I should have said: It makes no distinguishable difference in the real world compared to human reaction time and other mechanical factors.
To put it in perspective, human reaction time to a visual trigger is around 200mS. The throttle body butterfly valve motor is rate-limited, and I haven't done the math on that, but I bet there's another 100 mS. And the biggest delay is in the fuel getting from the injectors through the intake manifold and valves into the combustion chambers. The fastest that could happen is one rev of the crankshaft, or 100 mS. Then you need a compression cycle and spark plug ignition - another 100mS at 600 RPM idle. Then the power has to flow through the transmission and torque converter - filled with slushy fluid. Thinking about the entire chain of events in the hundreds of milliseconds, folks who think motor mounts that resist engine rotation would do better to optimize other parts of the process.
I was going to say 1.4 mS is nothing to sneeze at, but sneezing can take 300-500 mS.
You could make a (relatively) huger difference by using EFILive or HPTuners to change your idle RPM to 900. That could improve your launch time by 50-100 mS assuming you're at idle at a stop light and not revving up with the brakes on. At significant cost in fuel economy, etc. For some reason I don't hear of people tuning their PCMs to do this. (Maybe nobody thought of it?)