Anyone get the Galaxy Nexus yet?


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
I'm due for my 2 year upgrade with Verizon wireless now and I've had my eye on the Galaxy Nexus. I've used iphone, and all different types of android phones (Moto droid, droid x, HTC thunderbolt, etc). My wife has the Nexus S on another carrier and she really likes it. So I'm up on the air between the GN and the HTC rezound. Any thoughts?


Dec 19, 2011
Queens, NY
I've been eyeing it but I am not due for an upgrade until March, regardless it will be my choice of phone.

All I need to say is Ice Cream Sandwich. You won't find another phone running ICS until the middle of 2012 and all those will be skinned. I've played with the AT&T version of the Galaxy S2 and honestly I fell in love with it.

Can't wait til March.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Yeah the ics is awesome. I also like the fact that its all Google at the core and the "my Verizon" app is the only crapware they have pre-installed. My old lady's nexus s just got the ice cream sandwich update and its out of this world. Only thing holding me back is the size. Feels like an iPad in my hand:sadcry: but I think ill get one anyways.


Dec 19, 2011
Queens, NY
ah that's right, they started rolling out ICS to other galaxy devices.

Coming from a DroidX the size issue is moot. As long as it fits in my pocket.


Nov 21, 2011
I have the Rezound and loving it, I thought about getting the Nexus but I never had a good track record with Samsung phones and have been pretty happy with HTC, except with there choices of batteries for their phones, they seem to lack in that department, surprisingly the battery in the Rezound, be it not a higher rated battery as other new smartphones out there, but it would last me just about the whole day with moderate use (i.e. surfing the web, texting, games and phone calls). I did buy the extended battery for it whenever I know I'll be at an amusement park with the family or know that I'm going to be away from a charge for a long period of time and plan on using the phone more than usual, like taking plenty of pictures and videos. I do like the bigger and nicer screen of the and Nexus and the design is pretty nice too. I'll just wait for the OTA update to ICS next year.


Dec 4, 2011
TB_n00b said:
I've played with the AT&T version of the Galaxy S2 and honestly I fell in love with it.

Can't wait til March.

:iagree: I purchased ATT's i777 (GS2), rooted it, and installed the latest version of "Unnamed" ROM. Probably the most supportive (from a developer's perspective) phone out there. The chipset is nice and can be overclocked to 1.6ghz. This GS2 will definitely get the carrier upgrade to ICS. Some models will not.


Dec 16, 2011
willn513 said:
the "my Verizon" app is the only crapware they have pre-installed.

This (as well as the physical dimensions of the phone) is the only reason I will never get a GN. Traditionally, the Nexus line has been free of carrier installed bloat. Yes, you can disable/hide the bloat, but it shouldn't be there in the first place. Alternatively you can root and remove the bloat, but that can cause future updates to break.

Side note, did VZW reverse their choice on Google Wallet? Last I heard they were blocking it due to "compatibility issues"...


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
kardain said:
Side note, did VZW reverse their choice on Google Wallet? Last I heard they were blocking it due to "compatibility issues"...

Nope. Still blocked. Not a deal breaker for me, but ridiculous all the same.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Just ordered my Galaxy Nexus... Pulling the proverbial trigger. Should be here tomorrow (Maybe Monday with the Christmas Holiday):biggrin::biggrin:

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