Metal Really IS Money...
Many years ago.... Every time my son would hit me up for a $20.00 Bill... I would say to him, "Son HAVE money lying around all over the place! And now that I mention it, perhaps we should stop throwing it out with the damned trash all the time and see if we can accumulate some of it..." He gave me that practiced, teenagers puzzled smirk that was a mixture of curiosity and fake outrage and asked, "What... Am I going to have to DO something... like rake leaves..or...?" And I stopped him right there. I said "Scotty...I know how much you like the T-1000 (Poly-Morphic-Hemi-metal) AI Robot in "The Terminator"... and its cool to see...but we have an Equivalent Metal all around us, that when aggregated and melted later... is worth
REAL CASH. If you know where to look, even right now here inside the house... if you are not too lazy to earn it...
The Real Money is right here.. in the form of
I explained to him that Aluminum does not have as high a return-on-the-dollar, such as Copper or Brass does, but. because it is SO ubiquitous (
abundant and largely ignored and available everywhere) in America, there is a lot of the stuff laying around that can be collected, crushed and taken no farther than about a mile and half from our home and turned over at the local junk yard for
Cold Cash." Well, I sent him on his first Scrap Aluminum Scavenge Hunt that ended up gleaning him around
$40.00 for a weekend's work at collecting Aluminum cans, Chipotle Tops, Cat Food Cans (NOT 9-Lives... those are strictly rust inhibitor-coated mild steel) and so forth, even down to those thin but pure aluminum covers they have on Apple Sauce Cups... because the only thing that matters is the WEIGHT and not the useful form it was cast and pressed into before being used and thrown away. Hell... I even got him to clean his room around the Computer Desk! LOL
I proved my point easily, because since I neither drink nor smoke... but one of my few and only remaining vices in life... is that I drink a lot of Diet Coke. And so THAT, if nothing else would be a constant and reliable source of a cash stream that he could augment with collecting his OWN Mountain Dews, Red Bulls, Chipotle lids and anything else like Aluminum Pie pans, etc. And so, we have been doing this ever since. These images show my own collection from just over a two week period... you can see that this brief amount of time, these "cast-offs" fill two Large Plastic Bags equaling 84 Gallons in volume and.... has a decent heft, too
So.... Why Throw Away Good Money...?
When I took him to the Junk Yard and he got his M$ney in hand, he leaned into the Glass Window at the Check Out Office and after thanking the Owner, he said:
"I'LL BE BAAAACK..." (Thanks for that GREAT LINE, Ahhhhnold)