fan clutch replacement questions


Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
well i have a jet under my hood and im looking into replacing my fan clutch and was wondering which way to go

i dont really have 3-400 for e fan conversions and a new fan clutch is 200 at the zone

i can get a new one on ebay for 100 but was thinking about...

changing to a 08 envoy thermal clutch but then il be staring at yellow lights for a while

if i do change to a thermal fan would it do any harm to drive with those lights on for a while until i can get a tune like 3 to 4 months??


Dec 5, 2011
Tofer76 said:
would it do any harm to drive with those lights on for a while until i can get a tune like 3 to 4 months??

Here's what Kelly at PCMforless told me when I asked him about efans for my '05 Envoy:

"Since the 05 PCMs aren't able to control the efan, the only thing we do tuning-wise in that situation is disable the codes for the fan. The only downside to that is if you did the tune w/ the efan patch and waited to install the actual efan, if your fan failed in the mean time it would not trip a check engine light for it. That's not really a big deal as long as they don't usually fail often, but it is something to be aware of if you were planning on running it like that long term."

I'd imagine its the same for your '03 with a thermal fan, but instead you'd throw codes until you had them disabled.


Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
well that would be if i did the tune first but im doing the opposite fan first then tune when i can


Dec 5, 2011
Tofer76 said:
well that would be if i did the tune first but im doing the opposite fan first then tune when i can

Sorry, my mistake


Nov 20, 2011
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I believe the only problem would be if a different code was set.

With the light already on, you wouldn't know about a new CEL.


Dec 3, 2011
Ive heard good things about the Dorman fan clutch on rockauto for ~$120.

I dont have the jet engine yet, however Im on my original fan clutch (2002 with 149,000 miles) and its starting to tick very loudly - it just started doing that this year. I also noticed that when I accelerate, when I get around 3000 RPMS, the fan starts to get loud like a jet but quiets right down after that. I noticed a little play in the fan clutch itself (I replaced the water pump earlier this year). Im sure the fan clutch is about spent....No CEL's yet.

Ive been lucky. The only time my fan gets loud like a jet is when Im stuck in traffic or let it idle for a long time. But the fan will quiet right down. My temp gauge always stays at ~190-200'ish.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
To the contrary, I have not heard too many good things about the Dorman. You get what you pay for. It's apparently made in Korea and has a high failure rate. Haven't heard anything bad from the major brands and Hayden seems to be the most popular.

You could go with the '08 clutch, live with the CEL and just check for new codes once in a while until you get a tune and have it turned off then. Black tape works to hide it :smile: .


Dec 3, 2011
Mooseman said:
To the contrary, I have not heard too many good things about the Dorman. You get what you pay for. It's apparently made in Korea and has a high failure rate. Haven't heard anything bad from the major brands and Hayden seems to be the most popular.

You could go with the '08 clutch, live with the CEL and just check for new codes once in a while until you get a tune and have it turned off then. Black tape works to hide it :smile: .

Sorry, I was going off a thread I had bookmarked from the OS about the dorman. Looking at the thread now, it is a year old so maybe the quality changed.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
I have not had any problems with the Dorman that I have installed.


Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
Mooseman said:
You could go with the '08 clutch, live with the CEL and just check for new codes once in a while until you get a tune and have it turned off then. Black tape works to hide it :smile: .

i was thinking of this but will it hurt anything ?? i have a code reader so i can check on occasion but i was wondering if it will send the truck into some safe mode or affect the way it drives

i like the idea of the thermal as im sure it would be more reliable and trouble free but then again i have 143,000 and a new regular one could possibly last me the rest of the time i have the truck

and at the same price (about 200) at orielly or auto zone and half that on ebay its a tossup

i would like to get a tune but dont know when i will be able to


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
djthumper said:
I have not had any problems with the Dorman that I have installed.

How long have you had it in? Just wondering.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Tofer76 said:
i was thinking of this but will it hurt anything ?? i have a code reader so i can check on occasion but i was wondering if it will send the truck into some safe mode or affect the way it drives

i like the idea of the thermal as im sure it would be more reliable and trouble free but then again i have 143,000 and a new regular one could possibly last me the rest of the time i have the truck

and at the same price (about 200) at orielly or auto zone and half that on ebay its a tossup

i would like to get a tune but dont know when i will be able to

The codes for fan clutch errors won't affect anything. They're just to tell you that it's not working properly. In this case it won't matter because you would have a thermal clutch independent of the PCM. Someone else did this swap and it was straightforward. Just need to eventually get the tune to turn off the fan errors (and also get better performance from the tune itself :thumbsup:).

RockAuto has the Hayden 2008 thermal for $90. Even the ACDelco is just $130 if you want to go that route.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Mooseman said:
How long have you had it in? Just wondering.

Since January. Then I had to pull it back out because my A/C clutch bearing made a lot of noise.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I guess we'll have our first long term reliability review :biggrin: . Maybe the ones I read about could have been early models based on the first design.


Dec 3, 2011
I dont know... Im reading reviews as recent as October 2011 on the old site (I googled "Dorman fan clutch GMC Envoy and the only results were from that were good. Actually I havent read any bad reviews on it yet. Maybe you were thinking of a different brand :confused: Even Roadie gave it the seal of


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Nothing long term though except for djthumper here. I did find the post in the fan 101 thread that it is possibly a first design copy but nothing for sure. But still, makes you wonder why should we go with the electro-viscous fan when GM went back to the thermal in 2008? It was a failed experiment.


Dec 3, 2011
Mooseman said:
Nothing long term though except for djthumper here. I did find the post in the fan 101 thread that it is possibly a first design copy but nothing for sure. But still, makes you wonder why should we go with the electro-viscous fan when GM went back to the thermal in 2008? It was a failed experiment.

