Site Rules

Legal Disclosure

The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts ("Content"). Content submitted express the views of their author only.

You agree to not use tFhe Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.

All Content you submit or upload may be reviewed by staff members. All Content you submit or upload may be sent to third-party verification services (including, but not limited to, spam prevention services). Do not submit any Content that you consider to be private or confidential.

We reserve the rights to remove or modify any Content submitted for any reason without explanation. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We reserve the right to take action against any account with the Service at any time.

You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content.

These terms may be changed at any time without notice.

If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register for or use this website.

Continued use of this site signifies the user's consent to abide by the rules and terms of service as disclosed on this page.

Should a user decide to bring legal action against GMTNation owners or staff, the user agrees to carry the financial burden of any and all legal related fees.

General Forum Rules and Stipulations

  • GMTNation reserves the right to deny any and all services to anyone at anytime for any reason.
  • All activities on and stemming from GMTNation must not violate Federal, State or local Laws. Content posted on GMTNation must not detail/describe or advocate violating any local, State, Federal or International laws.
  • Users participate at their own risk. GMTNation is not responsible for content posted by any user, whether in the forums or private messages.
  • One account per person, no exceptions. Creating a second account to evade a ban or permission restriction will result in all linked accounts being permanently banned.
  • Users agree to refrain from abusive behavior against other members in posts, private messages, or email.
  • Once original material is posted on the site, it becomes the property of GMTNation and/or public domain.
  • Users must be 18 years of age or have permission from their legal guardian to use the site. The site/staff are not responsible for content viewed by minors.
  • GMTNation does not delete user accounts or their content upon member request. Your contributions to this site are the property of this site. Registration to this site is free, new members find and join our community without any invitation. If the site does not appeal to you, you are expected to abandon it and never visit it again instead of insisting for a membership removal.
  • GMTNation will consider username changes requests, but frequent abuse of this privilege will not be tolerated. Once a username change has been made, the user must post a thread advising the community of their old username.
  • By posting on GMTNation you are affirming that you agree to abide by all site rules, policies and etiquette.
  • GMTNation is run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. It is in no way affiliated with General Motors.

Copyright Protected Content

  • Copyright protected content cannot be copied and posted on this site without the express written consent of the author/content owner. This includes logos, articles, blogs, reviews, media, and any licensed content. Content posted on public sharing sites, such as YouTube, would be the exception to this rule.
  • If you post copyright protected content, such as a news article, you may only paste a short excerpt of the article, then provide a link to the full article.
  • Do not copy posts or articles from other forums without a link back to the originating forum unless you are the author of the content.

Transactions: Buy/Sell/Trade

  • The classifieds section is NOT for advertising products or services of a company or person. You must have actual items listed to be in compliance with the rules.
  • All for sale, for trade or wanted posts must go in the appropriate classifieds section. No transactions are permitted in other parts of the site.
  • For Sale threads should include pictures of the items. Pictures should include a piece of paper with the member's user name and date. Exception to this rule would be for numerous items for sale (i.e. in the case of a vehicle part-out) but a few main item pictures should be included.
  • Please read and understand the rules before posting in the classifieds. If you are unclear on what the rules require, contact a Moderator BEFORE posting.
  • Users must not violate any established policies of 3rd parties involved in transactions (ie payment or shipping companies). This includes but is not limited to providing false transaction information in order to avoid fees and duties.
  • GMTNation makes no attempt to verify any aspect of transactions. People who buy, sell or trade on GMTNation do so at their own risk and should exercise due diligence.
  • In accordance with PayPal's User Agreement, you are not allowed to charge buyers for your fees. Do not request that buyers add additional costs to their total to cover fees.
  • For Sale and Wanted Threads older than 30 days will be locked unless bumped/updated by the OP, which will reset the clock.

