This approach transcends the typical, inexpensive Blue Tooth and WiFi OBD2 Scan Tools and allows for much more flexible customization of OBD2 and Can-Bus use cases because it utilizes Open Source Code:

GitHub - meatpiHQ/wican-fw
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WiCAN ESP32-based open-source OBD2/OBD-II Vehicle (car or truck) CAN Bus Diagnostics to WIFi/BLE/USB adapter for Home Assistant integration?
I think that this ESP32-based OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) open-source hardware CAN-bus adapter for reading and controlling vehicle bus of cars or trucks via their ECU (electronic control unit) + a open-source wican firmware combination in this crowdfunding/crowdsourceing campaign on Crowd Supply...

Suggest engage the Home Assistant community to encurage an integration for WiCAN-OBD2 over WiFi/BLE and other CAN Bus OBD-II/OBD2 adapters · Issue #3 · meatpiHQ/wican-fw
Not exactly an issue, however, I would like to suggest and recommend that you try to engage with the Home Assistant community to encourage a Home Automation "integration" (also referred to as "inte...

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