ARACHNOPHOBIA "Alien Vs. Predator" FOR REAL...


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Depending upon your location in the world, you possess a healthy level of The Fear of Insects that seems to be one of the few instincts ingrained into Human Beings that serves the worthwhile purpose of Systemic Danger Avoidance. There are some people who could tolerate having a Tarantula the size of a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder walk up their hand and on their arm as though its Eight Scratchy, Hooked Legs were made of Rose Petals… But I am not NOT one of them. When they feel threatened; worse than actually being bitten by one, is that fact that they will rapidly rub their back and abdomen with their back legs… spewing irritating hairs into the air around them that if they get on your skin or get inhaled cause enormous and long-lasting painful skin and lung irritations. FTN… Not ME!

Conversely… I am not afraid of Domestic Spiders...but in Florida...we have the Dangerous Brown Recluse flavour with the shape and design of a Violin tattooed on its upper back as well as Brown Widow Spiders(...yup… with a Red Hour Glass on its Belly, too and a very dangerous bite as well) And so these are the sorts of spiders that thrive in our region of the USA. But strangely enough, NOT Praying Mantis Insects… which are just about the Sleekest, Neatest Insect Predators going.

When you watch THIS video… you will see one of the most highly evolved and dangerous insect arthropods that ever snatched a Humming Bird right out of the Air….doing a “BTFU” to avoid being killed by a BLACK WIDOW. With a magnificent “Alien”, Zenomorphic Design ...THIS damned thing is generally afraid of nothing! One Winter many years ago… my wife insisted on getting a Christmas Tree that we don’t ordinarily get… but it was pretty nice to look at, symmetrical in shape and it smelled to Die For… You know… “Christmassy” . But later, while decorating it in the house… way up top in its upper branches… I spied what appeared to be a tan coloured sort of “foamy” spongy looking thing.

When it caught my eye, I was curious as to what it was I snapped of the twig it was stuck on and tossed it into a cabinet over my stove to examine later... And so I forgot all about.... After that… many months had passed and then one afternoon, I heard my wife Screaming Bloody Hell in the kitchen yelling… “OH MY GOD! BOB….LOOK AT ALL THESE SPIDERS!… But when I turned the corner, all I could see walking and jumping around and coming out from the inside of that Stove Cabinet… were around 25 or so… Baby Praying Mantis Bugs… many of which had already started to eats their own Brothers and Sisters only moments after hatching out of the what must have been a Protective Liquid Foam Wrapping their Buggy Mom had used to coat and protect them.

Generally...when you look at a can’t tell what IT sees… But the head of the Praying Mantis sits upon an axial stalk that allows it to have three or four different axis of motion; including the ability to almost rotate its head completely around 360 Degrees! So when you look at one of THESE Creatures… it stares right back at you and follows your movements, revealing a Deadly Intellect behind those “Area 51 Alien Eyes”. It cool allright ...buts its CREEPY too because there is real intelligence in the “looks” hidden behind those dark eyes.

Anyhow… there I was ...grabbing handfuls of these cool critters and trying to carry them out the front door and deposit them in the nearby bushes...hither and yon so they might have a chance to live… and eat the bugs in my yard that bug ME. This video will show the essence of everything I could see when those tiny, brown (not green at that age apparently) Cute Praying Mantis babies… that looked right at me… acting just like this Bigger Grown Bad-Ass Version:

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