Agree on going with the thermal. I wonder though, how many backyard DIY mechanics (vs enthusiasts) are going to be willing to send their PCM out to have the DTC's tuned out.

I wonder if we'll hear from more Dorman fan clutch users... good or bad.


Dec 4, 2011
I'm in the 'jet fan' situation now and throwing a code for excessive fan speed.

Debating on whether to just replace the fan clutch with the Dorman, or go with the 08 clutch and PCMforLess tune.

At least with the tune, I'd get a bit more fun and a clutch that I'll never have to worry about again.


Dec 7, 2011
djthumper said:
Since January. Then I had to pull it back out because my A/C clutch bearing made a lot of noise.
LOL! I've done the exact thing as funny...not really:mad:. I did ours the beginning of September (4mos) using a Dorman from AA and the a/c bearing a week ago...


Dec 4, 2011
groundshock said:
I'm in the 'jet fan' situation now and throwing a code for excessive fan speed.

Debating on whether to just replace the fan clutch with the Dorman, or go with the 08 clutch and PCMforLess tune.

At least with the tune, I'd get a bit more fun and a clutch that I'll never have to worry about again.

Personally if mine ever goes bad (150k and counting, not sure if it has ever been replaced but I think the PO had the computer updates for it done), I'm probably going to go e-fans. To help the e-fans out I might just put a bigger radiator in too if there is one available.

I really wish I knew what the stock fan CFM rating was at full speed, and what percentage of that speed the fan runs at for various engine temps.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
groundshock said:
I'm in the 'jet fan' situation now and throwing a code for excessive fan speed.

Debating on whether to just replace the fan clutch with the Dorman, or go with the 08 clutch and PCMforLess tune.

At least with the tune, I'd get a bit more fun and a clutch that I'll never have to worry about again.

Between those two options, I would go with the 08 and tune. I already have the tune and fan codes have been turned off. My fan has been dying for some time with a failing bearing and I will be going with efans. Just need to set aside the time to do it.


Dec 4, 2011
My problem is I'm one of those "while I'm doing it, I might as well..." kind of guys.

If I'm going to do the tune, then I should really go with e-fans. If I go with e-fans, then I might as well get a bigger radiator. If I go with the bigger radiator, then I should probably do an aux trans cooler as well. And since I'll have to drain the trans fluid, maybe I should put in the servo then too.

Etc etc etc.

25 dollar job turns into a 500 dollar job. Have to learn to draw the line.

That said, e-fans were the best mod I made to both the S-10's I used to have, and the S-Blazer. Huge improvement in response, drivability, and mpg.

What to do? :crazy:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Hahaha! We must be related. I had efans in my '00 Jimmy and I always install aux tranny coolers. I don't think there are any larger rads available unless a custom fab and from what I read, most have no overheating issues except when off-roading, extreme conditions or towing very heavy loads. I won't be upgrading my rad.

The servo can be done anytime :cool:


Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
groundshock said:
I'm in the 'jet fan' situation now and throwing a code for excessive fan speed.

Debating on whether to just replace the fan clutch with the Dorman, or go with the 08 clutch and PCMforLess tune.

At least with the tune, I'd get a bit more fun and a clutch that I'll never have to worry about again.

thats pretty much my thoughts too and i think thats the wa to go as it can be done for under 300
fan is 103 at oreilly

but what will the tune run me?? does it vary as i choose options and how do i know what kind of options i really will like??


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
The tune at pcm4less is the same price regardless of what you want. I think it's $149 but usually goes on sale around holidays. Check with marshall@pcm4less. He'll get you set up. I think I saw him around here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
so i wonder how the thermal clutch will last? or is it prone to fail too


Dec 8, 2011
If you replace a bad fan clutch, won't the CEL eventually go off by itself?

-- Dan Meyer :coffee:


Dec 3, 2011
n0kfb said:
If you replace a bad fan clutch, won't the CEL eventually go off by itself?

-- Dan Meyer :coffee:

In theory, yes.


Dec 5, 2011
Tofer76 said:
so i wonder how the thermal clutch will last? or is it prone to fail too

I was considering going to efans. You want to buy my thermal clutch? That would give me incentive to make the transition...


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Tofer76 said:
so i wonder how the thermal clutch will last? or is it prone to fail too

Look at it this way. The fan clutch in my '93 Blazer is original with over 350K Km. The body has fallen apart but the fan still works fine. These have been around since the mid '70's. The electro-viscous clutch debuted in 2002 and they switched back to the thermal in 2008. It was a failed experiment.


Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
Pittdawg said:
I was considering going to efans. You want to buy my thermal clutch? That would give me incentive to make the transition...

well what kind is it? new in box? purchaced from where? warranty?
i can get one from oreilly for 100 w lifetime warr.


Dec 5, 2011
Mooseman said:
These have been around since the mid '70's. The electro-viscous clutch debuted in 2002 and they switched back to the thermal in 2008. It was a failed experiment.

Mooseman said:
Someone else did this swap and it was straightforward.
I believe it was vangasman on the OS that did the swap and a month later had the codes removed. There may have been others, but he's the one I remember.

My plan is to get the tune with codes removed and then do either e-fans or thermal clutch, depending on budget and when I can get my wife to agree to let me carpool with her for a week.



Dec 5, 2011
Tofer76 said:
well what kind is it? new in box? purchaced from where? warranty?
i can get one from oreilly for 100 w lifetime warr.

It was just a thought man as it's my stock clutch fan, thought that was obvious from my post...I'd go with the $100 warrantied one from O-Reilly, didn't realize they were that cheap.


Dec 4, 2011
So, does this leave the 'best choice' as the Hayden 2851?


Nov 20, 2011
Skidder said:
So, does this leave the 'best choice' as the Hayden 2851?

I just did this mod and so far I am happy with it .

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