- Nov 21, 2011
- 193
I had my Cat Conv. go bad on my 06 Pontiac G6 w/ 117k miles on it. I called ANCHOR Buick/GMC (used to be pontiac) in Elkton MD, and told me they could replace it up to 120k miles. I was shocked they would cover it especially since my Extended GM warranty expired @ 75k miles. So i get a call from the shop manager that the 02 sensor that mounts in the exhaust manifold was damaged and needed to order a replacement for tomorrow. I almost lucked out, thought i had one at home but it was the downflow sensor instead. So now looks like ill be $200 out the door, still not bad since the CAT is about $400-500, plus the sensor that broke and that's not installed. I'm clueless why GM would make the Cat Conv and exhaust manifold as 1 unit. Still feel like the stealership is pulling one on me, but 200 for a new cat assembly, sensor and install guess i cant complain.