easily been a medical emergency.


Jan 15, 2012
Voymom said:
Also, here in Iowa anyways....not sure about other states, but may lead to a good argument at some point lol

If you speed pass a cop make sure you get completely out of sight. Once out of sight slow down. They cannot legally(here in IA) pull you over for speeding if they lose sight of you. If they lose sight of you and still proceed with pulling you over, but do so after you slow down, they have no rights to give you a ticket.

I was told this by both my hubby and a cop friend that used to visit a club I worked in.

Thankfully I have only been pulled over 2 times here in Iowa. The one where the cop had his gun drawn, and for my window tint in my Toyota Camry. I got out of that one though, it was pretty easy lol

Told the cop the car was my ex husbands and I got it in my divorce, and had no clue the window tint was illegal. I even showed him papers. I told him the car came from Texas and I assume the legal limit in Texas is different than Iowa, and the same with most states as I had never been pulled over for my windows. He did the window tester thing and said the fronts were 15% which was bull because I had the receipt at home that said the tint was 30% front and 5% back. He was a state trooper...their buttholes here but the local cops really don't care. I have a cop that lives across the street from me, and his trucks(Personal vehicle) have tint that is also illegal. Okay I'm done blabbering now, had to much coffee :eek:

Voymom,Now I know why you have chosen to be a "stay at home mom" ....being out in the masses is just too risky :hissyfit:


Feb 3, 2012
northcreek said:
Voymom,Now I know why you have chosen to be a "stay at home mom" ....being out in the masses is just too risky :hissyfit:

Well it's not really a choice of mine, I would rather work as I have a degree just wasting away. But these days it is cheaper to stay at home than to work, as I would be busting my balls just to pay for someone to babysit. But that's going to change once my surgeon releases me for work on the 4th. I'll be able to hopefully work the same days as hubby except he will have day shift and I will have nights, so one of us will always be with the babies.


Nov 21, 2011
Wow that good the cops let you go if your out of sight, here in MI they will call for back up and on the interstates they have coppers in the air lol so many people get caught for speeding from those things as I was told


Feb 3, 2012
ItsOnVoy said:
Wow that good the cops let you go if your out of sight, here in MI they will call for back up and on the interstates they have coppers in the air lol so many people get caught for speeding from those things as I was told

Yeah we have the air traps too, but the reason why it works that way here in Iowa is because by the time the cop catches up to you your in a different district, and by the time they radio that district that your on your way, your usually in the town after that lol

It's a small place in Iowa, the towns hold maybe 5k max some towns are literally only a mile long x a mile wide.....Doing over 100mph...they have no chance unless they use a helicopter.


Sep 2, 2012
gmcman said:
I may crash the site if I list all my infractions

If I actually got tickets for all mine, Greenpeace would probably be picketing me for the paper usage.

I have a few, some background would prob help...

I grew up in Northern Alberta. At that time you could get your learners permit at 14, and get a full licence, no restrictions, at 16. The day I turned 16 I got my licence and went looking for a car. Looked at a '67 Chevelle, dad was with me and convinced me it was prob a little too much car for me as my first one. In retrospect he was definitely right, cuz I know what kinda shit I got into with the '76 Vega I ended up with.

To get a lower insurance rate, CAA offered a driving course and if you passed you got the discount. I did this while I was still 15 in anticipation of getting a car. The instructor was an older lady, but not the uptight type, pretty cool in fact. And she was obviously comfortable with me, cuz after a few weeks I casually enquired about the top speed of the little Chevette we were driving - she said "Let's see" and let me get out on the highway towards the Suncor plant. I kept the pedal full down until a cop sitting on a side road gave chase. I pull over, CAA student driver dome on the top of the car, and the standard question to produce licence. I had to refer the reg/insurance questions to the instructor. He hauls HER off to his car, grills her for a while and let's us go. I'm sure she got in shit for letting students drive like that, but no hit to my record. :thumbsup:

Couple months after getting my licence, I had taken my mom's station wagon to school one morning, cuz the Vega didn't fit all the people that I was planning on taking to Mcdonald's for lunch. Mcdonald's was up the hill in Area 6, directly across from the RCMP headquarters. So we go for lunch, it had snowed, as we pull in the enrtry way to the parking lot the ass end of the wagon loses traction, we end up turned 90 degrees facing the cop shop. No big deal, we go in, eat, joke around. When we leave, as I pull out this cop pulls me over, says he watched me DO DONUTS TWICE in the parking lot, and had WAITED for me to pull me over. Says he could SEE us laughing in the restaurant as if it was all some big joke (no shit Sherlock, the ONLY thing we could be laughing about MUST be the non-existent donuts we didn't do). Ended up with my first ticket for stunting within a couple months of getting my licence, was too scared to dispute the bullshit the cop spewed for fear my mom would believe the cop story over mine (and all the other people who knew the truth). Can't recall the fine, pretty sure I was nailed for 6 points on a 15 point system.

Ft Mcmurray back then was a pretty transient town of about 10000 people, a lot of them were trades people living in the camps near the two big oilsands extraction plants, and as a result it was pretty much a party town. I was an animal back then, as were the guys I hung out with. Not too many nights where we didn't close down the Pier7 bar at 3am, head off to the local Indian guy who sold offsales beer illegally out of his trailer on our way to some party or another. Ft Mac is pretty spread out with a section of town down in the river valley with later developments (back then, they still didn't have names, everyone just called them Area 1, Area 2 etc.) up in the various hills surrounding the valley.