Forum Etiquette Rules

  • All messages posted within the forums should be in compliance with our site agreement, site principals and forum etiquette rules.
  • A thread/topic can be posted in one forum section only. If a thread is related to more than one forum, it should only be posted to a single forum in which it fits best. Multiple posting (i.e. cross-posting) of the same thread or subject is not allowed.
  • Every thread/topic should be created in the relevant forum section and every post should be posted in the relevant thread. Irrelevant, off-topic posts and threads should not be posted.
    • Users agree to stay on topic and not spam via post, private messages, or email.
    • Welcome only posts, except in the Member Introductions section, are not allowed.
    • The action of multi-posting (posting successively within 10 minutes or so) within the same thread is discouraged. Use the 'Edit" button to add information to your last post. Use the Multi-Quote feature to quote multiple posts. This is to keep threads neat and tidy.
  • Members should refrain from posting messages which can provoke, harass, disturb, agitate or insult other members or minors.
  • Postings relating to religion, politics, race, ethnic groups or gender/sexual orientation are prohibited.
  • Posts which can be considered rude, unfriendly, angered, ill-mannered, inappropriate, uncalled-for, gratuitous, disturbing, disrespectful, unjust by other site members or site administration may be moderated.
  • Posts in the forums are expected to be written in English as it is the default language of our community. Posts should be clear, understandable, correct in grammar where possible. The spell checking feature of the forum software should also be used.
  • Do not use the edit feature to delete your posts. In other words, do not edit the post so much that no one can tell what it was about.
  • With the exception of how-to's and articles, technical posts should be as short, concise and to the point as possible to pass along enough information to address the subject/question without making the post overly long to read. This goes along with staying on-topic and not straying from the original subject at hand.
  • Posts containing profanity, vulgarity, nudity or other inappropriate subjects or wording are not allowed except in the "Anything Goes!" section, which is only accessible to Premium Members. However, all other rules continue to apply even in that section.

General Forum Etiquette

  • Do not TYPE YOUR MESSAGES IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS LIKE THIS. To many people, this is perceived as shouting and is not necessary.
  • When you are creating a new thread, you should provide a detailed subject. You should avoid using short, irrelevant, vague or unclear subjects like "Help me!", "Read this", "Anyone?", "What do you think?" etc.... This will also aide in attracting the proper attention from those that may be able to help you.
  • If a forum thread is closed by the site's staff for any reason, a similar thread should not be started. Likewise, one shouldn't post a thread to query why it is closed, this should be asked to a forum moderator or administrator via private message.
  • Replies and questioning related to warnings, notices, reminders and actions by site administration and moderators, criticism, complaints, discussions of site administration, site rules or the site itself, should be sent via private message to site administration. Such discussions should not be pursued inside the public forums.
  • Formatting of messages with coloring, underlines, bold or italic, centering the text, indenting, using a different font size should be used to emphasize a small section of the post and not be applied to the entire post.
  • Before opening a new forum thread, you should search the forums to make sure that subject has not already been discussed. If it has been, you should add your post to the existing thread and not post a new one.
  • Necroposting (the action of posting in/reviving a long dead/inactive thread) is discouraged unless it is exactly the same subject or an actual update to the thread.
  • If a forum post is against the rules, you should not reply, quote it or discuss it inside the forum. Instead you should click the "! Report" button and notify forum moderators or administrators.
  • If you don't like a member in the forum, you should put that member to your ignore list and never hear from them again. Refrain from following them around the forums and flaming them. If they are bothering/contacting/harassing you, please notify a staff member.
  • Do not PM/email staff or other users directly with tech questions. They should be posted in the appropriate section for more responses and to share solutions with others.
  • Failure to adhere to these simple rules may result in your account being restricted or your membership terminated. Our rules are written with the best interest of the community in mind. Harmful actions and/or content that we deem to be detrimental or inappropriate may be moderated or removed.

And most importantly, if you have any questions or concerns, just ask a Staff Member. We're here to help!

  • Published
    Jan 13, 2021
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