

Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
Just curious if anyone has heard of this product, or has had any experience with it. I saw it showcased on an automotive show, and was intrigued by it. But, I want to be cautious at the same time. Thanks in advance.

CataClean Americas, LLC - Canada


Dec 6, 2011
A peek at the MSDS shows: Acetone, Isopropanol, Xylene and Petroleum distillates. In other words, simply a run-of-the-mill "fuel system cleaner." It doesn't even contain the active ingredient PEA that gives products like Techron, GM top fuel system cleaner, Redline SI-1, BG44K and Gummout All In One with Regane their cleaning properties.

It certainly implies that it "cleans out" cat converters, and that cat converters can get plugged by carbon. This is completely false, and there is NO product that can "clean out" a bad cat converter. They cannot possibly get plugged by carbon as they are designed to operate at a very high temperature precisely so they can burn off deposits.

The other issue I have with this product besides the lack of PEA (which is virtually the only ingredient that actually does cleaning of fuel systems) is their test reports. They include some of the actual receipts with the test results, showing the CO CO2 and HC levels. There are a lot of those printed slips that show the RPMs too. You will notice that the RPMs read 0. This means they are reading the emissions with the engine off. Of course the readings will drop; the engine is OFF!!!!

I am not saying they are faking their tests but this company seems to specialize in misleading advertising (implying one can "clean out" a cat converter) and internet forum marketing.

There are other products of this ilk that will very temporarily clean deposits off sensors and combustion chamber deposits. Nothing can clean a cat converter but one can sometimes temporarily clean enough deposits upstream that they may pass emissions.

The problem with this is two-fold. One, it is only a temporary fix and if people drive for a week with a flashing CEL and never read their manual, they will toast their cat and no snake oil is going to help them.

The second problem I have with this is the attitude about only needing to pass emission tests for one day and not caring about poisoning our children the next day.

When it comes to oil products and gas additives, I immediately turn to - Bob is the Oil Guy as the only forum I trust on those things.

If I needed a product to pass emissions, I would first change the oil, top up all fluids and run on the highway for a bit to get the cat to burn off deposits. Then I would use CRC Guaranteed to Pass because it does contain a certain amount of PEA.


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
Thanks for the feedback. I was skeptical at first as I was positive that you could not clean out a cat. Just FYI, I am not trying to skirt an e-test by using this product. My truck has always passed with flying colours as I do regular maintenance and look after my truck. I was merely intrigued by the concept and wanted to get some feedback from other members before dishing out $24 for the bottle. I think my money is better spent on a Seafoam treatment to try and help clean out unwanted gunk :thumbsup:


Dec 6, 2011
Seafoam only if you need it, a bottle of good fuel system cleaner with PEA at every oil change, and using top tier fuel is about all one would ever need.

In Canada, we can't always get Techron (which is Chevron's trade name for PEA) or Chevron top tier fuel, but BG44K is available at many garages, and Gummout All In One with Regane (it MUST have Regane to contain PEA) is available at Canadian Tire.

As for top tier fuel, Shell and Petro Canada have it; Esso doesn't.


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
Thanks for the heads up about the Gummout at Crappy Tire. I usually use Lucas fuel injector cleaner, about 2-3 times a year, whenever I am making a long highway trip. I'll take a look for Gummout (with Regane) today after work. Heading South in about 6 weeks, so I can run it then. :smile:


Dec 6, 2011
A little off topic but last year the Envoy was just not running as smooth as it uses to. Put a bottle of Gumout with Regane in and its been fine since.

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