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All you do is sign on to EBates .com, pick a store and buy whatever you were going to buy anyway. They keep track of your purchase and send you a check, IIRC, every three months.
I've had no problems, but if there's something bad about it, I'd like to hear it. My biggest problem is remembering to go to EBates first.
Even Ebay, Groupon, Auto Zone, Advance Auto and Amazon are include.
It's free to sign up. And, to be up front, if you use this link, I get a referral bonus : Coupons, Promo Codes and Cash Back Savings -
All you do is sign on to EBates .com, pick a store and buy whatever you were going to buy anyway. They keep track of your purchase and send you a check, IIRC, every three months.
I've had no problems, but if there's something bad about it, I'd like to hear it. My biggest problem is remembering to go to EBates first.
Even Ebay, Groupon, Auto Zone, Advance Auto and Amazon are include.
It's free to sign up. And, to be up front, if you use this link, I get a referral bonus : Coupons, Promo Codes and Cash Back Savings -