gmcman said:
I may crash the site if I list all my infractions
If I actually got tickets for all mine, Greenpeace would probably be picketing me for the paper usage.
I have a few, some background would prob help...
I grew up in Northern Alberta. At that time you could get your learners permit at 14, and get a full licence, no restrictions, at 16. The day I turned 16 I got my licence and went looking for a car. Looked at a '67 Chevelle, dad was with me and convinced me it was prob a little too much car for me as my first one. In retrospect he was definitely right, cuz I know what kinda shit I got into with the '76 Vega I ended up with.
To get a lower insurance rate, CAA offered a driving course and if you passed you got the discount. I did this while I was still 15 in anticipation of getting a car. The instructor was an older lady, but not the uptight type, pretty cool in fact. And she was obviously comfortable with me, cuz after a few weeks I casually enquired about the top speed of the little Chevette we were driving - she said "Let's see" and let me get out on the highway towards the Suncor plant. I kept the pedal full down until a cop sitting on a side road gave chase. I pull over, CAA student driver dome on the top of the car, and the standard question to produce licence. I had to refer the reg/insurance questions to the instructor. He hauls HER off to his car, grills her for a while and let's us go. I'm sure she got in shit for letting students drive like that, but no hit to my record.
Couple months after getting my licence, I had taken my mom's station wagon to school one morning, cuz the Vega didn't fit all the people that I was planning on taking to Mcdonald's for lunch. Mcdonald's was up the hill in Area 6, directly across from the RCMP headquarters. So we go for lunch, it had snowed, as we pull in the enrtry way to the parking lot the ass end of the wagon loses traction, we end up turned 90 degrees facing the cop shop. No big deal, we go in, eat, joke around. When we leave, as I pull out this cop pulls me over, says he watched me DO DONUTS
TWICE in the parking lot, and had WAITED for me to pull me over. Says he could SEE us laughing in the restaurant as if it was all some big joke (no shit Sherlock, the ONLY thing we could be laughing about MUST be the non-existent donuts we didn't do). Ended up with my first ticket for stunting within a couple months of getting my licence, was too scared to dispute the bullshit the cop spewed for fear my mom would believe the cop story over mine (and all the other people who knew the truth). Can't recall the fine, pretty sure I was nailed for 6 points on a 15 point system.
Ft Mcmurray back then was a pretty transient town of about 10000 people, a lot of them were trades people living in the camps near the two big oilsands extraction plants, and as a result it was pretty much a party town. I was an animal back then, as were the guys I hung out with. Not too many nights where we didn't close down the Pier7 bar at 3am, head off to the local Indian guy who sold offsales beer illegally out of his trailer on our way to some party or another. Ft Mac is pretty spread out with a section of town down in the river valley with later developments (back then, they still didn't have names, everyone just called them Area 1, Area 2 etc.) up in the various hills surrounding the valley.
So one night I had left the strip joint with a pitcher of beer heading for a party in Area 1. I had gotten there late, more or less just stopped in to find out where the parties were, and wasn't drunk yet - didn't feel like leaving a full pitcher behind. So the cops had their fave spot at the top of that hill for stopping vehicles for RideCheck programs. I get to the top, see a bunch of cop cars with lights flashing, no way out. Pretty much resigned myself to the $180 fine for having open liquor in the car (uhh don't ask how I already knew that fine....some friends told me hehehehhe). So I decided to get cocky and flirt with the female officer, invited her to the party. Was totally straight with her, never tried to hide it at all. She let me go, WITH THE BEER! :wootwoot:
Another night, we had gone to the drive-in. We ALWAYS had a pile of beer to drink at a little off-road spot near the airport before the movie, and usually a bottle of CC for during. At the end of this night, my one friend who was the crazy (he had previously been the first to fall off during a car surfing attempt, and had also climbed a hotel to steal the Canadian flag) decides he's going to climb the drive-in screen and steal the red domes off the warning lights for the local air traffic. Me and my other buddy stayed on the ground vandalizing the speaker posts, knocking the covers off and taking the lights out. By the time he's gotten the domes and climbed back down, me and the other guy had pretty much cleared the entire drive-in of any speaker post lights - they all got tossed in the car.
So we head in to town, planning on stopping by a cute babe's place in Area 2 (which oddly is across the road from Area 6 where the cop shop is). There's a perimiter road around the entire outer part of this Area, and for the most part it's a big hill, down one half up the other. We get to the bottom, no sign of life at the girl's house, we drive on, stopping to do some donuts in the Vega in some loose sand on the side of one road. Get back to the top of the hill, two cruisers sitting there waiting for us like sitting ducks start flashing their lights. Buddy in front passenger seat cracks the door open as we pull to a stop and tosses our bottles under the car. Cops separate us, friends in one vehicle, me in the other. They start the inquisition which we somehow got thru I guess because the last question was seeking an explanation for all the lights and red domes. Because it was the truth, the answer that popped into their heads was the same as dad is an electrician at the plant. Dunno how we got off, we were def drunk. Cops leave, we grab the beer from under the car, I get in and start it, get my foot a little too heavy into the throttle before dropping the stick into Drive. BAM. All the gears explode in the differential - we walk the 10 or so miles home.
A couple years later, the main road in the valley was being widened to 4 lanes. The new section was still being built up with fill, and was about 2 feet lower than the existing section. I was driving my dad's '71 Ford 3/4 ton camper special. Had the same two guys as above with me (see the theme emerging yet? It's THEIR fault). As we come across the bridge over the Athabasca river from Area 5 (now known as Thickwood Heights) I see this new road under development, and I decide to play Dukes of Hazzard - they didn't know that though. We take the jump doing about 50mph, and I only scared the shit outta them a bit more than I scared myself. When we realize we're alive the elation sets in and we start laffing and hollering. But then I realize there's no way to get back on the real road...gotta keep going. At the next intersection, a cop heading the other way sees us, and damn near causes an accident crossing lanes to pull up to the shoulder on our side. I jump out hollering about how some asshole at the last intersection cut me off and forced me off the road. Guys in the truck confirm the story cuz they heard what I was yelling when I jumped out, but when I hear the cop ask them what color the car was, I KNOW we're fucked because by the time I'd told the cop the color of the imaginary car, I was well out of earshot. They say "Grey" and I had to hold myself from laughing out loud cuz the nailed it by sheer random chance. Cop says to drive another mile to get to a ramp to get back on main road, he takes off in a flurry of tire dust in the other direction looking for a grey car....go get 'im Dudley Do Right!
Many MANY more....lost my licence on points TWICE before I was 18...