Belt tensioner frozen???


Original poster
Jan 22, 2012
Ok guys I have done searches both here and OS and I can't seem to find anything.

First it started with a constant squeak from somewhere up front. I replaced my belt a few months ago and had no problems whatsoever with removal or noise until now. Trying to isolate the squeak I decided that I would remove the belt and spin and check each pully. Sounds easy enough, right? Well I am stuck on removing the belt. I have replaced the belt 2 or 3 times over the years I have owned the TB with just a simple ratchet. This time however I can not get the tensioner to budge. It seems like it is frozen in place so I can't release the tension to get the belt off. I have noticed that when the engine is running it bounces up and down which I know it shouldn't do.

So, obviously I should replace the assy, right? And since I can't get the belt off the normal way would it be alright to just un-bolt it as is or will that release too much tension since the belt is still on it???

Thanks guys!!


Jun 17, 2012
TrailblazerLT said:
Ok guys I have done searches both here and OS and I can't seem to find anything.

First it started with a constant squeak from somewhere up front. I replaced my belt a few months ago and had no problems whatsoever with removal or noise until now. Trying to isolate the squeak I decided that I would remove the belt and spin and check each pully. Sounds easy enough, right? Well I am stuck on removing the belt. I have replaced the belt 2 or 3 times over the years I have owned the TB with just a simple ratchet. This time however I can not get the tensioner to budge. It seems like it is frozen in place so I can't release the tension to get the belt off. I have noticed that when the engine is running it bounces up and down which I know it shouldn't do.

So, obviously I should replace the assy, right? And since I can't get the belt off the normal way would it be alright to just un-bolt it as is or will that release too much tension since the belt is still on it???

Thanks guys!!

I had that problem with a tensioner before right up until it snapped... Maybe try removing something that will allow you to move the part on the bolt to relieve some of the tension on the belt so you don't run the risk of stripping the bolt hole on the tensioner by a sudden release as the bolt comes out... Know what I mean?


Nov 20, 2011
The flat side of the belt should be on the top of the main drive pulley (on the crank), try sliding it to the front and off.


Jun 17, 2012
RayVoy said:
The flat side of the belt should be on the top of the main drive pulley (on the crank), try sliding it to the front and off.

The pulley on mine is wider toward the front, you'd never get it off that way, plus it is ribbed... Water pump pulley would be more like it, flat and not ribbed.


Original poster
Jan 22, 2012
RayVoy said:
The flat side of the belt should be on the top of the main drive pulley (on the crank), try sliding it to the front and off.

McGMT said:
The pulley on mine is wider toward the front, you'd never get it off that way, plus it is ribbed... Water pump pulley would be more like it, flat and not ribbed.

Cool thanks guys I will order a new one and check it out. Is there a specific brand or type I should be looking at? I know with the idler pullys it matters which one you get...


Aug 26, 2012
TrailblazerLT said:
Cool thanks guys I will order a new one and check it out. Is there a specific brand or type I should be looking at? I know with the idler pullys it matters which one you get...

you might also order a belt, that way you could cut the old one off if you have trouble slipping it off the pulley. (might be hard to cut but I bet I have a sawzall blade which would do the trick)


Dec 5, 2011
meerschm said:
you might also order a belt, that way you could cut the old one off if you have trouble slipping it off the pulley. (might be hard to cut but I bet I have a sawzall blade which would do the trick)

They can be cut with a good pair of scissors.


Aug 26, 2012
Hypnotoad said:
They can be cut with a good pair of scissors.

that is good, the thought of me with a sawzall under the hood is kind of scary.


Nov 18, 2011
If it's as loose as you say, it should slide off of the water pump pulley or idler pulley with a little prybar action.


Original poster
Jan 22, 2012
I still have to order the part but I was waiting to see what people had for opinions on brand?? Then I can try out different ways to get the belt off.


Jul 24, 2012
When I was struggling to get the new belt on after the T-stat, I looped a big zip tie around the belt, and that helped me get leverage from a different angle.


Aug 26, 2012
Rock Auto has a fine assortment.

I would go with the AC Delco, but it looks like they have a couple options, one is OEM, one has plastic pulley.

a few cheaper. how long did the original one last?

how long do you plan to use the new tensioner?



Original poster
Jan 22, 2012
meerschm said:
Rock Auto has a fine assortment.

I would go with the AC Delco, but it looks like they have a couple options, one is OEM, one has plastic pulley.

a few cheaper. how long did the original one last?

how long do you plan to use the new tensioner?


I did end up getting an ac delco one from amazon. The weird part is the description said steel pulley and all that but had the part number for the plastic one. If it is plastic I am going to return it.

The original tensioner has about 114000 miles on it but I do plan on keeping my tb for a while so it has to last...


Aug 26, 2012
TrailblazerLT said:
I did end up getting an ac delco one from amazon. The weird part is the description said steel pulley and all that but had the part number for the plastic one. If it is plastic I am going to return it.

The original tensioner has about 114000 miles on it but I do plan on keeping my tb for a while so it has to last...

It is not obvious to me that the plastic one would be worse off, I do not think it is the actual pulley that broke, more like the spring, which should be the same for either plastic or metal pulley.


Original poster
Jan 22, 2012
meerschm said:
It is not obvious to me that the plastic one would be worse off, I do not think it is the actual pulley that broke, more like the spring, which should be the same for either plastic or metal pulley.

Thanks for the input I will check it out when it gets here and go from there. :smile:


Dec 4, 2011
I prefer the metal pulley because 1) metal is more durable, the belt won't wear into the pulley like I've seen some plastic pulleys do and 2) the plastic ones are ugly :tongue:


Original poster
Jan 22, 2012
Sparky said:
I prefer the metal pulley because 1) metal is more durable, the belt won't wear into the pulley like I've seen some plastic pulleys do and 2) the plastic ones are ugly :tongue:

Well the tensioner just got here and when I opened the box I was surprised to find it was a metal pulley. So I guess I lucked out with amazon this time. Hopefully I will get around to changing everything on Thursday and my problems will be solved.. Thanks for the help and I will keep everyone updated!


Original poster
Jan 22, 2012
So after cleaning up the engine from a leaky cpas and replacing the cpas, as well as replacing the belt tensioner and the the idler pulley the tb runs just great. I also found out that the squeak I was hearing was actually coming from the alternator but it has since quieted down anyway. Even though the specific problem was not the parts I replaced it is a nice piece of mind especially when my tb has just about 115000 miles on her. Althought the difference between the new tensioner and the old one are night and day! So hopefully I wont have to worry about anything else for a while, at least until winter comes and goes... Now I have to save my pennies because my now fiance and I have a wedding to plan! :smile:

Thanks for all the helps guys!!


Aug 26, 2012
TrailblazerLT said:
So after cleaning up the engine from a leaky cpas and replacing the cpas, as well as replacing the belt tensioner and the the idler pulley the tb runs just great. I also found out that the squeak I was hearing was actually coming from the alternator but it has since quieted down anyway. Even though the specific problem was not the parts I replaced it is a nice piece of mind especially when my tb has just about 115000 miles on her. Althought the difference between the new tensioner and the old one are night and day! So hopefully I wont have to worry about anything else for a while, at least until winter comes and goes... Now I have to save my pennies because my now fiance and I have a wedding to plan! :smile:

Thanks for all the helps guys!!

congrats on the success with the tb and on your engagement!

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