CPAS question and Oil Filter question


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
I'm trying to find where my CPAS is located. I looked on the OS and google for my specific truck and i'm getting mixed images. I took a peek and couldn't see anything remotely close to what I seen in other images. I would like to check to make sure it is not hard would it be to pull it out and give it a good cleaning? Can I use the same throttle body cleaner I used on the throttle body? How do I clean it?

Also, Mat(My hubby) picked up enough mobile 1 syn to change the oil twice to help flush the crap out(Engine Restore) he bought a Fram tough guard filter for the first initial oil change and I picked up a K&N oil filter this morning for the final oil change. I have not used a K&N in the truck as this will be the 1st oil change in it, OReilly's gave me the filter, but the K&N filter is HUGE compared to the fram one my husband bought after work this morning. I double checked with OReilley's and they are pretty adamant that they gave me the correct filter, but i'm just not to sure. Are the K&N's supposed to be bigger? I can take a picture if need be.

Also my Haynes book does not tell me where my CPAS is fact there is nothing in the book explaining where it is or how to change it.

Also wanted to mention that I do believe they have dino oil in the truck, DIC says oil life is around 40% but the oil is awfully black and nasty, looks like the truck is just thousands of miles over due for a change when looking at the oil. Is there anyway to determine if it's full syn/half syn or dino oil in it now?

Thanks in advance


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
Me007gold said:
According to K&N's web site Part ss/hp-2006 the filter for the 4.2

I got the K&N Performance Gold HP-2006

It is MASSIVE compared to the fram lol I'm tempted to take a picture for reference for others.



Dec 5, 2011
I believe it's on the pass side behind the radiator hose near the top of the engine. Has an elect connection on the end and about an inch in diameter.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
navigator said:
it is over by the PS pump.
Here is a thread with a write up.
I would have posted the pictures here but figure that would not be right.
If you are able, do us a favor and do a write up on this site as you go through it for folks in the future.

How to: Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Cleaning - Chevy TrailBlazer, TrailBlazer SS and GMC Envoy Forum

Thanks!! I will definitely post a write up. I'm waiting for my husband to wake up to help me get the belt off, I can't risk opening a surgical wound from leaning over the hood. But from what I can see it's freaking nasty. I hope a good cleaning and an oil change/partial flush will help things out. I really don't feel like having to replace the whole CPAS....


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
Is this the CPAS? It looks like it, but it's a question of how to remove it now. The link given to me on how to take it out shows the CPAS in a different place.




NVM i'm slightly retarded today lol It is the CPAS... duh!


Jan 16, 2012
Call me cheap, but I wouldn't waste perfectly good Mobil 1 on an engine flush. Good old dino oil is perfectly fine for this purpose, and a shot of Sea Foam if you really want to add some cleansing power....


Dec 8, 2011
in your first pic there is a nut 10mm just to the left remove that and pull out


Dec 3, 2011
I think you have to remove or at least loosen the PS pump to get it out.

the camshaft position sensor can also cause some of the issues you are having. If you clean the CPAS and that doesn't fix it I would look at a Camshaft position sensor.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
Okay boys and girls....We did a flush with mobile 1 full syn with a fram tough guard oil filter. Let him run to cycle the oil through. We had him going about 20 min. When getting on the throttle to rev up a bit 2000rpm he stalled once. Let him sit about 15 minutes then did the final oil change and cleaned the hell out of my CPAS. Once everything was done we started him up....He purrs like a kitten!!! And on top of it all no SES light anymore(Didn't reset it) and I drove him down to OReilly's and he isn't throwing the p1345-p0014 codes anymore either.

He has a slight rev issue in idle/park but i'm leaving it alone for now, see if the oil change will help it in a few days. But he is so quiet I had to open my door to listen for the engine running as I though he stalled out again lol.

It wasn't as much of a PITA as I thought it was, in fact pretty damn simple. I will most definitely put together a nice write up with pictures later on tonight.

I wanted to add that for our final oil change we used mobile 1 full syn and a K&N oil filter hp-2006

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