So one night I had left the strip joint with a pitcher of beer heading for a party in Area 1. I had gotten there late, more or less just stopped in to find out where the parties were, and wasn't drunk yet - didn't feel like leaving a full pitcher behind. So the cops had their fave spot at the top of that hill for stopping vehicles for RideCheck programs. I get to the top, see a bunch of cop cars with lights flashing, no way out. Pretty much resigned myself to the $180 fine for having open liquor in the car (uhh don't ask how I already knew that fine....some friends told me hehehehhe). So I decided to get cocky and flirt with the female officer, invited her to the party. Was totally straight with her, never tried to hide it at all. She let me go, WITH THE BEER! :wootwoot:

Another night, we had gone to the drive-in. We ALWAYS had a pile of beer to drink at a little off-road spot near the airport before the movie, and usually a bottle of CC for during. At the end of this night, my one friend who was the crazy (he had previously been the first to fall off during a car surfing attempt, and had also climbed a hotel to steal the Canadian flag) decides he's going to climb the drive-in screen and steal the red domes off the warning lights for the local air traffic. Me and my other buddy stayed on the ground vandalizing the speaker posts, knocking the covers off and taking the lights out. By the time he's gotten the domes and climbed back down, me and the other guy had pretty much cleared the entire drive-in of any speaker post lights - they all got tossed in the car.

So we head in to town, planning on stopping by a cute babe's place in Area 2 (which oddly is across the road from Area 6 where the cop shop is). There's a perimiter road around the entire outer part of this Area, and for the most part it's a big hill, down one half up the other. We get to the bottom, no sign of life at the girl's house, we drive on, stopping to do some donuts in the Vega in some loose sand on the side of one road. Get back to the top of the hill, two cruisers sitting there waiting for us like sitting ducks start flashing their lights. Buddy in front passenger seat cracks the door open as we pull to a stop and tosses our bottles under the car. Cops separate us, friends in one vehicle, me in the other. They start the inquisition which we somehow got thru I guess because the last question was seeking an explanation for all the lights and red domes. Because it was the truth, the answer that popped into their heads was the same as dad is an electrician at the plant. Dunno how we got off, we were def drunk. Cops leave, we grab the beer from under the car, I get in and start it, get my foot a little too heavy into the throttle before dropping the stick into Drive. BAM. All the gears explode in the differential - we walk the 10 or so miles home.

A couple years later, the main road in the valley was being widened to 4 lanes. The new section was still being built up with fill, and was about 2 feet lower than the existing section. I was driving my dad's '71 Ford 3/4 ton camper special. Had the same two guys as above with me (see the theme emerging yet? It's THEIR fault). As we come across the bridge over the Athabasca river from Area 5 (now known as Thickwood Heights) I see this new road under development, and I decide to play Dukes of Hazzard - they didn't know that though. We take the jump doing about 50mph, and I only scared the shit outta them a bit more than I scared myself. When we realize we're alive the elation sets in and we start laffing and hollering. But then I realize there's no way to get back on the real road...gotta keep going. At the next intersection, a cop heading the other way sees us, and damn near causes an accident crossing lanes to pull up to the shoulder on our side. I jump out hollering about how some asshole at the last intersection cut me off and forced me off the road. Guys in the truck confirm the story cuz they heard what I was yelling when I jumped out, but when I hear the cop ask them what color the car was, I KNOW we're fucked because by the time I'd told the cop the color of the imaginary car, I was well out of earshot. They say "Grey" and I had to hold myself from laughing out loud cuz the nailed it by sheer random chance. Cop says to drive another mile to get to a ramp to get back on main road, he takes off in a flurry of tire dust in the other direction looking for a grey car....go get 'im Dudley Do Right!

Many MANY more....lost my licence on points TWICE before I was 18...


Nov 21, 2011
Fire06 said:
O to be young with no responsibilities again!!!:wootwoot::wootwoot:

Well what is "young" lol I am young and I have a crap ton of responsibilities on a day to day.


Jun 17, 2012
When I was 18 I had a Chevy Beretta, Was a little late going to work and so I was doing 68 in a 35. As I came around a corner there was a truck that had a load of hay that I almost ate the trailer of, I see a state police car pass by me, See the car turn around and I knew I was Done, Criminal speeding here I come. So I keep going ( the speed limit at this time) and I get to a very busy main road. I stop at the stop sign, cop behind me. Turn onto the main road cop follows and then I see the lights.. I stop and the lady cop comes up to my window and the first question out of her mouth is "Do you have any marijuana in the car?" And thats were I went from being scared to being a smartass little puke to her. I told her no and she asked to check my ash tray, I gave her the ash tray and she didnt find anything in there.

Her next question was "Do you know how fast you were going?" I told her no, (like I was going to tell her that I was going 68 in a 35 Put the cuffs on me now please!) She replies "Well you were going too fast around that corner weren't you?" I told her yeah. She asks for license registration and insurance, I reply "oh you need my insurance card too?" I give her all the info and she goes to her car for about 10 minutes and comes back hands me my stuff and says "Your getting a verbal warning because i didn't get your speed on radar!" So I went to work a little aggravated. I was only about a half hour late but my boss didn't care.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
ItsOnVoy said:
Well what is "young" lol I am young and I have a crap ton of responsibilities on a day to day.
Got a mortgage on a house that's now underwater, wife starting a business with no current income, life insurance to keep up to cover her and the mortgage if you get hit by a meteorite, a couple of million dollar late projects to manage at work, young kids to raise and save for college, retirement funds that got decimated in the downturn due to poor asset allocation, looming health issues for you and the wife, and health insurance with a $5000 deductible you have to start meeting every January all over again? Except for the young kids, that's me. Trade you for your crap ton.... :wink: :biggrin:

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